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Higher Education in My Country Today

Higher Education in My Country Today

If we speak about Higher Education (HE), it will be about SMA, SMK, and all the same level. In the current issue of education in HE, there are many kind of improvement in academic year of 2016-2017. Actually, the educational system in Indonesia still on its adaptation related to the challenge of 21st century and our living in digital era. The era where the technology and the new generation after 2000 are also growing so fast. The distinguish writing would provide some argument related to curriculum based on character building, the elective program for students, literacy as national program, full day school (since the new minister instructs all school level starting from HE), and so many kinds of test. Not only for school and students which are given treatment here, but also the teacher for the ‘guru pembelajar’ program, the changing of regulator to province level, SKP online, and many more. But here I only limit this free-writing on the several things that come to this writing.

The first thing that I would like to state here is character building on curriculum 2013. To be honest, the goals of our new curriculum is positive enough. The demand of this curriculum is focus on the process of how the out-put can be succeeded on the ideal attitude. This is important since the life skill of how we can show our manner, our good speech, our way to connect with other. Those are so important for the next life on society for students.

The second is related to the elective program or in Bahasa means program peminatan. This program is extremely positive event if some people disagree. This program builds the students interest on certain material on the subject. So they can choose on of the elective subject by their own self. As consequence, they should learn in more allotted lesson hours. If on general English as for the example they should learn in 2 Lesson Hours (Jam Pelajaran), in elective they should learn more than 3-4 lesson hours. It means also for the teacher to provide their maximal effort to fulfill the material on this elective program. New challenge means new life, doesn’t it?

The least but not the last, the test for third grader on HE. There are so many kinds of test from last project on art performance and many kinds integrated on practical examination (UPRAK), and then simulation and try out, The last exam of school level (US), school exam of national standardized, until the last computer based of national examination. Suddenly, I think on my mind about my students. Have they prepared many things for taking the problems related to those different tests, different subjects, and different materials. Hopefully, students can be struggle on many tests and they can evaluate themselves on how to improve their quality on testing. So they can face their duties toward future as what they are dreaming now.

I know that my quality of this writing still on poor level. But, I’m trying on it. This time I’m writing to throw my boredom. I will wait for your suggestion as proofreader for this little notes. Thank you for reading. :-)  


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