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In learning the literature works, especially poem, you should know the figurative languages used to compose the words. One way to think about language is to see that it comes in two main categories: figurative and literal. Literal language is the use of words in the conventional manner, when words and phrases are used to convey their typical meaning. Figurative language, on the other hand, is the use of words to intentionally move away from their standard meaning. there are too many to list in this lesson but you have some common ones, like metaphor, Any time your writing goes beyond the actual meanings of your words, you're using figurative language. This allows the reader to gain new insights into your work.

“JIka dalam bahasa Indonesia kita mengenal adanya Majas atau gaya bahasa, yakni pemanfaatan kekayaan bahasa, pemakaian ragam tertentu untuk memperoleh efek-efek tertentu yang membuat sebuah karya sastra semakin hidup, maka dalam bahasa Inggris ada Figurative Language (Bahasa Kiasan).”

1. Simile

A simile is a figure of speech that compares two unlike things and uses the words “like” or “as” and they are commonly used in everyday communication. A simile is used with the aim of sparking an interesting connection in the reader’s mind.

An example of a simile is, “The cat sat in the chair like a king overlooking his kingdom.” The cat’s sitting posture is compared to that of a king who relaxes in a special chair that is reserved for him and not any other person in the kingdom.

Other examples of similes include:

  • The boy was as brave as a lion in the jungle.
  • The new teacher is as tall as a giraffe.

2. Metaphor

A metaphor is a statement that compares two things that are not alike. Unlike similes, metaphors do not use the words “like” or “as.” Such statements only make sense when the reader understands the connection between the two things being compared.

An example of a popular metaphor is “Time is money.” The statement compares time and money, and it does not literally mean that the amount of time you have equals the money that you have. Instead, it means that time is a valuable resource, and it should be used effectively to earn money. Any time wasted means that a person loses the chance to make more money.

Other examples of metaphors include:

  • The warrior has a heart of stone.
  • Love is a battlefield.
  • Baby, you are my sunshine.

3. Hyperbole

Hyperbole is an exaggeration that is created to emphasize a point or bring out a sense of humor. It is often used in everyday conversations without the speaker noticing it. The exaggeration is so outrageous that no one would believe that it is true. It is used to add depth and color to a statement.

An example of hyperbole is, “I would die for you.” The sentence does not necessarily mean that one person is literally willing to die for the other, but it used to exaggerate the amount of love that one person has for another person. Death is only used to show the extent of affection.

Other examples of hyperbole:

  • I have told you a million times to wash the dishes.
  • You are so slender that the wind can carry you away.
  • The afternoon is so bright that the sun would have to wear sunglasses.

4. Personification

Personification is the attribution of human characteristics to non-living objects. Using personification affects the way readers imagine things, and it sparks an interest in the subject.

An example of personification is, “The sun greeted me when I woke up in the morning.” The sun is a non-human object but has been given human characteristics since greetings can only be performed by living creatures.

Other examples of personification include:

  • April is the cruelest month of the year.
  • The radio stared at me.
  • The car brakes screamed all through the journey.


Do you have more figurative language that you know?




Task Poem 2:

1. Write your understanding. What can you know about figurative language?

2. Write example(s) of figurative language that you can find or you can make by yourself.

Write down you answer on the comments below.


  1. Nadia Mulia Febria Muhtar
    XI IPA 6

    1. Figurative language is language or words that are not true or connotative that are used to emphasize meaning and give beauty. are like the light in the dark

  2. Natanael Yohanes Gunawan
    XI IPA 6

    A figurative of speech word that is beautiful but describes no real meaning, only a figure of meaning, a word that is used to give a sense of beauty and an emphasis to what is to be said

    "Her ambitions were sky-high"

  3. - Figurative language it's an informal
    word that doesn't really capture the

    - Example : You are my bright star

    Name : Rifqal Fadhil Akbar
    Class : XI IPA 6

  4. Muhammad Fadli syaharudin
    XI IPA 6

    1. Figurative language, on the other hand, is the use of words to intentionally move away from their standard meaning.
    2. My mother is as busy as a bee.

  5. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  6. 1. Figurative language is language thats uses words with a meaning that is different.

    2. As brave as a knight

    Martin K.T
    XI IPA 6

  7. Muhammad Angga Permana Putera
    XI IPA 6

    1. Figurative language itself is usually used to analyze the deeper meaning of words. In songs for example, it is also used to make the lyrics sound more beautiful.

    2. "The pen already dancing on the" paper

  8. Muhammad Angga Permana Putera
    XI IPA 6

    1. Figurative language itself is usually used to analyze the deeper meaning of words. In songs for example, it is also used to make the lyrics sound more beautiful.

    2. "The pen already dancing on the paper"

  9. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  10. Name:Nabila Aulia Kultsum
    Class:XI IPA 6

    1. Figurative language is a language using words that are used as parables or similes, but do not describe their true meaning

    2. His body was as strong as steel, but he had a soft day as soft as cotton

  11. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  12. Muhammad Lutfi Nugraha
    XI-IPA 6

    •Figurative language is a word which it isn't refer real meaning.

    "above sky still there is the sky"

  13. Yonatan Yusak Lestari

    1.Figurative language is a word used to make something more expressive but have the same meaning.

    2.The Television Talking to me

  14. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  15. Syahla Soraya Asri Pulungan (34)
    XI IPA 6

    Figurative Language is the language or words used to beautify a literary work and usually has connotative words.

    a. The Girl is beautiful as a flower that bloom in spring
    b. You are the apple of my eyes
    c. every morning the girl had to put on a thick fur coat to go to the forest through the cold wind that stabbed her skin
    d. The mirror laughed at the old man's desperate face
    e. The old man is strong like the waves in the ocean

  16. Name : Muhammad Azka Ghali Aulia
    Class: XI IPA 6
    1. figurative language is a language / word which means beautiful but does not describe the real meaning, it is just a metaphor of the meaning, figurative words are used to give a sense of beauty and emphasis on what will be conveyed. example:
    -Fruit lips: Being the talk of other people (a lot)
    -Sour face: frown
    -Big mouth: liar
    -Play with fire: play with danger
    -Fruits: souvenirs

    2. - sitting stomach
    is pregnant
    Mrs. Sandra was very happy when she found out that she was sitting on her stomach.
    - old date
    financial condition is thin
    Every old date, the students who are boarding always save as little expenses as possible.
    - long clever sense
    Farel is known as a resourceful child
    - Souvenirs
    Dad always brings
    souvenirs every time you go on an official trip.
    - duplicity
    not fixed
    Soni is famous for being two-faced in front of his friends.
    - slam the bone hard work
    Dad always
    toil for the sake of a more decent family life.

  17. Name : Ichsan Fakhri Fadlurahman
    Class : XI IPA 6

    1. Figurative language Is a word or sentence that is figurative Or sometimes satire,or a words that intentionally move away from their standard meaning.

    2.the sky was full of dancing Stars

  18. Alya Qurrotul'aini
    XI IPA 6

    -Figurative words are very informal words, not in the true sense of the word; figurative words of the message to give a sense of beauty and care to the thing being conveyed
    -he became the scapegoat in this

  19. Name : Silva Lestari
    Class : XI IPA 6

    1. Figurative language is a parable or a word containing a meaning that is not true

    2. every problem must be resolved with a cool head

  20. Name :Munawwar Kholil Wahyudi
    Class:XI IPA 6

    1.Figurative language is a figure of speech that is usually used in poem.
    This language style used to beautify a sentence, whether spoken or written, by utilizing the richness of language to create an imaginative impression for both the listener and the speaker.

    2.Trees waving in the wind

  21. Avni Siti Nur Fadillah
    XI IPA 6

    1.Figurative language is a language or word which means beautiful but does not describe the real meaning, it is just a metaphor of the meaning.
    2.They fought like cats and dogs.

  22. 1. Figurative languages are words and expressions used to convey various meanings and interpretations from the literal meaning.
    2. This employee is the right hand man of the company commissioner, Coconut leaves waving at me when in the wind.

    Nazwa Bariqoh Saniyah
    XI IPA 6

  23. Figurative language is a language or word that means beautiful but that does not convey the real meaning.
    -Successful men and women keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit.

    Natasya Indah Permata (27)
    XI IPA 6

  24. Irma Nur Alisa
    XI IPA 6

    1. Figurative language are the words or language used to express something, but the intended meaning is not the real meaning. Figurative language is used to beautify the language used.

    2. The steeples swam in a amethyst

  25. Sheila Futriani
    XI IPA 6

    1. Figurative language uses words or expressions to convey a meaning that is different from the literal interpretation.
    2. You're a couch potato, Time is money, He has a heart of stone.

  26. Muhammad Arkan Dhiya Ulhaq
    XI IPA 6

    -Figurative language is a language or word that means beautiful but that does not convey the real meaning.
    -no limit

  27. Name: Mecca Madaniah (18)
    Class:XI IPA 1

    1. Figurative language is word in conventional manner, phrases to meaning words and beautiful words in language.
    There are 4 types this is simile,methapor hyperbole, personification.

    2.1.) You're beautiful like the moon
    2.) you are like a bookworm
    3.) you are a land crocodile
    4.) you are writing is very good it
    can't be read
    5.) Your voice is so loud it can't be

    6.) you are like a black rose

  28. 1. Figurative Language is the language or overstated words. Like it was real.
    2. jamie was as cute as honey

    Wening Triana Pinutri
    XI IPA 1

  29. 1. Figurative language is an expression that goes beyond the literal meaning of words to convey a message or purpose.
    2. "Coconut leaves seemed to be waving at me and invited me to immediately play on the beach"

    Siti Amelia Hazimah
    XI IPA 1

  30. 1. figurative language is a figurative word that does not contain the true meaning of the word.

    2. - He became the scapegoat of this problem
    - She cried so long that she made a lake

    Name : Nazwa Dwi Anindhita
    Class : XI IPA 1

  31. 1.Figurative language refers to the use of words in a way that deviates from the conventional order and meaning in order to convey a complicated meaning, colorful writing, clarity, or evocative comparison.
    2. • Metaphor
    – Time is money.
    – You are a couch potato
    • Simile
    – Busy as a bee.
    – Stand out like a sore thumb.

    Name : Nadia esa
    Class :XI IPA 1

  32. 1. Figurative language is the language used to express a meaning which is expressed in a figure of speech in order to obtain aspects of beauty.

    - We have to face this matter with a cool head.
    - Nanda is a very helpful kid.
    - Her face is pale like an evening flower.

    Name : Nabila Dwi Maulani
    Class : XI IPA 1

  33. 1. Figurative language is a language / word which means beautiful but does not describe the real meaning, it is just a metaphor of meaning
    2. - We need to talk privately.
    - Now he lives alone after his father and mother died in an accident.

    Name : Syira Choerunnisya (35)
    Class : XI IPA 1

  34. 1. Figurative language is an expression that states a comparison or analogy, which does not describe its true meaning

    2. Example
    - "Her lips were like pomegranate popping"
    - "The wind howling in the middle of the dark night added to our fear"

    Name: Ingeu Siti Aisyah (15)
    Class: XI IPA 1

  35. Figurative language is a language or a word that means beautiful but does not describe the real meaning and often use unusual words

    -They seem like jackals when running in fear
    -This world is a sea of anonymous faces
    -He was a roaring lion in anger, though now he is silent

    Mohammad Adit Awaludin(19)
    XI Natural Science 1

  36. Assalamualaikum
    Name: Fajar fathur rahman
    Class: XI IPA 1

    1.figurative language, in my opinion, is a language that has a dual meaning

    2. your talk is razor sharp

  37. 1. Figurative language are word that are used to convey a sense of beauty and emphasize the importance of what is being conveyed

    2. Metaphor "The warrior has a heart of stone"

    Risa Rindu Ananda
    XI IPA1

  38. Nisrina Kamila Nursya'bani
    XI IPA 1

    1. Figurative language is the language used by poets to say something in an unusual way, that is, indirectly to express its meaning.
    2. You are a couch potato

    XI IPA 1

    1) Figurative language is a language style, which the writer uses to convey a message imaginatively which can contain an element of beauty from each language style which aims to make the reader get a certain effect from the language style so that the reader is carried away in the literary work, usually it is not true or connotation.

    2) -You are beautiful like a beautiful rose on every petal.
    - Your smile dances in my mind like the moon night
    -His fingers jumping swiftly over the computer keyboard
    -His eyes were burning with anger

  40. Assalamu'alaikum
    Name : Ayu Febriani
    Class : XI IPA 1

    1. Figurative language is the word usually used in poetry, to convey various meanings and interpretations of literal meanings.

    2. - We need to talk privately.
    - He's the scapegoat for this problem.

  41. Name: Avenda Rasya hadi putri
    class: XI IPA 1
    absent: 03

    1. figurative language is a word that contains a meaning that is not true (connotative) and guides imagery
    2. Example: If you need money, you should not borrow from loan sharks.

  42. Reygindo Prangin Angin
    XI IPA 1

    1. figurative language is a language or word which means beautiful but does not describe its true meaning

    2. "Soni is famous for being two-faced in front of friends."

  43. Name: Avenda Rasya hadi putri
    class: XI IPA 1
    absent: 03

    1. figurative language is a word that contains a meaning that is not true (connotative) and guides imagery
    2. Example: If you need money, you should not borrow from loan sharks.

  44. Name : Risma Aditya Meilani
    Class : XI IPA 1
    Absent: 31

    1. Figurative language is a language style used by a writer or reader to convey a message imaginatively which aims to make the reader / listener get a certain effect from the language style used. Figurative language is often used in literary languages ​​such as poem, drama, theater, or song lyrics.

    2. Example :
    ~ Time is money
    ~ I have a million things to do

  45. Name : Fadilah Anggelia Shafira
    Class : XI SCIENCE

    1. figurative language is a language / word which means beautiful but does not describe the real meaning, it is just a metaphor of the meaning, figurative words are used to give a sense of beauty and emphasize the importance of what is conveyed.

    2. - the road is a sea of fire, it's so hot
    - We must face this matter with a cool head.
    - His ideals are as high as the sky

  46. 1. Figurative language is the use of words in an unusual or imaginative manner.
    2. His smile is the sun, his happiness is the sky. If he cries for committing a foolishness, the world and everything in it collapses.

    Fanisa Nur Ramadani
    XI Science 1

  47. 1. Figurative language refers to the use of words in a way that deviates from the conventional order and meaning in order to convey a complicated meaning, colorful writing, clarity, or evocative comparison.
    2. Tree is dancing with the wind.

    Amanda Utami
    XI Science 1

  48. Figurative language it's an informal
    word that doesn't really capture the

    "You are shine like a diamond"

    1. Figurative language it's an informal
      word that doesn't really capture the

      "You are shine like a diamond"

      Gema Tri Maulana Sopandi
      XI IPA 1

  49. 1. Figurative language are word that are used to convey a sense of beauty and emphasize the importance of what is being conveyed
    2. Metaphor "The warrior has a heart of stone"

    Chandra putra Pamungkas
    XI IPA 1

  50. 1. Figurative language are words that are not in the true sense of the word; figurative words are used to give a sense of beauty and emphasize the importance of what is being said.

    2 •His face is like the moon.
    •The volunteers immediately stepped in to help the disaster victims.
    •If you need money, you should not borrow from loan sharks.

    Imron Rosadi

  51. devin k (07)
    xi science 1

    1. figurative language is language connotative and used to beautify words

    2. hope is like a rock eroded by the waves

  52. Irsyad (16)
    1. Figurative language is words used to deepen the meaning
    2 . You are like the full moon that illuminates me at night

  53. Luthfi Akbar Rasyidin
    XI SOCIAL 1 // 16

    1. figurative language is a words contain meanings that are not true or contain imagery, considerations about one thing by comparison or equality with other things.

    2. example :
    • your smile can melt me ​
    • time is money
    • The fruit does not fall far from the tree

    thats all, thank you

  54. 1.Figurative language, on the other hand, is the deliberate use of words to move to convey a message or purpose.
    2. Dad always toil for the sake of a more decent family life.

    Name:Nulyastin fanani
    XI social 1

  55. Name: Raden Karina Eriyanti
    Class: XI SOCIAL 1

    1. Figurative language is the language used to analyze the deeper meaning of words.

    2. "I am like a body that is not filled with life if you leave me."

  56. 1. Figures of speech are nonsensical words, usually used to convey beauty and emphasize the importance of what is being said in the form of words.
    2. You’re my bright star

    Name : Lusi Rahmawati
    Class : XI IPS 1

  57. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  58. 1.Figures of speech are nonsensical words, usually used to convey beauty and emphasize the importance of what is being said in the form of words
    2.ideals of the sky

    Yolanda july anggraeni
    XI IPS 1

  59. 1.Figurative language is a language using words that are used as parables or similes, but do not describe their true meaning
    2.we need to talk

    Shafa Nur Ramadani
    XI IPS 1

  60. 1.figurative is the arrangement of words and sentences by the writer or speaker in expressing ideas, ideas, and experiences to convince or influence the reader or listener.

    2.’enjoy this alakadar dish’

    zalfa nadira putri
    XI IPS I

  61. 1.figurative language is a spoken sentence that describes something but indirectly. like to describe beauty or something. are my sunshine

    Kintani Dwi Lestari
    XI IPS 1

  62. Name : Utari Wulan Permata
    Class : XI IPS 1

    1. Figurative language itself is usually used to analyze the deeper meaning of the word.

    2. - You are a couch potato.
    - Stand out like a sore thumb.

  63. Name : Ririn Salsabila
    Class : Xl IPS 1

    1. figurative is a language / word which means beautiful but does not describe the real meaning, it is just a metaphor of meaning.

    2. Former convicts are often labeled as community trash.

  64. 1. Figurative language refers to the use of words in a way that deviates from the conventional order and meaning in order to convey a complicated meaning, colorful writing, clarity, or evocative comparison. It uses an ordinary sentence to refer to something without directly stating it.

    2. Slowly fell silent, hearts scramble. Who is the most capable, stringing tangled hearts.

    Laura Sabila

  65. 1. figurative language is language that is beautiful but does not convey its true meaning.

    2. my mom has a heart of gold

    Ria Nur Aletha
    XI IPS 2

  66. Name : Moch Azkia I
    Class: XI Social 2

    figurative is the language used to say something indirectly to express its meaning
    "Life is a Roller coaster"

  67. Name : Risma Siti Zakiah Zulfa
    Class : XI Social 2

    1. figurative language is a word that is written down but is different from the actual word but has the same meaning.

    2. After coming home from his vacation he will bring souvenirs.

  68. 1. figurative language is a language that means beautiful but does not describe the real meaning, figurative words are used to give a sense of beauty and emphasis on what will be conveyed

    2. he becomes the scapegoat in this matter

    Nenci Qori Ainaya
    XI IPS 2

  69. 1. Figurative words are flowery, not in the true sense of the word; figurative words are used to give a sense of beauty and emphasize the importance of what is being said.

    2.Examples of figurative language "his face is like the moon"

    Name: Naila Albir H.S
    Class: XI IPS 2

  70. 1. a word that means beautiful but does not describe its true meaning

    2. blue blood

    Mesa Anastasa
    XI-IPS 2

  71. Name: Mala Pranggiati
    Class: XI IPS 2

    1. As I know, figurative language is a beautiful language and is usually quite complicated, because it expresses something indirectly so it needs understanding in finding its true meaning.

    2. - The coconut leaves are waving at me.
    - Dad has worked hard to earn money.
    - He ran so fast like lightning.
    - The rooster burned down the house.

  72. Khalida Fasha R P.
    XI IPS 2

    1. What I know, figures of speech are words to express a meaning but not directly. A figurative word can also be called an untrue meaning.

    2. a) Clouds cry during a storm
    b) Public money that is consumed by office mice
    c) Waves running and chasing each other

  73. Name : Rosi Sulistiawati
    Class : XI IPS 2

    1. Figurative language is language which is used to deepen and beautify words because the meaning goes beyond the actual meaning.
    2. a) I won't let them break me down to dust.
    b) I can smell your scent for miles.
    c) I am going to send them flood, I am going to drown them out.

  74. name: Indriyani A'ma Yasyipa
    class: XI IPS 2
    1. figurative language is a language / word which means beautiful but does not describe the real meaning, it is just a metaphor of the meaning, figurative words are used to give a sense of beauty and emphasis to the things to be conveyed.
    2. Surly: frowning
    -Big mouth: liar
    -Play with fire: play with danger
    -Fruits: souvenirs

  75. Name: Abigail Febriannie
    Class: XI-IPS 2

    1. Figurative language is a language that does not describe the real meaning, it is only a metaphor for the meaning

    2. - Two face
    - Fruit hands
    - Light hands
    - The scapegoat
    - Bookworm

  76. figurative language refers to complex words that do not convey their true meaning

    "The coconut tree danced in the heavy rain that flushed it"

    Anisa Febriana
    XI IPA 6

  77. figurative language is words that are exaggerated from their true meaning

    the boy ran as fast as a lion

    Aura Juliana putri
    XI IPA 6

  78. Sheila Futriani XI IPA 6
    - Figurative language is language that uses words or expressions with a meaning that is different from the literal interpretation.
    -The stars winked at me.

  79. 1. Figurative language is a style of language or figurative language or figure of speech to take advantage of the richness of language that can beautify the sentence.

    2. Your lip is like a red rose.

    Angel Diana Winarno (04)
    XI IPA 6

  80. 1.words that deliberately move away from their standard meaning (informal) science is on the internet

    Arsy Al Haque
    XI IPA 6

  81. 1. The figurative language that I know is a language where the words used are not their true meanings and are intended to provide beauty in writing and pronunciation.

    - sky is crying when you are give up
    - You're beautiful, you're my star in my life
    - when you're smile, i think i can fly to the moon

    Muhammad Naufal Rasyidin
    XI Natural Science 1

  82. 1. Figurative language are the words or language used to express something, but the intended meaning is not the real meaning. Figurative language is used to beautify the language used.
    2. The steeples swam in a amethyst

    Nadhif Azmi Pratikno (23)
    XI IPA 1

  83. M Faizal Febrian (17)
    *Figurative language it's an informal
    word that doesn't really capture the
    *He's fast like a cheetah
    Time is money

  84. Name: Zahwa Putri Andini
    class: XI IPS 2
    absent: 32

    1. figurative language is a word that contains a meaning that is not true (connotative) and guides imagery
    2. Example: If you need money, you should not borrow from loan sharks.

  85. Assalamualaikum

    1.figurative language falls into two main categories: figurative and literal. Literal language is the conventional use of words, figurative language is the use of words to deliberately move away from their standard meaning.

    2.The bitter sweetness of this life we ​​must live happily

    XI IPS 1


    1. Figurative words are words used to heed, not true.

    2. Her face is beautiful like the moon

  87. Name:muhamad fuji class: XI IPS 1

    1. figufuative words are used to bring out a deeper meaning in a word and to make a different word look more beautiful, sometimes used in poetry and song
    2.for example "a gust of wind that embraces the body"


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