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Factual report text or commonly called report text  is text which presents some information about thing, person, animal, scientific phenomena, or social condition. That information based on  the result of observation and analysis. The main purpose of factual report text is to give some information to the reader.

The Generic  structures of factual report text 

1. General Classification

This part contains the idea or the topic that will be explained in the text.This part usually written as the beggining of the text.

2. Description

This part contains the explanation of the information based on the topic. This part will be written after the general classification.

dishwasher is a machine for cleaning dishware and cutlery automatically. Unlike manual dishwashing, which relies largely on physical scrubbing to remove soiling, the mechanical dishwasher cleans by spraying hot water, typically between 45 and 75 °C (110 and 170 °F), at the dishes, with lower temperatures used for delicate items.

A mix of water and dishwasher detergent is pumped to one or more rotating spray arms, blasting the dishes with the cleaning mixture. Once the wash is finished, the water is drained, more hot water enters the tub by means of an electro-mechanical solenoid valve, and the rinse cycle begins. After the rinse cycle finishes and the water is drained, the dishes are dried using one of several drying methods. Typically a rinse-aid, a chemical to reduce surface tension of the water, is used to reduce water spots from hard water or other reasons.

In addition to domestic units, industrial dishwashers are available for use in commercial establishments such as hotels and restaurants, where many dishes must be cleaned. Washing is conducted with temperatures of 65–71 °C (149–160 °F) and sanitation is achieved by either the use of a booster heater that will provide an 82 °C (180 °F) "final rinse" temperature or through the use of a chemical sanitizer.


What is the function of factual report text?

How to use the text for daily life?

Give your answer, responses, or what in your mind in the comment below.

Sudarwati, Theresia and Eudia Grace (2016) Pathway to English untuk SMA/MA Kelas X Peminatan. Erlangga. Jakarta-Indonesia


  1. name : Najwa Zultan
    Grade : IPS 3

    1.the function of the factual report text is to provide information to the reader about an animal, animal person, scientific phenomenon or social condition based on the results of analysis or observation to first write a general classification containing an idea or topic after it provides a description or explanation of the

    1. Thank you Najwa
      I think I find some misspellings here.
      The first is to write...

    2. 2. is to make a general classification that contains an idea or topic first and then provides an overview or explanation of the factual report text

  2. Name : Irgan Sugriansyah
    Grade : X IPS 3

    1.the function of the factual report text is to provide information to the reader about an animal, animal person, scientific phenomenon or social condition based on the results of analysis or observation to first write a general classification containing an idea or topic after it provides a description or explanation of the object

    X IPS 3

    1. its function is to provide information to readers about something.
    2. usually used to find information that we don't know, for example we don't know the benefits and how to use a dishwasher, by reading the factual report text we will find out.

    1. Good Answer Sya.
      I like this phrase --by reading the factual report text we will find out.

  4. Dhiyaa Nur Widiana
    X IPS 3

    1. The function of a factual report text is to describe information about objects, people, animals, scientific phenomena, or social conditions. This information is based on the results of observation and analysis.
    2. First we write general classification
    this section contains an idea or topic that will be explained in the text. Next, we write description
    this part contains the explanation of the information based on the topic.

  5. Name: Calista Rizky Pratiwi
    Class: X IPS 3
    1. The function of factual report text is to give some information to the reader, which presents some information about a thing, person, animal, etc.
    2. The text is used to give some information about something, for example how to use an objects.

  6. Name:M Dika Salman Fikry
    Grade:X IPS 3

    1. To provide information about something based on the results of observations and analysis. conducting analysis and observation after that, writing a General Classification about what is being analyzed then writing a description or explanation of what has been analyzed.

  7. 1.the function of the factual report text is to provide information to the reader about an animal, animal person, scientific phenomenon or social condition based on the results of analysis or observation
    2. First we write general classification
    this section contains an idea or topic that will be explained in the text. Next, we write description
    this part contains the explanation of the information based on the topic

  8. Gusdi Rianto N
    X IPS 3
    1.The main function of a factual report is to explain facts about something. Usually he explained throughly. Things that can be explained by factual reports are things that come from nature or human made.
    2.To get information that we didn't know before, such as dishwasher. After reading the factual report text, we know what dishwasher is.

  9. Name : Nizar Azmi Rastedi
    Grade : X IPS 3

    1.the function of the factual report text is to provide information to the reader about an animal, animal person, scientific phenomenon or social condition based on the results of analysis or observation to first write a general classification containing an idea or topic after it provides a description or explanation of the object

  10. Boby Andrisa Riyanto
    X IPS 3
    1.the function of the factual report text is to provide information to the reader about an animal, animal person, scientific phenomenon or social condition based on the results of analysis or observation
    2. First we write general classification
    this section contains an idea or topic that will be explained in the text. Next, we write description
    this part contains the explanation of the information based on the topic

  11. Sania Elfarini Rahmalia
    X IPS 3

    1.Report text is a text which present information about something, as it is. It is as a result of systematic observation and analyses.Its social purpose is presenting information about something. They generally describe an entire class of things, whether natural or made: mammals, the planets, rocks, plants, countries of region, culture, transportation, and so on.
    2.In my opinion, this is to make a general classification that contains ideas or topics first and then provides an overview or explanation of the text of the factual report.

  12. Sania Elfarini Rahmalia
    X IPS 3

    1.Report text is a text which present information about something, as it is. It is as a result of systematic observation and analyses.Its social purpose is presenting information about something. They generally describe an entire class of things, whether natural or made: mammals, the planets, rocks, plants, countries of region, culture, transportation, and so on.
    2.In my opinion, this is to make a general classification that contains ideas or topics first and then provides an overview or explanation of the text of the factual report.

  13. Chantika APF
    X IPS 3

    1. The function of factual report text is to give information about something to the reader in general.It is as a result of systematic observasion and analyses.
    2. the First, is general classification .This part usually introduces the topic of tge report or tells what phenomenon.
    The Second, description. In this part we usually describe the details of the topic

  14. Name: Muhammad Lutfi Fazlullah
    Class: X IPS 3
    1. .the function of the factual report text is to provide information to the reader a about thing, person, animal, scientific phenomena, or social condition. That information based on the result of observation and analysis
    2. The first is to carry out analysis and observation of the information to be provided. Second, arrange the classification structure and description

  15. Hazna Alifia Hakim
    X IPS 3

    1. social function od report text is to present information about an object the way it is without being modified daily life,we can use degree of comparison for choosing something. for example when you want to buy food,you have to consider which has the best quality.

  16. Name: Siti Nurfizul Fanisa Apriliani
    Class: X IPS 3

    1.the function of this text is, to make us understand objects, places, or whatever we initially know only as a name or seen from the picture. we are better able to know the use, the way things work, the characteristics of a place, or parts of animals and plants.
    2.make it easier for us to understand something, such as a review of an item, animal, plant, building. so that it is more focused and makes it easier to carry out activities because the insight is filled so there is no word 'misunderstood'.

  17. name: selpi mardiah
    class: X IPS 3

    (1) factual report text serves to describe person, animal and objects in more detail through the research process. the function of the text report can be describe by words to describe the report or provide general information about or explain something that is described or presented
    (2) make the first General Classification
    and looking for ideas on topics to explain in the text. then for the second one, write the description of this part contains the explanation of the information based on the topic.

  18. Name: Rizki Rahmawati
    class: X IPS 3

    1. Is a text that serves to present some information about something to the reader
    2. first analyze, then write a description of the explanation based on the topic

  19. Name:Alvin Hasan Haqiki
    Class:X IPS 3

    1.The function of factual report text is to give some information to the reader, which presents some information about a thing

    2.In my opinion, this is to make a general classification that contains ideas or topics first and then provides an overview or explanation of the text of the factual repot to get information that we didn't know before, such as dishwasher. After reading the factual report text, we know what dishwasher is.

  20. Name:Siti Nayla Syufiawati
    Class: X IPS 3

    1.The function of factual report text is to give some information to the reader, which presents some information about a thing, person, animal, etc.

    2.Makes it easier for us to understand something when going to examine goods or others

  21. Name: Annisa Tsuraya Haifa
    Grade: X IPS 3

    1.Factual report text or commonly called report text is text which presents some information about thing, person, animal, scientific phenomena, or social condition. That information based on the result of observation and analysis. The main purpose of factual report text is to give some information to the reader.
    2.factual writing is used when we want to explain an event or explain the description of an item in detail according to the facts

  22. Naurah Athaya Ramadhani
    X IPS 3

    1. Factual, where reports are prepared based on facts with observations that have been made and have been proven to be true without any unclear allegations. Systematic, the text of the observation report that is arranged in an orderly manner and is interrelated between classes and sub-classes in it.

    2. In my opinion, this is to make a general classification that creates an idea or topic first and then provides an overview or explanation of the factual text report.

  23. Eva fauziah
    X ips 4

    1. The function of factual report text is to give some information to the reader, which presents some information about a thing, person, animal, etc.
    2. then write a description of the explanation based on the topic

  24. Nabil musyafa

    1. Its function is to inform the reader about something.
    2. usually used to find information that we cannot know, for example we cannot know the benefits or how to use a clothes washing tool, by reading the factual report text we will find out.

  25. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  26. Name: Siti Zahra Nurfitri Mulyadi
    Class:X IPS 4

    1.The function of factual report text is to give some information to the reader, which presents some information about a thing

    2.In my opinion, this is to make a general classification that contains ideas or topics first and then provides an overview or explanation of the text of the factual repot to get information that we didn't know before, such as dishwasher. After reading the factual report text, we know what dishwasher is.

  27. Name : Anisa Fuji Rahayu
    Class : X IPS 4

    1. its function is to present information about a thing, person, animal, scientific phenomenon, or social conditions. This information is based on the results of observation and analysis. The main purpose of factual news texts is to provide information to readers.

    2. First we write general classification
    this section contains an idea or topic that will be explained in the text. Next, we write description
    this part contains the explanation of the information based on the topic.

  28. NAME: Khalil Marviawan
    CLASS: X IPS 4

    1. Function of report text is to present information about an object the way it is without being modified. That information based on the result of observation and analysis. The main purpose of factual report text is to give some information.

    2. Write a general classification containing an idea or topic after it provides a description or explanation of the factual text report

  29. Name : Syeira Salsabila Sepgireinata
    Class : X IPS 4

    1. Factual reportage text is a text that presents information about a matter, person, animal, scientific phenomenon, or social condition. This information is based on the results of observation and analysis. The main purpose of factual news texts is to provide information to reader.

    2. usually used to find information that we don't know, for example we don't know the benefits and how to use a dishwasher, by reading the factual report text we will find out.

  30. Name: Ratna Fanny Devi
    Class: X IPS 4

    1. Factual report text or commonly called report text is text which presents some information about thing, person, animal, scientific phenomena or social condition. The main purpose of factual report text is to give some information to the reader.

    2. a description of a thing or event as it is. Every object or even described in the writing must be able to be explained and proven by various scientific matters.

  31. 1.The function of factual report text is to describe an item to provide information to readers about an object find information that we don't know

  32. Name: Erma Trisnawati
    Class : X IPS 4

    1. The function of factual report text is to give some information to the reader, which presents some information about a thing, person, animal, etc.
    2. The text is used to give some information about something, for example how to use an objects.

  33. Name:r moch vito andri yaksa
    Clas:X IPS 4

    1.Factual report text or commonly called report text is text which presents some information about thing, person, animal, scientific phenomena, or social condition. That information based on the result of observation and analysis

    2.The main purpose of factual report text is to give some information to the reader.

    1.the function of the factual report text is to provide information to the reader about an animal, animal person, scientific phenomenon or social condition based on the results of analysis or observation
    2. First we write general classification
    this section contains an idea or topic that will be explained in the text. Next, we write description
    this part contains the explanation of the information based on the topic

  35. name: selpi mardiah
    class: x ips 3
    1. The function of the factual report text serves to describe humans, animals, objects in more detail through the research process.
    2. First we write general classification
    this section contains an idea or topic that will be explained in the text. Next, we write description
    this part contains the explanation of the information based on the topic.

  36. Name: Siti Nurfizul Fanisa
    1.the function of the factual report text is to provide information to the reader about an animal, animal person, scientific phenomenon or social condition based on the results of analysis or observation
    2. First we write general classification
    this section contains an idea or topic that will be explained in the text. Next, we write description
    this part contains the explanation of the information based on the


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