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Meeting 1, 

arranged by Ms.Nuraeni


When we look for a job, the first communication with the employer might be your application letter. An application letter is very important because it gives a first impression to the employer. You will be judged on your application. Because the competition among other applicants is sometimes tough, you have to make your application letter outstanding. One important thing to remember is that you have to write your application letter concisely because the person reading the letter might be very busy.

In this chapter you are going to learn social function, structure and language features of application letter.

1.      Social function of application letter

It is to make the employer interested and call the writer/applicant for an interview

2.      Structure of application letter

The following is the general structure of application letter:

1 Your address

2 The address of the company you are writing to. Use complete title and address; don't abbreviate.

3 Always make an effort to write directly to the person in charge of hiring.

4 Opening paragraph – Use this paragraph to specify which job you are applying for, or, if you are writing to inquire whether a job position is open, question the availability of an opening.

5 Middle paragraph(s)/body – This section should be used to highlight your work experience which most closely matches the desired job requirements presented in the job opening advertisement. Do not simply restate what is contained in your resume, but give strong reasons why you are suited to

the position.

6 Closing paragraph – Use the closing paragraph to ensure action on the part of the reader. One possibility is to ask for an interview appointment time. Make it easy for the personnel department to contact you by providing your telephone number and email address.

7 Always sign the application letter. ("enclosure" indicates that you are enclosing your resume.)

In application letter, you have to include:















Example of application letter:

January 23, 2020


John Donaldson

100 St Elizabeth

Colorado, DW 12345


George Sebastian

Prosperous Company

25 Saint John Court

Hatfield, CA 08065


Dear Mr. Sebastian,


I am writing to apply for the programmer position advertised in the Times Union.

As requested, I am enclosing a completed job application, my certification, my resume and three references.


The opportunity presented in this listing is very interesting, and I believe that my strong technical experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate for this position. The key strengths that I possess for success in this position include: I have successfully designed, developed, and supported live use applications. I strive for continued excellence, and I provide exceptional contributions to customer service for all customers. With a BS degree in Computer Programming, I have a full understanding of the full life cycle of a software development project. I also have experience in learning and excelling at new technologies as needed.


Please see my resume for additional information on my experience.


I can be reached anytime via email at or my

cell phone, 909-555-5555.


Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you

about this employment opportunity.



Signature (for hard copy letter)


John Donaldson

Answer the following questions based on the above application letter.

1.       Which part indicates the address of the job applicant?

2.       Which part indicates the address of the company the letter is sent to?

3.       Which part indicates the person in charge?

4.       Which part indicates the opening of the letter? What information is provided?

5.       Which part contains any information that matches the position? What specific information is highlighted?

6.       Which paragraph closes the application letter? What information is written in this part?

7.       Where do you put your signature?

Source: English On Target penerbit Erlangga tahun 2015 dan Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas XII penerbit Kemendikbud tahun 2018.

Arranged by: Ms. Nuraeni_SMAN 2 Cianjur


  1. fikri m fauzy
    XII IPS 3

    the differences between ‘surat lamaran bahasa indonesia’ with job application letter is ‘surat lamaran bahasa indonesia’ some people who want to apply for job while job application letter is a document sent with your resume to provide additional information about your skills and experience to an employer, information about why you are the chosen candidate.

  2. assalamu'alaikum
    In my opinion, job application letters in English are made in a more descriptive or narrative format with an emphasis on personal excellence, because more details of the identity are included in the CV. if in Indonesian the job application letter is more about the desire to work and what part do you want to work in.

    yustia reswita sari
    xii ips 3

  3. Kaila Khalisa Kamil
    12 IPS 3

    The difference between job application letter in bahasa indonesia and bahasa inggris is :
    1. date layout
    2. sentence structure.

  4. charisma nurul izmi
    xii ips 3

    The difference between Indonesian and English job application letters is that in the English job application letter there is no introduction word and the order of the structure is slightly different also does not include attachments such as a photocopy of ID card.

  5. The difference between application letter in English and Surat Lamaran Kerja in Indonesia is in English is simpler than Indonesia, the writer just include some personal data, educational background and which position want to to, more additional data/information is in resume that the writer has made.

    12 IPS 3

  6. In my opinion, the difference between application letter in bahasa indonesia and english is
    ● in bahasa indonesia there is the contents of the letter that lists the requirements to fill out by the applicant
    ● in english there are no such attachments but focuses more on personal letters and apply the resume on email and personal contact

    R. Izmy Auliya Kusumah
    12 Social 3

  7. Assalamulaikum wr wb
    Morning miss , In my opinion, a job application letter is a type of official personal letter submitted by a person to a company (agency) to be accepted as an employee in a certain position, job application letters can also be sent via CV or email.

  8. The differences between job application letter in Bahasa Indonesia and English is use a different language. In Indonesia, you always include your CV and application letter itself, while in English you only use one letter, namely the cover letter. It is more effective to use the letter in English because the cover letter is written in your name, your intention to work and a telephone number that can contact.

    Aulia Nuralifha Sya’ban
    12 IPS 3

  9. Assalamualaikum
    Morning miss, In my opinion, a job application letter is a type of official personal letter that a person submits to a company (agency) to be accepted to work as an employee in a certain position, the application letter can be sent via CV or email.

    Name : Hasna FR
    Class : 12 social 3

  10. Lani Putri
    12 IPS 3

    The difference between a job application letter and a job application letter is in the contents of the letter. Then usually a job application letter is attached to the job application file between job vacancies that are currently opened. Meanwhile, application letters can be used when you want to apply at a company that has not opened a vacancy at all. The focus of a cover letter is to identify you, while a job application letter looks to show your interest.

  11. Assalamu'alaikum
    Morning miss, in my opinion. in the Indonesian application letter there are 2 sheets and one of them contains a CV while in the English application letter uses 1 letter. and there are differences in their structure

    Name : Gaitsha Listihawa
    Class: 12 social 3

  12. Assalamualaikum
    Morning Miss,The difference between Indonesian and English job application suras, namely; in Indonesia, if we are going to apply, there will be 2 parts that we will definitely include, namely CV and Job Application Letter itself While abroad, only use 1 letter, namely the Cover Letter

    Name : Yasha Muhti Narwa
    Class : 12 social 3

  13. Assalamualaikum
    Morning miss, in my opinion ,The difference between application letter in English and Surat Lamaran Kerja in Indonesia is in English is simpler than Indonesia, the writer just include some personal data, educational background and which position want to to, more additional data/information is in resume that the writer has made.

    Hazzel Anargya
    XII IPS 3

  14. Name : Anindya Hanisah
    Class : XII Social 3

    The differences between job application letter in Bahasa Indonesia and English are :

    1. Job application letter in Bahasa Indonesia is more detail about ourself, it include the biodata of the applicant.
    Job application letter in English is not include biodata as information of application but it separate at different paragraph.

    2. The application between two are different, in English we write it as paragraph, example : I am enclosing a completed job application, my certification, my resume and three references.
    In Bahasa Indonesia, we write it as point, example :
    a. KTP
    b. CV
    c. KK
    d. Pas foto

  15. Name : Annisa Febriyanti Nirwan
    Class : XII social 3

    In my opinion, there are some differences in job application letters in Indonesian and English. Examples are like:

    1. In the appendix and personal biodata in Indonesian, it is more detailed, clear, detailed, regular and complete. While in English, it is not explained in such detail and complete. Then in writing personal personal data in English, it is not written directly clearly, but scattered.

    2. Judging from the structure of the writing or the form of the letter. In dominant Indonesian, it is written in the form of points. While in English, it is predominantly written in paragraph form.

  16. n my opinion we can see that the function is different, in the Indonesian application letter it functions as a written or official sign of submitting a job application, as a means of communication, and as a material for consideration, while in the English application letter its function is to introduce oneself at the same time confirms why the applicant feels worthy of the position being targeted.

    Ismail Adha Kurniawan
    12 IPS 3

  17. Name: Putri Dhea Marlina
    Class: XII Social 3

    Assalamualaikum miss,
    The difference between a job application letter in Indonesian and English is:
    1. The form of the letter. In the Indonesian application, there are more points. However, in the English application letter the form of the letter is in paragraphs. 2. Differences in layout. In the application, Indonesian is more structured. However, applications in English are more widespread.

  18. The difference between Indonesian and English job application letters is that in the English job application letter there is no introduction word and the order of the structure is slightly,in English is simpler than Indonesian, the author only includes some personal data, educational background and desired position, more data / additional information on the resume that the author has made.

  19. Nazmi Sidqiyah Kurniadi
    XII IPS 3

    In Indonesia, if we're going to apply, then there will be two parts that we will absolutely include, namely, the CV and the job application itself. Whereas abroad, using only one letter, a cover letter. The difference also lies in the layout of the dates and sentence structures.

  20. Nazmi Sidqiyah Kurniadi
    XII IPS 3

    In Indonesia, if we're going to apply, then there will be two parts that we will absolutely include, namely, the CV and the job application itself. Whereas abroad, using only one letter, a cover letter. The difference also lies in the layout of the dates and sentence structures.

  21. The difference between Indonesian and English job application letters is that in the English job application letter there is no introduction word and the order of the structure is slightly,in English is simpler than Indonesian, the author only includes some personal data, educational background and desired position, more data / additional information on the resume that the author has made.

    Ilham Pramadana Putra
    12 IPS 3

  22. Name : Rifa Haenun Alya
    Class : 12 IPA 4

    Morning miss, in my opinion. in the Indonesian application letter there are 2 sheets and one of them contains a CV while in the English application letter uses 1 letter. and there are differences in their structure

    Thank you

  23. Morning miss,
    in my opinion, the difference between Bahasa Indonesia and English job application letter are: 1) in writing an application letter in Bahasa Indonesia, it is usually accompanied by an attachment letter in the form of requirements requested by the company such as a photocopy of KTP, highschool / bachelor's certificate, or other supporting letters such as achievement or experience certificates. because this certificate will shows that you have advantages that other people don't have. 2) Usually, companies in Indonesia require applicants to write letters manually by hand, because through handwriting can describe a personality.

    Name: figo daffa gifari
    Class: XII IPS 3

  24. Assalamu'alaikum mrs,
    in my opinion the difference between a job application letter in Indonesian and English, namely, the date layout, sentence structure, and on a job application letter in English is simpler than in Indonesian.

    12 IPA 4

  25. Name : Nisrina Nurul Hidayati
    Class : XII IPA 4

    Difference between Indonesian language job application letter and English cover letter:
    1. In the Indonesian application letter, personal identity is made in the form of points. Whereas in English application letters, self-identity is made in the form of paragraphs.
    2. In the English job application letter there is no introduction word and the structure is a little simpler than the Indonesian job application letter.

  26. Name : Muthia Mardiyati Salma
    Class : XII IPA 4
    The difference between a job application letter in Indonesian and a job application letter in English is, if in Indonesia it must be Include 2 parts, namely CV and job application letter itself. While abroad, only use 1 letter, namely a cover letter. Jadib is more effective in using English because the cover letter is written in the name, your intention of work and a telephone number that can be contacted.

  27. Name : Muthia Mardiyati Salma
    Class : XII IPA 4
    The difference between a job application letter in Indonesian and a job application letter in English is, if in Indonesia it must be
    Include 2 parts, namely CV and job application letter itself. While abroad, only use 1 letter, namely a cover letter. So it's more effective to use English because the cover letter is written in the name, your intention of working and a telephone number that you can contact.


  28. Assalamualaikum mrs
    The difference between English and Indonesian application letters is that in the English application letter there is no introduction and in the English application letter there is only 1 letter while in the Indonesian application letter there are 2 sheets and one of them contains CV. Apart from that the structure is slightly different

    12 IPA 4

  29. Name: Sri Sulastri
    Class: XII IPA 4

    In my opinion, the difference between Indonesian and English job application letters is that Indonesian job application letters generally have a different structure from the format of an English job application letter (Cover Letter / Application Letter). Meanwhile, English job application letters are generally made in a more descriptive / narrative format with an emphasis on personal excellence, because more identity details are included in the CV.

  30. The difference between the Indonesian and English job applications is that in the Indonesian job application, there are some attachments, which contain a certificate or other and a self-introduction form on the point, but the job application in the english-recognition form is more concise

    putri ayumni
    12 IPA 4

  31. Assalamualaikum
    if in Indonesia, when applying for a job there will be two parts listed, namely a CV and a job application. Whereas abroad, only use a cover letter. The difference also lies in the time of use, verbs, sounds, reading methods, changes in pronouns, and sentence structure

    Deane Dwi Fajriani
    XII IPA 4

  32. Name : Elsa Amaliawati
    Class : 12 Science 4

    In my opinion, the difference between a job application letter in Indonesian and English is that a job application letter in English is simpler than in Indonesia, looking at a resume in Indonesia using the date of birth, educational history and so on. Whereas in English, as in the example, the resume only contains email and cellphone numbers.

  33. The difference between application letter in English and Surat Lamaran Kerja in Indonesia is in English is simpler than Indonesia, the writer just include some personal data, educational background and which position want to to, more additional data or information is in resume that the writer has made then in bahasa indonesia also there is the contents of the letter that lists the requirements to fill out by the applicant.

    Xll science 4

  34. The things that distinguish between a job application letter in Bahasa and in English,is that a job application letter in English much simpler than surat lamaran kerja (Indonesian), English job application letter only using 1 sheet, a cover letter while surat lamaran kerja using 2 sheet that contains a CV. The structure is different as well.

    M. Luthfi Fauzan
    XII IPA 4

  35. The difference between application letter in English and letter in Indonesia is in English is simpler than Indonesia, the writer just include some personal data, educational background and which position want to to, more additional data or information is in resume that the writer has made then in bahasa indonesia also there is the contents of the letter that lists the requirements to fill out by the applicant.

    Xll science 4

  36. Siti Fatimah Isny
    XII IPA 4

    The format of a job application letter in Indonesian generally has a different structure from the format of an English job application letter (Cover Letter / Application Letter). English job application letters are generally made in a more descriptive / narrative format with an emphasis on personal excellence, because more identity details are included in the CV.

  37. In my opinion, the difference between a job application letter in Indonesian and English is that a job application letter in Indonesian is more detailed regarding the applicant's personal data. In English, a job application letter is only in paragraph form, whereas in Indonesian it is in the form of points as in the attached requirements.

    Sri Dewi Maulana
    12 IPA 4

  38. Name: Ferantino Ap
    Class: XII IPA 4

    assalamualaikum, in my opinion, the difference is if the Indonesian application letter contains a description of the application document such as a permit and others, while the English application letter has no information

  39. Name : Humaira Nur Azmi
    Class : 12 IPA 4

    The difference between Indonesian and English job application letters is that in Indonesian it contains a list of requirements that must be filled in by the applicant. In English it focuses on personal letters, there is no introduction and the structure is slightly different.

  40. Name : Inda Dwi Melinda
    Class : XII IPA 4

    In my opinion, the difference between a job application letter in Indonesian and English is in the structure of a job application letter. Job application letters in Indonesian contain a lot of personal data or job applicant identity because they have to attach a CV and job application letter, while job application letters in English inform more about work experience and work intentions and attach email and phone number.

  41. Hello mrs
    In my opinion the difference between a job application letter in bahasa indonesia and english are
    1. The language are different
    2. in Indonesian job letter identity made in points while in english identity made in description or narative
    3. Job letter in english is simple and to the point

    12 ipa 4

  42. Name : Risyda Amalia F
    Class: XII-IPA 4

    The difference between Indonesian and English job applications lies in the time of use, verbs, sounds, reading methods, changes in pronouns and also sentence structure.

  43. The differences between job application letter in Bahasa Indonesia and English can be seen from the letter structure. While job application in indonesia is more emphasis on personal data or identity, application letter in English is more detailed in the information on why are you are qualified for the job you are applying for and also more identifying your most relevant skills or experiences. So, i think job application in English is more descriptive and narrative than job application in bahasa.

    Kirana Rahman (12 IPA 4)

  44. Widia suherman
    12 ips 4
    The differences between a job application letter in Indonesian and English are:
    1. date layout
    2. sentence structure.
    3. language.

  45. M Farrel alghazali
    (12 ips 4)

    The difference between surat lamaran indonesia and English job application letters is that in the English job application letter there is no introduction word and not include attachments such as a photocopy of ID card.

  46. Saidah Ahmad
    XII IPS 4

    The difference between the format of a work application letter in Indonesian and English is that the format of a job application letter in Indonesian generally has a different structure from the format of a cover letter / application letter in English.
    English job application letters are generally made in a more descriptive / narrative format with an emphasis on personal excellence, because more identity details are included in the CV.

  47. Naufal Pradipta
    XII IPA 4

    The difference between a job application letter in Indonesian and English, seen from the different structures of the two, also a job application letter in English is simpler than a job application letter (Bahasa indonesia). the author only includes personal data, background and desired position, more information data is in the resume that the author makes.

  48. Annisa Rahmawati S
    XII-IPS 4

    there is a difference from the part of his identity, in the Indonesian language job application his identity is made in the form of points such as
    etc. But in English one's identity is in the form of a paragraph

  49. Salwa Tsabitah
    12 IPS 4

    The difference between a job application letter in Indonesian and English, in my opinion, is in the language of the letters used, of course, besides that there are also differences in different language structures, for example in personal pronouns, differences in sentence structure, differences in words used in time and so on. Job application letters in Indonesian are usually more complex and slightly complicated compared to English job application letters

  50. Tasya Nurkhalisya S
    12 Social 4

    The differences between job application letter in Bahasa Indonesia and English is use a different language.In my opinion, a letter in English is more effective and shorter because it is a written cover letter in your name, your intention to work and a telephone number to contact. In contrast to Indonesian application letters which are more than that.

  51. Kazia Valentina
    XII Ips 4

    The difference between an Indonesian job application letter and an English application letter.

    Indonesian job application letters are simpler than English job applications because they only include personal data, educational background and more additional data / information in the resume that the author has.

  52. Name: Ghina Nur Farhah
    Class: 12 Social 4

    The differences between application letters in Indonesian and cover letters in English are differences in the use of time, differences in verbs, differences in sentence structure, differences in structure. English cover letters are more about identifying yourself as the sender of the application also generally English application letters are used when sending applications digitally, such as via email. Meanwhile, job application letters focus on showing your interest in a vacancy.

  53. Sarah Siti Aliya
    12 IPS 4

    Cover letter and cover letter are the same. Actually, both can be said as cover letters. Now what introduction? Introduction to your job application. Simply put, you want to send a gift to someone. Isn't it strange if there are no notes that explain what your intention is to give the gift? In fact, someone who receives a gift might even think that it was sent by someone else. Likewise in applying for a job, it's a good idea to include a letter explaining what your intentions are. This is where a cover letter comes into play. For the writing, if the title is a cover letter, it should be written in English. If the title is a job application Indonesian only.

  54. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  55. In my opinion, the difference between Indonesian job application letters contains information on application documents that contain a preface, English job application letters, there is no introduction and the arrangement is slightly different as well.

    Paisal Muhamad Farhan
    XII IPS 4

  56. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  57. Arianti Kusnadi
    12 Social 4
    In My opinion on the difference between an application letter and a "surat lamaran pekerjaan " in Indonesian.
    Application letters : usually identify as job applications and usually senders use digital media, such as gmail, and so on, and also in my opinion are shorter and clearer. '
    Surat lamaran pekerjaan : focuses on asking applicants to a vacancy and there is an applicant's opinion, more structure as well in the layout, and in the 'job application letter' we provide supporting requirements for us to work in that company.

  58. Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu..

    Name: M. Mahdor Al Idrus
    Class: XII. IPS 4

    The question is: what are the differences between job application letter in Bahasa Indonesia and English?

    In my opinion..
    The difference between a cover letter in Indonesia and in the English

    - Cover letter is to identify yourself as the sender of the application. Therefore, cover letters are generally used when sending applications digitally, such as via email.
    - The cover letter must display complete contact information for the person receiving the document, along with a few sentences describing the material and sender name and contact information. And must add a brief explanation of why sending the document.
    - Cover letter can be used when you want to apply for a company that has not opened a job at all.


    - Job application letters focus on showing your interest in a vacancy. Therefore, the letter can write down the arguments that convince the recruiter to hire
    - Job application letters generally consist of three paragraphs
    • introduce yourself and your goals in the first paragraph
    • explanation of qualifications in the second paragraph
    • express interest in the third paragraph.
    - For cover letters, provide as much detail as possible about personal qualifications. As well as include overall goals, previous employment, leadership experience, educational background, specific skills and contact information.
    - Usually, a job application letter is attached to the job application file for a job opening that is currently being opened.

    That's all miss .. sorry if there is a mistake
    Wassalamu'alaikum 🙏


  59. The difference between a job application letter in Indonesian and a job application letter in English is, if in Indonesia it must be Include 2 parts, namely CV and job application letter itself. While abroad, only use 1 letter, namely a cover letter. there are some attachments, which contain a certificate or other and a self-introduction form on the point, but the job application in the english-recognition form is more concise.

    Aria Farish Ranggani
    XII IPS 4

  60. In Indonesia, if we are going to apply, we will definitely include 2 parts, namely the CV and the Job Application Letter itself ... While abroad, only use 1 letter, namely the Cover Letter
    It is more effective to write a letter in English because in the cover latter the name, your meaning of work and a telephone number to contact

  61. Name : Zahra Marlita
    Class : XII SOCIAL 4

    In my opinion there are some differences in job application letters between Indonesian and English as Writing a job application letter in Indonesian is written in a detailed, neat and systematic manner. Then, in the attached matters, it should be written completely, in detail and clearly. Whereas in writing a job application letter in English, it is written in paragraphs and applicants only write down things that are important. Such as asking for a position, work that has been done, and so on. Written in a relevant and straightforward manner so that the recipient of the application can understand and know what the applicant wants.

  62. Name : septiani rahmawati
    Class : 12 ips 4

    In Indonesia, if we are going to apply, we will definitely include 2 parts, namely the CV and the Job Application Letter itself ... While abroad, only use 1 letter, namely the Cover Letter
    It is more effective to write a letter in English because in the cover latter the name, your meaning of work and a telephone number to contact

  63. Hello
    My name is Sity Husnul Khotimah
    I'm from XII Social 4

    actually both Indonesian and English are almost the same. the difference that I can see is, the inclusion of the name of the leader of the workplace is quite common in the English version is quite common. while the Indonesian version of the name of the leader of the workplace is generally not included. other than that in the Indonesian version, the personal data is always in line format, while the English version is generally spelled out in paragraphs. and finally, the English version is more to the point, by writing the desired position at the beginning of the letter. different from the Indonesian version which more often lists the desired position under the biodata.

  64. Assalamualaikum wr wb
    My name is Yuda Firmansyah
    Class Xii ips 4

    if in Indonesia, when applying for a job there will be two parts listed, namely a CV and a job application. Whereas abroad, only use a cover letter. The difference also lies in the time of use, verbs, sounds, reading methods, changes in pronouns, and sentence structure The difference between Indonesian and English job application suras, namely; in Indonesia, if we are going to apply, there will be 2 parts that we will definitely include, namely CV and Job Application Letter itself While abroad, only use 1 letter, namely the Cover Letter
    Thank you miss

  65. In my opinion, job application letters in English are made in a more descriptive or narrative format with an emphasis on personal excellence, because more details of the identity are included in the CV. if in Indonesian the job application letter is more about the desire to work and what part do you want to work in.

    name : moch yahdi gymnastiar fs
    class : XII SOCIAL 4

  66. Name : M Ghasan Arva Azaria
    Class : XII Social 4

    In Indonesian, the subject and object pronouns do not change. For example:

    - He bought a meal at a restaurant.

    - Cacha lent him

    However, it is different from English. In English, pronouns change from subject to object except for the pronoun you. Example:

    - He buys food at the restaurant.

    - Cacha lends him a pencil.

    -We go to school every day.

    -Mother drives us to school.

    Can you see the difference? In the example above, the pronoun "he" (subject) changes to "him" when it becomes an object. Likewise with the pronoun "we" which changes to "us" when it becomes an object pronoun.

  67. Saefullah Yusuf
    XII ips 4

    The difference between a job application letter in Indonesian and a job application letter in English is, if in Indonesia it must be Include 2 parts, namely CV and job application letter itself. While abroad, only use 1 letter, namely a cover letter. Jadib is more effective in using English because the cover letter is written in the name, your intention of work

  68. In my opinion, the difference between a job application letter in Indonesian and a job application letter in English is the letter structure, layout, and description of personal data. In an English job application letter, an explanation of personal data such as education that has been taken, skills, advantages, and personality is explained more descriptively. And also explains more about the skills and potential that you have to get the desired job position. Whereas in a job application letter in Indonesian, it does not explain the skills possessed and the personal data is presented in the form of points rather than in the descriptive form.

    Amelia Syifa Rahayu
    XII Science 4

  69. Ridhotul Jannah

    The format of a job application letter in Indonesian generally has a different structure from the format of an English job application letter (Cover Letter / Application Letter). English job application letters are generally made in a more descriptive / narrative format with an emphasis on personal excellence, because more identity details are included in the CV.
    Thank u Miss.

  70. Noke anda safitri
    In my opinion, job application letters in English are made in a more descriptive or narrative format with an emphasis on personal excellence, because more details of the identity are included in the CV. if in Indonesian the job application letter is more about the desire to work and what part do you want to work in.

  71. M Abdurohman Asayuti
    XII-IPA 3

    The difference between Indonesian and English job application letters

    the format of a job application letter in Indonesian generally has a different structure from the format of a cover letter in English (Cover Letter).

    English job application letters are generally made in a more descriptive / narrative format with an emphasis on personal excellence, because more identity details are included in the CV.

  72. Rismar Amarrulloh
    XII Science 3

    The difference between an application letter and a "surat lamaran pekerjaan " in Indonesian.
    Cover letter: usually identified as a job application and usually the sender uses digital media.
    Job application letter: focuses on asking applicants for a vacancy and there are applicants' opinions, is more structured in layout as well, and in our 'job application letter' we provide supporting requirements for us to work for that company.

  73. The differences are usage time, verb, sound, reading method, changing of pronouns, and sentence structure

  74. Eka Dita
    XII IPA 3

    In my opinion, a letter in English is more effective and shorter because it is a written cover letter in your name, your intention to work and a telephone number to contact. In contrast to Indonesian application letters which are more than that.

  75. m rafi rabbani
    12 ipa 3

    In my opinion, the delivery in Indonesian is easy, but if it is in English the delivery is difficult and other differences are the use of pronouns, the way of writing by reading, helping words, etc.
    thank you

  76. In general, cover letters in Indonesian or English have the same function. What sets it apart is how to explain the important points in the letter (in the cover letter using Indonesian usually by numbering the important points. While in the cover letter using English the important points are explained in paragraphs), the language differences used can also change some things such as; pronouns, sentence arrangements, sounds, and reading.

    Kamila Zahra
    XII IPA 3

    XII IPA 3

    Morning miss, in my opinion the difference between Indonesian and English application letters is
    1. Application letter in Indonesian contains the contents of the letter with the stated requirements that must be filled. Whereas in the English application there is no such attachment, and it is replaced in personal letters and applies regiment to email and personal contacts
    2. In the Indonesian application letter, there are 2 sheets while in English 1 sheet
    3. English application letters are more concise than Indonesian application letters

  78. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  79. Kanabilah Dahiyah
    XII IPA 3

    In my opinion, the difference between a cover letter in English and a letter in Indonesian is that a cover letter in English is simpler than in Indonesian. The author of the cover letter in English only includes some personal data, educational background and which position they want. however, in the Indonesian application letter there is more additional data or information in the attachments that the author has provided. Then, in Indonesian there is also the contents of the letter which states the requirements that must be filled in by the applicant.

    In short, the English basaha application letter is written in simpler terms. however, the Indonesian application letter is more detailed and detailed.

  80. Raenaia Kesya Maharani
    XII IPA 3

    The difference between Indonesian and English application letters is in the part of self-identity, if Indonesia uses bullet points. However, in the English version the identity is made in the form of a paragraph

  81. Assalamualaikum wr.wb
    Hello miss
    My name Mariam Rahmatillah Amanah from XII SCIENCE 3

    Differences between job application letter in Bahasa indonesia and english is :
    1. In Bahasa Indonesia application letter, Just written address the company is not with the address of us. But In English job application letters, The address of us and address the company was written by complete
    2. In Bahasa Indonesia application letter There is a team named HRD or leadership To accept and process job application letter and we just need to write as, an example 'HRD PT. Jaya BAKTI ' did not immediately to include the name of the person. But in English application letter Job application letter directly addressed to someone and immediately written name.
    3. In Bahasa Indonesia application letter, Usually did not tell the advantages, experiences, and purpose want to work on the company’s in the form of essay, but most tell when the interview, but in English application letter advantages, experiences, and purpose want to work on the company’s Written directly in the form of essay
    4. In Bahasa Indonesia application letter, Usually attach evidence ID. But in English Don’t always have to attach evidence ID
    5. Job application letter Bahasa Indonesia and English have the different Format. English have the format of writing descriptive or narative

  82. The difference between an Indonesian job application letter and an English job application letter is that the format of an Indonesian job application letter usually has a different structure from the format of an English job application letter.
    Meanwhile, English job application letters are usually made in a more descriptive or narrative format by emphasizing personal excellence, because more identity details are included in the CV.

    Ardea Zahra Salsabila
    12 ipa 3

  83. Devita Amelia
    12 IPA 3

    The writing of applications in both English and Indonesian has a difference in identity, where the writing is written in the form of points, while in English the identity is written in the form of a paragraph

  84. Pavito Harjita Wahyutama
    XII IPA 3

    There are several differences between job application letters in Bahasa Indonesia and English. in the self-identity section, in the Bahasa Indonesia version the identity is made in the form of points, and it is located in the middle of the letter. whereas in the English version it is made in the form of a descriptive paragraph and is located above the letter.

  85. Name: Cantik Almira
    Class: XII Science 3

    In my opinion, the differences between job application letters in Indonesian and English are:
    - Job application letters in Indonesian, are more used to express a desire or interest in applying for a desired job position. This letter should describe the qualifications that make us suitable for the position.
    - Job application letter in English, containing detailed documents in the form of complete applicant information. Through this letter too, we can show more personality than what can be put on a CV. This letter can also be used when you want to apply at a company that has not opened a vacancy at all.

  86. Sheila Amelia Putri
    XII IPA 3
    Assalamualaikum miss
    The difference between cover letters in English and Indonesian is
    on the application letter in Indonesian the contents of the letter must be the requirements of the applicant and on the application letter there are 2 sheets of CV

    while cover letters in English are more focused on personal letters such as in resumes on emails or seen from their dominant structure written in paragraph form

  87. Moh Rassel Pramadhansyah
    XII IPA 3

    what are the differences between job application letter in Bahasa Indonesia and English?

    In my opinion,application letters in Indonesian, things are usually attached such as ID card = 1 sheet, while in English application letters are not described but only given a notification that something is attached.

  88. The difference between application letter in English and Surat Lamaran Kerja in Indonesia is in English is simpler than Indonesia, the writer just include some personal data, educational background and which position want to to, more additional data/information is in resume that the writer has made

    afwa adhima
    XII ipa 3

  89. The difference between a cover letter in indonesia and english is

    In indonesia, if we are going to apply we will definitely include 2 parts, namely teh CV and the job. Application letter itself. While abroud only usel letter, namely the Cover letter. It is more effeclive to write a letter in english because in the cover letter the name, your meaning of work and a telephon number to contact.

    Uswatun Hasanah
    Xll Ipa 3

  90. Moch Rizki Firdaus
    XII IPA 3
    assalamualaikum miss
    the difference between job application letters in indonesian and english are
    in english you must identify yourself as the sender of applications.
    in indonesian you must focuses on showing your interest in a vacancy.

  91. Selva Rafania Haifa
    XII IPA 3

    What are the differences between job application letter in Bahasa Indonesia and English?

    Application letter in Indonesian using a CV or curriculum vitae. Application letter in Indonesian consists of 3 paragraphs. Paragraph 1 of self introduction and purpose, paragraph 2 of explanation / states attachments such as photocopies of diplomas, identity cards, photographs, etc. And paragraph 3 convey interest.

    A cover letter conveys complete contact information for the person receiving the document in a few sentences explaining the reasons why to send the job application.

    Class : XII Science 3

    In my opinion, the differences between English and Indonesian job application suras are:
    • can be seen from the language used is different
    • The focus of an English cover letter is to identify oneself as the sender of applications, while Indonesian job application letters focus on showing interest in a vacancy.
    • English job application letters are generally made in a more descriptive / narrative format with an emphasis on personal excellence, because more identity details are included in the CV. Meanwhile in Indonesian the format used, especially in identity, is made in the form of bullet points. If English is made in paragraphs.
    • The application letter in Indonesian has 2 parts, namely a CV and a job application letter itself, while in English only uses 1 letter, namely a cover letter, in one cover letter is written the name, your intention of work and a telephone number that can be contacted.

  93. Name : Aditya Sunny
    Class : XII IPS 4

    Assalamualaikum. In my opinion, the difference is, if the Indonesian job application letter generally has a different structure from the format of the English job application letter. Meanwhile, English job application letters are generally made in a more descriptive / narrative format with an emphasis on personal excellence, because more identity details are included in the CV.

  94. Moch Azrul Januar K
    XII IPA 3

    The difference between Indonesian and English application letters is in the part of self-identity, if Indonesia uses bullet points. However, in the English version the identity is made in the form of a paragraph

  95. Alyah Roes Srikandi
    XII science 3

    Basically a job application letter in English and Indonesian is the same. Has a similar writing function. However, there are still some differences between the two. First, the Indonesian job application letter includes an attachment in the form of the required requirements. Such as photocopies of identity cards, proof of graduation or diplomas, and so on. Meanwhile, the English version of the job application letter is not the case. Second, on the Indonesian job application letter there is a complete identity of the applicant. Unlike the English version which only introduces briefly, includes names and purposes only.

  96. Lusi Fitriani
    XII Science 3

    in my opinion the difference between Indonesian and English job application letters is the use of structure, besides that in Indonesian there are 2 sheets which are 1 sheet containing CV while in English only in 1 sheet.

    XII IPA 3
    • What are the differences between job application letter in Bahasa Indonesia and English?
    In my opinion, the material is the same but what distinguishes a little is the structure, job application letters in Indonesian are more numerous than in English. Then a job application letter in English is more detailed about yourself.

  98. Hilmy Dwi Haryoto
    XII IPA 3

    The difference between an Indonesian application letter and an English application letter, Indonesian can only be used nationally for companies in Indonesia, in Indonesia we use 2 parts of the letter, namely CV and application letter

    Application letters in English are more effective, because we can use them both nationally and internationally, usually used to apply to companies located abroad, this letter uses only 1 part

  99. M Rifal AE
    12 IPS 3

    In my opinion, the difference between Indonesian job application letters contains information on application documents that contain a preface, English job application letters, there is no introduction and the arrangement is slightly different as well.

  100. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  101. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  102. Name: Rayya Massa Irvana
    Class:XII IPS 1

    I will choose to make a job application letter in Indonesian, because I currently live in Indonesia which means I have to use Indonesian to apply for a job, so it can be easier to understand.

    1. but if I plan to work abroad, I will use English to make a job application letter

  103. If someday i apply an application letter i will choose to write in English. Because i have a dream to have a job abroad and i need to learn how to make a good application letter in English so that it will be easy if i need it in real life.

    M.Maulana.A.S (20)
    XII IPS 1

  104. Name : Yasmin Namira Andani
    Class : XII-IPS 1

    Honestly, if someday I apply for a job, I will write the application letter that the company needed. If the company want the applicant write the application letter in Bahasa Indonesia, I will write in Bahasa Indonesia. But, in my opinion the English application letter is more simple than in Bahasa Indonesia because the English application letter uses 1 sheet. So, if someday I apply for a job, I will choose the company that want the applicant write the English application letter

  105. Riziq Hari Ferlito
    XII Social 1

    I think, i'll look at the situation first. If the company or the job that i'll join need english application, i'll use english application. and the same thing if the job need indonesian job application

  106. Name:Fernanda Dwifa Farqah
    Class:XII Social 1

    yes I will apply for a job and choose to make a cover letter in Indonesian why? because I applied to an Indonesian company, no matter the origin of the company, I as an Indonesian will use Indonesian

  107. Ulfiani Putri Ghali (30)
    XII IPS 1

    I will choose to make a job application letter in Indonesian, because I plan to apply for a job in an Indonesian company, which means that using a job application letter in Indonesian is what is needed. besides that I also better understand job application letters in Indonesian.

  108. Evi Afriyani
    XII IPS 1

    In my case, if someday i apply for a job i will choose to apply the application letter in bahasa, because i'll work in Indonesia, but if the company requires me to fill out a job application in English then I'll do it. It depends on the company that i'll ocuppy.

    1. And also if I'll work in Indonesia then I apply the application letter in Bahasa. It'll easier to the HRD/employer to understand what i want to tell about, such as my experiences, skills, etc.

  109. Name : Syakira Maharani
    Class : XII IPS 1

    if someday i apply for a job, I will see the situation of the company that I will apply for later. if the company wants a job application that requires Indonesian then I will use it and if they require to use English then I will use it too. But if I can choose, I better use Indonesian.

  110. Name : Debi Febiana
    Class : XII Social 1

    I will choose to use Indonesian why? because maybe I will apply for a job at a company in Indonesia besides that to make it more structured and easily understood by everyone who is responsible for a job

  111. name: aura khanza
    class: xii ips 1
    if i apply for a job i will choose to make a cover letter in Indonesian. Why is that? because in my opinion the application letter in Indonesian will be easier for HRD to understand because the contents are structured with points and clear so that it will make it easier for HRD to understand and get to know potential applicants

  112. Muhamad Daffa Alghifari
    XII Social 1

    It seems I will use Indonesian because I plan to work in Indonesia, and it is easier to use the language we are good at

  113. I think if someday i apply an application letter i will make the application letter that the company needed. If the company need me to make with the english i'll make to the english language if the company need me to make with the indonesian i'll make to the indonesian language. But, i think i wanna choose to make the application letter with Indonesian, because i think i live in Indonesian and i think everyone can be understand if i make this application letter with the Indonesian language

    Nama : Fransiska Dwi A
    No absen : 8

  114. Name : Vina Fauziah
    Class : XII IPS 1

    If someday i apply for a job, i will choose to make a job application letter in English. Because, i think english more simple that uses 1 sheet. But, if the job need indonesian job application,i will write in Bahasa.

  115. in my opinion, I will use both to suit the desired company. if I work in an Indonesian company I will use an Indonesian application letter, and if I work in an international company I will use an English application letter

    Siti aliya
    XII IPS 1

  116. Assalamu'alaikum
    Syifa Nuriah
    12 ips 1

    I will write an application letter as determined or meet the requirements determined by certain parties, if I choose I will write a cover letter in Indonesian because it is easy for me to understand, but I will also write a cover letter in English if the company asks for it as a condition.

  117. because if I graduate from college I will automatically look for work. well I will report the application materialized or the requirements of the agency. if the agency wants a job application letter in Indonesian, of course I will be written in Indonesian. But in my opinion, an English application is easier to make because directly, if one day I apply for a job, I will choose the agency that I want the applicant to write a letter in either Indonesian or English.

    Name : penti septiani
    Class : 12 IPS 1

  118. name : Keisha Aulia R.
    class : 12 social 1

    If someday I apply an application letter for a job, I will write a job application in accordance with the commands and rules of the company. I'm going to write my application letter in Bahasa Indonesia so it's easier to understand. However, if the company was looking for an english-fluent worker, I would write out my application letter in English.

  119. Name : Inayah Nur Rahimah
    Class : XII IPS 1

    I will make a job aplication letter in Indonesian, because I will work in Indonesian company. Write in Indonesian also intended to make easier to understand.

  120. I choose to use Bahasa Indonesia, why? because I plan to apply for a job in an Indonesian company. and also because with Bahasa Indonesia I feel more comfortable using it

    m reza saputra
    12 ips 1

  121. if i want to apply job in a company, i'll using aplication letter in indonesian language cause i prefer and much more comfortable and i habit using indonesian language ceuse much easier.

    M I Zulkifli D
    XII IPA 6

  122. Name :Bintang Josafat
    Class : XII IPA 6

    for me personally i prefer bahasa indonesia for my job application letter because it's easier to understand (in my opinion) but actually it depends on the job or the company that I apply, is it mandatory to use English or not

  123. Name : Ulfa Dwie Sofiaty
    Class : XII science 6
    i think if i want to apply a job in company in Indonesia, im using the Bahasa Indonesia because it's in Indonesia, but if im in overseas, i use the English one.

  124. Name: Muhamad Jihad Fahriza
    Class: XII science 6

    Assalamualaikum wr.wb , in my opinion about job application letters in english the difference between Indonesian and English job application letters is that in the English job application letter there is no introduction word and the order of the structure is slightly,in English is simpler than Indonesian, the author only includes some personal data, educational background and desired position, more data / additional information on the resume that the author has made.

  125. I prefer to apply for a job at a company in "bahasa Indonesian" because I noticed that the application letter "bahasa Indonesian" is shorter, denser, and of course immediately gets the most important points. whereas in English it explains more in detail

    sarah aufa, xii ipa 6

  126. Name :M. Ali. Alfan. N
    Class :12 IPS 1
    I choose to make an application letter in Bahasa because i want to be a president in Indonesia

  127. Sri Sandra Valentin Sianturi
    12 IPA 6
    in my opinion, I would prefer to go to English because it is more practical and easier to only use one CV sheet than Indonesia which uses 2 CV sheets

  128. Ananda Aisya Herawati
    12 IPA 6
    When I apply for a job, I will first look at the rules, whether to use English or Indonesian. however, when there are no rules I will use Indonesian. if I apply for a job outside the country of Indonesia, of course I will use English.

  129. Name: Cut Intan
    Class: XII IPA 6

    I think any language doesn't matter as long as we understand it. But for my convenience, I chose my own country language for this letter application.

  130. I will choose to use a cover letter in Indonesian, because in my opinion it is easier for me to understand by myself or by the company, but it depends on whether to apply for work abroad or in the country home, if I apply for a job abroad then I will use a cover letter in English.

    Nazwa Dwi Aulia
    XII IPA 6

  131. Name: Mochammad Nurfilah
    Class : 12 science 6

    I think i Will choose in Indonesia because i live in Indonesia and many people do not understand English. But if i want to work in abroad i Will choose the English cause English language is the international language.Usually a job application letter is sent to a company that has provided job vacancies while a cover letter is sent to companies that have not opened any job vacancies at all.

  132. Name : Maria Magdalena H
    Class : XII social 1

    i think if someday i apply an application letter, i will make the application letter with the indonesian language, because i think everyone can understand if i make application letter with Indonesian language and the reason why i use the Indonesian language because i live in indonesian too

  133. Calvin Juan
    XII IPA 6

    I personally think i prefer a job application letter in Bahasa Indonesian when applying for a job at a company but it depends on the situation if the company I want to go to is a company based abroad I will use an English job application letter

  134. Fatimah Aulia Rahmah
    XII IPA 6

    maybe if a job application letter written in English is apply to an international company located abroad. but for me, I would choose to continue working in the country, therefore I chose job application in Indonesian.

  135. Tio Agustianda
    XII IPA 6

    job application letter if in Indonesian the job application letter is more about the desire to work and where you want to work, if in English it is made in a more descriptive format or focus on personal, because in more detail the identity of the CV is included.

  136. 1. There is not part indicates the address of the job applicant.
    2. The company address is part indicates the address of the company the letter is sent to.
    3. The greeting is part indicates the person in charge.
    4. The opening is part indicates the opening of the letter.
    Information is provided:
    - The applicant applies for the programmer position advertised in the Times Union.
    - The applicant encloses a completed job application, his certification, his resume and three references.
    5. The middle paragraph or body is part contains any information that matches the position.
    Specific information is highlighted
    - He has successfully designed, developed, and supported live use applications.
    - With a BS degree in Computer Programming, he has a full understanding of the full life cycle of a software development project.
    - He also has experience in learning and excelling at new technologies as needed.
    6. Closing paragraphs are paragraph closes the application letter.
    Information is written in this part
    - He can be reached anytime via email at or my cell phone, 0857-2065-0058
    7. I put your signature at the end of the letter.

  137. Lira Fahira Maharani
    XII IPA 6

    maybe seen from its convenience it is better to use an English application letter because it is simpler but when I will apply for a job I will choose an Indonesian application letter because I am applying for a company in Indonesia but when I apply for a job at a company abroad I will choose to use English job application letter, the point is flexible depending on the situation and place.

  138. if I apply for a job, I choose to make a job application letter in Indonesian. but depending on the company I will apply to, if the company asks for a job application letter in English, I will do it

    Fitri Amalia
    12 IPA 6

  139. Good morning Mr. I think our signature is affixed at the bottom of the letter to be precise on the right.

    Nenci Qori Ainaya
    XI IPS 2


    I think i prefer a job application letter on bahasa Indonesia when applying for a job at a company but it depends on the situations of the company
    1. There is not part indicates the address of the job applicant.
    2. The company address is part indicates the address of the company the letter is sent to.
    3. The greeting is part indicates the person in charge.
    4. The opening is part indicates the opening of the letter.
    Information is provided:
    - The applicant applies for the programmer position advertised in the Times Union.
    - The applicant encloses a completed job application, his certification, his resume and three references.
    5. The middle paragraph or body is part contains any information that matches the position.
    Specific information is highlighted
    - He has successfully designed, developed, and supported live use applications.
    - With a BS degree in Computer Programming, he has a full understanding of the full life cycle of a software development project.
    - He also has experience in learning and excelling at new technologies as needed.
    6. Closing paragraphs are paragraph closes the application letter.
    Information is written in this part
    - He can be reached anytime via email at
    7. I put your signature at the end of the letter.

  141. Alif Nur Khairi
    XII IPA 6

    Which language will i use for the job application letter, it depends on what job will i applying for. If the job that i'm applying for are national based and do not Required any sort of other languanges except for Bahasa Indonesia when i'm working the company, then i will use Bahasa Indonesia when i write my job application letter. But if the jobs that i'm applying for are International Based and it required you talk with foreigner and you must have the skills to talk with english because it's the international language, then i will use english when i write my job application letter.

  142. Name : Ria Nur Aletha
    Clas : XI social 2
    The signature in the letter is to the right, after the closing and close to the name of the sender

  143. Name : Moch Azkia I
    Class: XI Social 2

    The closing paragraph is below before signature, in this paragraph it contains the wishes of the sender of the letter, the words of thanks to the recipient of the letter and the closing words.

  144. The difference between personal letter and application letter are:

    1.Context - personal letter used to share private information to friends, family or relatives. While application letter used to apply for job in a company.
    2.Structure - personal letter structure are usually opening and straight to your point, what you want write/share about. Application letter has a certain structure to present your purpose, experience as well as skills.
    3.Language used - personal letter is using informal language, while application letter is using formal language.

  145. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  146. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  147. If one day I send a job application letter, I will use Indonesian because Indonesia is vulnerable to using its own language. also rarely use English, but there are not many

  148. When applying for a job I prefer to use a cover letter in English because in one attachment it can directly contain the name of the purpose of applying and also other things related to the problem of applying for a job and a telephone number that can be contacted without having to attach some other identity.

    kaila diva jemsi
    12 mia 7

  149. If one day I send a job application letter, I will use Indonesian because Indonesia is vulnerable to using its own language. also rarely use English, but there are not many

    Aurel Delfasya
    XII IPA 7

  150. I will choose application letter in English because the body of the letter is more simple and to the point. If i write in Bahasa Indonesia i have to write more detail about my experience and education.

    Lia Aliyah Wafiroh
    12 IPA 7

  151. Depends on where my job is and what it looks like. If my job in Indonesia required me to use Indonesian, I would use an application letter in Indonesian, and if the job required me to work in English, I would apply for an application letter in English. But when I worked abroad I would automatically use English for my application letter

    Julia Maya Tsaqila
    XII IPA 7

  152. Elin Aulia Nahda
    XII IPA 7

    if I use the application in English it may apply to international companies or foreign companies, because I am in Indonesia and also maybe some regulations in companies in Indonesia recommend using Indonesian unless the company is of international standard and recommends using English then I will use English, so users of application letters in English or Indonesian are related to their needs and in accordance with applicable needs or regulations

  153. I think I will choose an English-language job application letter because it can add added value, it is more attractive and the application letter can be more considered by the company. But everything must be adjusted with one's own ability to make it and language skills must be more perfec.

    Putri Azura Khuzaimah
    12 IPA 7

  154. If I am required to choose, I will choose an English job application letter, because English job application letters are more descriptive / narrative and can also be a place to hone my English skills. Besides that, the English job application letter can also be used for me if I work abroad.

    Andina Syita N.
    XII Science 7

  155. the difference between a job application letter in English and Indonesian.
    Maybe I will use a job application letter in English because it is only written in one cover letter, it's more effective.

    Nisha Nurllatifah
    XII IPA 7

  156. morning ms, I will choose between the two languages ​​depending on the instructions or requirements of the company or workplace where I will send my application letter.
    Siti Nurhasanah
    XII IPA 7

  157. if I apply for a job I will choose to use Indonesian, indeed using English the body off letter is simpler, but I prefer to use Indonesian only because I will work in Indonesia so in my mind it would be better if my job application letter was in Indonesian

    Bagus Pratama K.H
    XII IPA 7

  158. if I apply for a job with a job application letter, I will choose to use Indonesian because if I apply for a job based in the country or locally it will be much easier for the company or HRD to accept, but if I want to work in an overseas company like working in a hotel then I will choose to use English.

    Alya Zahra Salsabila
    Xll IPA 7

  159. If I make a job application letter, I will use Indonesian because it is easier and the body of the letter is not too long. However, if I have a plan to work for a foreign company, I will use English in my job application letter

    Firyal Nabila Zalfa
    12 IPA 7

  160. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  161. If the job advertisement is written in English, it is appropriate that I write a job application letter in English. If the advertisement is written in Indonesian, but requires enthusiasts to be proficient in English, then of course the job application letter that I write is also in English. and if I work overseas, I have to use English for job application letters.

    Fadhil Dzikri Aqila
    12 IPA 7

  162. If one day I apply for a job, I will use an Indonesian application letter. Because, apart from being understood by many people in the country, I will also show my ability to write good and correct Indonesian, also show that Indonesian is no less interesting than English.

    Salsabila Lastri Yunita
    12 IPA 7

  163. 1. Which part indicates the address of the job applicant?
    Which shows the address in the letter is John Donaldson
    100 St. Elizabeth
    Colorado, DW 12345

    2. Which part indicates the address of the company the letter is sent to?
    Which shows the address of the company to which the letter was sent, namely George Sebastian
    Prosperous Company
    25 Saint John Court
    Hatfield, CA 08065

    3.       Which part indicates the person in charge?
    Which show the person is Mr. Sebastian

    4.       Which part indicates the opening of the letter? What information is provided?
    Which show the opening of the latter is I am writing to apply for the programmer position advertised in the Times Union.

    5.       Which part contains any information that matches the position? What specific information is highlighted?
    Which show the position is The opportunity presented in this listing is very interesting, and I believe that my strong technical experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate for this position. The key strengths that I possess for success in this position include: I have successfully designed, developed, and supported live use applications. I strive for continued excellence, and I provide exceptional contributions to customer service for all customers. With a BS degree in Computer Programming, I have a full understanding of the full life cycle of a software development project. I also have experience in learning and excelling at new technologies as needed.

    6.       Which paragraph closes the application letter? What information is written in this part?
    Which show the application letter is Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you
    about this employment opportunity.

    7.       Where do you put your signature?
    to the left

    Name : Laura Sabila
    Class : XI Social 2

  164. Name: Rahma Sintia
    Class: XII IPS 2
    In my pov the different about application letter in Indonesia and English is application Indonesia should be write in a piece of paper and application letter is a document who was sent to the employer. But, the easy thing is use Application letter in English.

  165. Indriyani a'ma yasyipa
    XI IPS 2

    1. Which part indicates the address of the job applicant?
    Which shows the address in the letter is John Donaldson
    100 St. Elizabeth
    Colorado, DW 12345

    2. Which part indicates the address of the company the letter is sent to?
    Which shows the address of the company to which the letter was sent, namely George Sebastian
    Prosperous Company
    25 Saint John Court
    Hatfield, CA 08065

    3.Which part indicates the person in charge?
    Which show the person is Mr. Sebastian

    4.Which part indicates the opening of the letter? What information is provided?
    Which show the opening of the latter is I am writing to apply for the programmer position advertised in the Times Union.

    5. Which part contains any information that matches the position? What specific information is highlighted?
    Which show the position is The opportunity presented in this listing is very interesting, and I believe that my strong technical experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate for this position. The key strengths that I possess for success in this position include: I have successfully designed, developed, and supported live use applications. I strive for continued excellence, and I provide exceptional contributions to customer service for all customers. With a BS degree in Computer Programming, I have a full understanding of the full life cycle of a software development project. I also have experience in learning and excelling at new technologies as needed.

    6.Which paragraph closes the application letter? What information is written in this part?
    Which show the application letter is Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you
    about this employment opportunity.

    7. Where do you put your signature?
    to the left

  166. I prefer an English application letter, because it is not complicated and more intimate and the contents of the application letter are not too long

    dinda siti yasmin
    12 ips 2

  167. In my opinion, to make a cover letter it is better to use Indonesian because in the contents of the letter it is more complete if the application letter is in Indonesian and is very detailed about the contents of the application letter compared to the application letter in English, but that depends on us making the application letter to apply to the company who like what and where.

  168. The format of a job application letter in Indonesian generally has a different structure from the format of an English job application letter (Cover Letter / Application Letter).
    English job application letters are generally made in a more descriptive / narrative format with an emphasis on personal excellence, because more identity details are included in the CV.

    Sri ayu Nur'angraeni
    XII IPS 2

  169. I would prefer a job application letter in Indonesia because it is easier for me to use Indonesia

    XII IPS 2

  170. Name : m Luigi adam s
    Class 12 IPS 2
    In general, there are two types of CVs that are often used by job applicants, namely CVs in Indonesian and English. Many applicants usually prepare a CV in the two language versions.Although not similar in language, in fact there is not too big a difference in the manner and information provided on an attractive CV, both in Indonesian and in the English version.


  171. Cover letter and cover letter are the same. Actually, both can be said as cover letters. Now what introduction? Introduction to your job application. Simply put, you want to send a gift to someone. Isn't it strange if there are no notes that explain what your intention is to give the gift? In fact, someone who receives a gift might even think that it was sent by someone else. Likewise in applying for a job, it's a good idea to include a letter explaining what your intentions are. This is where a cover letter comes into play. For the writing, if the title is a cover letter, it should be written in English. If the title is a job application letter ... in Indonesian only.
    -Obviously I will choose a job application using Indonesian

  172. Melody Yoanna Irawan
    XII IPS 2

    Application letter I prefer when I have to apply for a job in a company, I choose use English language, because more valuable and more specific.

  173. Name: Dachevi Al Buhori
    Class:XII science 6
    Cover letter and cover letter are the same. Actually, both can be said as cover letters. Now what introduction? Introduction to your job application. Simply put, you want to send a gift to someone. Isn't it strange if there are no notes that explain what your intention is to give the gift? In fact, someone who receives a gift might even think that it was sent by someone else. Likewise in applying for a job, it's a good idea to include a letter explaining what your intentions are. This is where a cover letter comes into play. For the writing, if the title is a cover letter, it should be written in English. If the title is a job application letter ... in Indonesian only.
    -Obviously I will choose a job application using Indonesian

  174. Alexander Agung
    XII IPA 7

    Someday you'll definitely apply for a job, which job application letter will you choose, in Bahasa Indonesia or English. Why? Give your reason.

    In my opinion, I will use Indonesian more if I have a deficiency in English. because I was worried that there was a word or sentence that was not standardized, therefore I chose to use Indonesian so that it was easy to compile an application letter

  175. Dizna Audia R
    12 IPS
    Absent 07

    After comparing, in my opinion, both are almost the same because both emphasize to job applicants that a job application letter must use formal, good and correct language, use a short, concise, clear and targeted introduction, so that the letter can be understood by the company. However, I prefer to use b. Indonesia because it makes me more comfortable in using every word.

  176. Munita selvina putri sanjaya
    XII IPS 2

    I prefer Indonesian job application letters. because, in the Indonesian job application letter includes a curriculum vitae, and other identity cards. while in the English job application letter, the biography is told like a narrative. so I prefer an Indonesian application letter, in addition to being complete, it can make it easier for company owners to assess the quality of our work with a curriculum vitae. In addition, Indonesian job application letters are more detailed, the language of Indonesian job application letters looks more formal, while English job application letters are narrative and looks informal.

  177. Name: Risma Siti Zakiah Zulfa
    Class: XI IPS 2
    1. Which part indicates the address of the job applicant? the part that shows the address of the job applicant is at the beginning.

    2.Which part indicates the address of the company the letter is sent to? there is a second part after the address of the job applicant in the second part.

    3.Which part indicates the person in charge? there is in the third part which shows mr sebastian

    4.Which part indicates the opening of the letter? What information is provided? the part that shows is at the beginning that talks about opportunities for work.

    5.Which part contains any information that matches the position? What specific information is highlighted? the part in the opening that contains The opportunity presented in this listing is very interesting, and I believe that my strong technical experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate for this position. The key strengths that I possess for success in this position include: I have successfully designed, developed, and supported live use applications. I strive for continued excellence, and I provide exceptional contributions to customer service for all customers. With a BS degree in Computer Programming, I have a full understanding of the full life cycle of a software development project. I also have experience in learning and excelling at new technologies as needed.

    6. Which paragraph closes the application letter? What information is written in this part? in the final paragraph

    7. Where do you put your signature? section on the sentence Sincerely,

    John Donaldson

  178. The differences between job application letter in Bahasa Indonesia and English are :

    Job application letter in Bahasa Indonesia The most important thing when applying for a job is the supporting documents that you have. With complete requirements and data, you can choose the company that you like. Often times we are confused when it comes to making a job application letter that is good and correct and in accordance with the rules and eyd.
    And attach a curriculum vitae.
    Pass the latest photos.
    Photocopy of ID card
    Photocopy of diploma (last).
    Photocopy of course / training certificate (specify)

    English job application letters are generally made in a more descriptive / narrative format with an emphasis on personal excellence, because more identity details are included in the CV.
    By writing (Your Name)
    (Street address)
    (Email, phone number)
    (Hiring Manager Name)
    (Company Name)
    (Company Street Address)
    Dear (Hiring Manager Name),

    And of course the two have differences, in my opinion it's easier to use the Indonesian one because maybe you already know how to make an application in Indonesian

    Hani Yesicha Tambunan
    XII IPS 2

  179. Mohamad Alfan Nugraha
    XII IPS 2

    In Indonesia, if we are going to apply, we will definitely include 2 parts, namely the CV and the Job Application Letter itself ... While abroad, only use 1 letter, namely the Cover Letter
    It is more effective to write a letter in English because in the cover latter the name, your meaning of work and a telephone number to contact.

  180. Abigail Febriannie
    XI-IPS 2

    1. Which part indicates the address of the job applicant?
    Answer: Which shows the address in the letter is John Donaldson
    100 St. Elizabeth
    Colorado, DW 12345

    2. Which part indicates the address of the company the letter is sent to?
    Answer: Which shows the address of the company to which the letter was sent, namely George Sebastian
    Prosperous Company
    25 Saint John Court
    Hatfield, CA 08065

    3. Which part indicates the person in charge?
    Answer: The person in charge in the letter is Mr. Sebastian

    4. Which part indicates the opening of the letter? What information is provided?
    Answer: The opening part of the letter and the information is I am writing to apply for the programmer position advertised in the Times Union

    5. Which part contains any information that matches the position? What specific information is highlighted?
    Answer: Which contains specific information in the letter, namely The opportunity presented in this listing is very interesting, and I believe that my strong technical experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate for this position. The key strengths that I possess for success in this position include: I have successfully designed, developed, and supported live use applications. I strive for continued excellence, and I provide exceptional contributions to customer service for all customers. With a BS degree in Computer Programming, I have a full understanding of the full life cycle of a software development project. I also have experience in learning and excelling at new technologies as needed.

    6. Which paragraph closes the application letter? What information is written in this part?
    Answer: The closing paragraph in the letter is Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you

    About this employment opportunity.

    7. Where do you put your signature?
    Answer: Put a signature at the very end of the letter:
    Ex: Signature

    John Donaldson


    After comparing between bahasa and english application letter, I prefer to use English application later to apply a job. Why did I? Because using English sounds more interesting. The manager probably will see my application letter as a different one. They'll choose me as their employees. The structure between Bahasa and English, I guess they're similar. But still, it depends to the company. If they wanted the job seekers to make an application letter in Bahasa, then I'll make it using Bahasa. Depends to its company, I guess. But as Novrilda Betriani, I prefer to write an application letter in English.

  182. Name : Adrian Malik Ramdhani
    Class : XII IPS 2
    ABSENT : 03
    when I want to apply for a job at a company I will make a job application letter using the language specified by the company because in Indonesia there are several companies that use English to apply for jobs but if given freedom I will use English to make job application letters because more short and easy to understand and more efficient to use when applying to a company.

  183. Farhan M Achdiat
    XI IPS 2

    1. Which part shows the address of the job applicant? The addressee on the letter was John Donaldson 100 St. Elizabeth Colorado, DW 12345
    2. Which part shows the address of the company to which the letter is sent? Which shows the address of the company to which the letter was sent, which is George Sebastian Prosperous Company 25 Saint John's Court Hatfield, CA 08065
    3. Which part shows the person in charge? Which shows that the person in charge is Mr. Sebastian
    4. Which part shows the opening of the letter? What information is provided? Showing this opening is me writing to apply for the programmer position advertised with Times Union.
    5. Which section contains information that fits the position? What specific information is highlighted? What shows the position is that the opportunities presented in this list are very interesting, and I believe that my strong technical and educational experience will make me a very competitive candidate for this position. The main strengths I have for succeeding in this position include: I have successfully designed, developed, and supported hands-on applications. I strive for continuous excellence, and I make an outstanding contribution to customer service for all customers. With a BS in Computer Programming, I have a full understanding of the full life cycle of a software development project. I also have experience in learning and excel in new technologies as needed.
    6. Which paragraph closes the application letter? What information is included in this section? Which shows the cover letter of application is Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to talking to you about this job opportunity.
    7. Where did you sign? on the lower left.

  184. Name : Mesa Anastasa
    Class : XI social 2

    1. Which part indicates the address of the job applicant?
    Which shows the address in the letter is John Donaldson
    100 St. Elizabeth
    Colorado, DW 12345

    2. Which part indicates the address of the company the letter is sent to?
    Which shows the address of the company to which the letter was sent, namely George Sebastian
    Prosperous Company
    25 Saint John Court
    Hatfield, CA 08065

    3.       Which part indicates the person in charge?
    Which show the person is Mr. Sebastian

    4.       Which part indicates the opening of the letter? What information is provided?
    Which show the opening of the latter is I am writing to apply for the programmer position advertised in the Times Union.

    5.       Which part contains any information that matches the position? What specific information is highlighted?
    Which show the position is The opportunity presented in this listing is very interesting, and I believe that my strong technical experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate for this position. The key strengths that I possess for success in this position include: I have successfully designed, developed, and supported live use applications. I strive for continued excellence, and I provide exceptional contributions to customer service for all customers. With a BS degree in Computer Programming, I have a full understanding of the full life cycle of a software development project. I also have experience in learning and excelling at new technologies as needed.

    6.       Which paragraph closes the application letter? What information is written in this part?
    Which show the application letter is Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you
    about this employment opportunity.

    7.       Where do you put your signature?
    to the left

  185. When I apply for a job in a company, I prefer using English application letter, because the English application letter is an international standard of application letter and the most used by world wide

    Reyhan Carlos Simbolon
    XII IPA 6

  186. Name :Hilwa Abiyyah Khansa
    Class:XI IPS 2

    the article above about the structure of the letter. The first part is your address, then the address, the person in charge, the opening, the content, the closing, then the last one is the signature

    1. Which part indicates the address of the job applicant?
    •100 St Elizabeth
    Colorado, DW 12345
    2. Which part indicates the address of the company the letter is sent to?
    •Prosperous Company
    25 Saint John Court
    Hatfield, CA 08065
    3. Which part indicates the person in charge?
    •George Sebastian,
    4. Which part indicates the opening of the letter? What information is provided?
    •I am writing to apply for the programmer position advertised in the Times Union.
    •As requested, I am enclosing a completed job application, my certification, my resume and three references.
    5. Which part contains any information that matches the position? What specific information is highlighted?
    •The key strengths that I possess for success in this position include: I have successfully designed, developed, and supported live use applications.
    •The opportunity presented in this listing is very interesting, and I believe that my strong technical experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate for this position
    6. Which paragraph closes the application letter? What information is written in this part?
    •Please see my resume for additional information on my experience.
    I can be reached anytime via email at or my
    cell phone, 909-555-5555.
    Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you
    about this employment opportunity.
    •With a BS degree in Computer Programming, I have a full understanding of the full life cycle of a software development project. I also have experience in learning and excelling at new technologies as needed.
    7. Where do you put your signature?
    •below after the closing section

  187. Name : Khalida F R P
    Class : XI IPS 2

    Thank you mr mu for providing this article. By reading this article, I will know how to write or make a good job application letter according to its structure.

    The answer to the question above
    1. The applicant's address is 100 St. Elizabeth, Colorado, DW 12345.
    2. The company's address is 25 Saint John Court, Hatfield, CA 08065.
    3. The person in charge is George Sebastian.
    4. The part that shows the opening of the letter is the first paragraph which contains information about John delegating job applications in the programmer way.
    5. The section that fits the specific position and information are the main strengths I have to succeed in this position include: I have successfully designed, developed, and supported hands-on applications. I strive for continuous excellence, and I make an outstanding contribution to customer service for all customers. With a BS in Computer Programming, I have a full understanding of the full life cycle of a software development project.
    6. The paragraph that closes the application letter is the last paragraph which contains information about John's hope that he can talk to George and John provides a number and email so that it is easy to contact.
    7. I put my signature in Sincerely,
    Signature (for hard copy letter)

    John Donaldson

  188. Name : Rosi Sulistiawati
    Class : XI IPS 2

    Thank you very much for this very useful article. I learn more from this article about application letter.

    1.       Which part indicates the address of the job applicant?
    Answer : The part that indicate the address of the job applicant is '100 St Elizabeth. Colorado, DW 12345'

    2. Which part indicates the address of the company the letter is sent to?
    Answer : The part that indicate the address of company is 'Prosperous Company. 25 Saint John Court. Hatfield, CA 08065'

    3. Which part indicates the person in charge?
    Answer : The part that indicate person in charge is ' Dear Mr. Sebastian,'

    4. Which part indicates the opening of the letter? What information is provided?
    Answer : The part which is the opening of the letter is 'I am writing to apply for the programmer position advertised in the Times Union.'

    5. Which part contains any information that matches the position? What specific information is highlighted?
    Answer : The part which is contain information that mathes the position is the middle part/body; 'As requested, I am enclosing a completed job application, my certification, my resume and three references. The opportunity presented in this listing is very interesting, and I believe that my strong technical experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate for this position. The key strengths that I possess for success in this position include: I have successfully designed, developed, and supported live use applications. I strive for continued excellence, and I provide exceptional contributions to customer service for all customers. With a BS degree in Computer Programming, I have a full understanding of the full life cycle of a software development project. I also have experience in learning and excelling at new technologies as needed.'
    And specific information that highlighted is the experience and education relate to the position.

    6. Which paragraph closes the application letter? What information is written in this part?
    Answer : Paragraph that is close the application letter is 'Please see my resume for additional information on my experience.
    I can be reached anytime via email at or my cell phone, 909-555-5555.
    Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you about this employment opportunity.'
    Information that written in this part is personal contact.

    7. Where do you put your signature?
    Answer : The signature is under the closing paragraph.

  189. Risya Rizkia Zahrani
    XII Science 6 After

    I read the above publications I could tell the difference between English and Indonesian letters, but I was more interested in using English applications because it interested our superiors, so that we could join them

  190. Name : Mala Pranggiati
    Class : XI IPS 2

    Thank you for writing this blog, it is very helpful if in the future I will apply for a job. With this article I can find out how to make a cover letter properly and correctly.

    1. Which part indicates the address of the job applicant?
    The part that shows the address of the job applicant is 100 St Elizabeth. Colorado, DW 12345.

    2. Which part indicates the address of the company the letter is sent to?
    The part that shows the address of the company to which the letter is sent Prosperous Company. 25 Saint John Court. Hatfield, CA 08065.

    3. Which part indicates the person in charge?
    which shows the person in charge is Mr. Sebastian.

    4. Which part indicates the opening of the letter? What information is provided?
    The part that shows the opening of the letter is i am writing to apply for the programmer position advertised in the Times Union.The information provided is a requested, I am enclosing a completed job application, my certification, my resume and three references.

    5. Which part contains any information that matches the position? What specific information is highlighted?
    The part that contains the information that matches the position is the opportunity presented in this listing is very interesting, and I believe that my strong technical experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate for this position. The specific information that is highlighted is the key strengths that I possess for success in this position include: I have successfully designed, developed, and supported live use applications. I strive for continued excellence, and I provide exceptional contributions to customer service for all customers. With a BS degree in Computer Programming, I have a full understanding of the full life cycle of a software development project. I also have experience in learning and excelling at new technologies as needed.

    6. Which paragraph closes the application letter? What information is written in this part?
    The paragraph that closes this application letter is please see my resume for additional information on my experience. The information written in this section is John Donaldson's email address and cell phone, namely or cell phone, 909-555-5555. Also thanks John for Mr George's time and consideration. She looks forward to speaking with Mr George.

    7. Where do you put your signature?
    The signature is at the very end, that is under the closing paragraph.

  191. I prefer a job application letter to use Indonesian, because I think it will be easier to make because I'm not too proficient in English so I choose to use Indonesian.

    Rinda Sri Rahmawati
    XII-IPA 7

  192. Adisa Siti N
    XII IPS 2

    In my opinion, the difference between Indonesian and English application letters is that it is easier to use English because the requirements are easier than Indonesian

    XII IPA 6

    After reading the explanation above there is a difference between English letters and Indonesian letters, I tend to be more interested in English letters because they look modern and many have used them. And because of that our superiors are also interested and we can easily join them.

  194. Nanda Tri A
    XII IPS 2

    I prefer to use English, because English is superior in assessment by HRD. Beside English is International language, using English in curriculum vitae can added more point from HRD.


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  Meeting 2 By Ms. Nuraeni Language features of application letter: Usually we find passive voice, present perfect, past perfect and present tense in application letter. a.   Passive voice: S + to be + V3 My curriculum vitae is attached The application letter has been sent on September 23, 2020 I can be contacted at 08624753802 or my email address b.   Present Perfect Tense: S + have/has + V3 I have graduated from University of Padjajaran in 2019 She has worked at the company for 5 years c.   Past perfect tense: S + had + V3 I had experienced in handling many customers affair when I worked at restaurant as guest relation officer. I hope you had written your curriculum vitae d.   Present Tense: S + V1 I work as secretary at one of the reputable companies in my town now. I am hard worker, good looking, and smart.   Read the following application letter and find out the language features used i...