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as Written and Spoken Literature Work


What is poem?

A poem is a piece of writing in which the words are chosen for their beauty and sound and are carefully arranged, often in short lines which rhyme. Synonyms: verse, song, lyric, rhyme More Synonyms of poem. (Collins dictionary)

Another definition from oxford dictionary: It is a piece of writing that partakes of the nature of both speech and song that is nearly always rhythmical, usually metaphorical, and often exhibits such formal elements as meter, rhyme, and stanzaic structure.


What is the social function of poem?

The main function of a poem is to convey an idea or emotion in beautiful language. It paints a picture of what the poet feels about a thing, person, idea, concept, or even an object.

The foremost social function of poetry is that it 'has to give pleasure': ( i ) pleasure of entertainment and (ii) pleasure of value. Entertaining pleasure suggests mirth and relaxation, while the pleasure of value indicates information and learning.

Poems can paint a picture in our minds. They can also make us feel a certain way. Poetry was originally recited, or spoken aloud, to an audience


What are the main features of a poem?

Terms in this set (5)

·         Rhyme. * Some poems use rhyming words to create a certain effect. ...

·         Rhythm. * Sometimes poets use repetition of sounds or patterns to create a musical effect in their poems. ...

·         Figurative Language. * Figurative language is often found in poetry. ...

·         Shape. ...

·         Mood.


What is difference between poem and poetry?

Poetry is the use of words and language to evoke a writer's feelings and thoughts, while a poem is the arrangement of these words. ... Poetry is the process of creating a literary piece using metaphor, symbols and ambiguity, while a poem is the end result of this process


Examples of Poem.

A Day

Emily Dickinson - 1830-1886


I’ll tell you how the sun rose, —

A ribbon at a time.

The steeples swam in amethyst,

The news like squirrels ran.


The hills untied their bonnets,

The bobolinks begun.

Then I said softly to myself,

“That must have been the sun!”


But how he set, I know not.

There seemed a purple stile

Which little yellow boys and girls

Were climbing all the while


Till when they reached the other side,

A dominie in gray

Put gently up the evening bars,

And led the flock away.




In the early part of spring

You will hear, many birds sing

They are just letting, the rest of us know

Winter is over, spring melted the snow


You will notice, a beautiful scene

The trees will slowly, begin to turn green

Chipmunks and bunnies will come out and play,

Bears will no longer, sleep during the day


It’s exciting, when spring finally arrives

Bees will make honey, inside their hives

So much to do, so much to see

Insects and animals are happy and free


Now, answer the following questions and write on the comments.

1. What do you know about poem?

2. Do you think poem is important, why?





3.1 Menafsirkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks khusus dalam bentuk poem lisan dan tulis, dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait kehidupan remaja, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

4.1 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks khusus poem terkait kehidupan remaja.


  1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  2. Assalamualaikum wr wb

    Poem in my opinion is something that you read with soulful voice.

    I think poem is important for us because its a way to express our feelings

    Muhammad Nabiel Aditya
    XI IPA 6

  3. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  4. Name : Muhammad Azka Ghali Aulia
    Class: XI IPA 6

    1. Poem is one type of literary work that is familiar to society besides short stories and novels. This poem is composed with passion because even though it only consists of a number of words per line, the meaning contained in it is quite rich.
    2. Yes, because Poem can provide space for teachers to produce literary lovers as well as sharp critics, provide a balance between teaching writing, grammar, and analytical strategies, to help students see that literature is fun

  5. Widy Fahmil Hafidz
    XI IPA 6

    Poem is the result of a person's thoughts to express his feelings through papers

    For me poem is not so important because i dont like to express my feeling using poem

  6. 1. poem is a literary work which is an expression of a poet's heart written with diction and pattern

    2. I think poem is important, because sometimes if we want to express something in an unusual way we can use poetry, besides that, poem also important because it can develop our writing skills.

  7. 1. Poem is a collection of spoken or written words that expressed emotional or ideas.
    2. Poem is the important thing because poem can push our skills to composing the words and help us to express our emotional or ideas
    through a poem.

    Nazwa Bariqoh Saniyah
    XI IPA 6

  8. 1. poetry is a literary work which is an expression of a poet's heart written with diction and pattern

    2. I think poetry is important, because sometimes if we want to express something in an unusual way we can use poetry, besides that, poetry is also important because it can develop writing skills.

    Syahla Soraya Asri Pulungan
    XI IPA 6

  9. 1. Poem in my opinion is a description of a person's emotions which are transformed into literary works so that they can be read or heard by others.

    2. Poem is very important because it can be used as entertainment. besides poem can also liberate emotions.

    Angel Diana Winarno (04)
    XI IPA 6

  10. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  11. Aura Juliana putri
    XI IPA 6

    1. poetry is the word chosen for its beauty and has the function of conveying ideas in beautiful language.

    2. In my opinion, poetry is important because with poetry we can convey what we feel through words.

  12. Name: Munawwar Kholil Wahyudi
    Class:XI IPA 6

    1. In my opinion, poem is a literary work in which there are elements of beauty and figurative language.
    2. Of course, Because poem is a medium of self expression

  13. Aura Juliana putri
    XI IPA 6

    1. poetry is the word chosen for its beauty and has the function of conveying ideas in beautiful language.

    2. In my opinion, poetry is important because with poetry we can convey what we feel through words.

  14. Nadia Mulia Febria Muhtar
    XI IPA 6

    My answer:
    1.Poem is a literary work that uses connotations in its written expression and its reading must be in accordance with the meaning of the poem.

    2.Poem is important to me because writing poetry can bring back my mood and express my emotions.

  15. Rifqal Fadhil Akbar (30)
    XI IPA 6

    Poem is literary work that conveys message through writing.

    I think Poem is important because with poem we can deepen the science of language.

  16. poem is a beautiful art, it reads by someone who has great and deep voice.

    for me poem is important because poem can be placed our feelings, such like happy, sad, angry, feel no one notice.

    Aulia Tri Sarah Zahara
    XI IPA 6

  17. Natasya Indah Permata (27)
    XI IPA 6
    1. Poem is a piece of writing in which the words are arranged in separate lines, often ending in rhyme, and are chosen for their sound and for the images and ideas they suggest.
    2. Can increase vocabulary knowledge, improve speaking skills, increase insight and creativity.

  18. 1. Poem is a literary work resulting from the expressions and feelings of a person with language that is bound to rhythm, dimension, rhyme, composing lyrics, and stanzas. The contents of the poem are full of meaning and the language used is quite beautiful.
    2. Yes, because poem has become an important part of life since humans are good at speaking.

    Avni Siti Nur Fadillah
    XI IPA 6

  19. Chandra Rahayu
    Xi ipa 6
    1. POEM is my opinion is an art both speaking or written form using rhythm, rhyme and verse. And use beautiful language.
    2. Learning POEM is inportant because, it can keep our national art, and it train our brain to conpose good words

  20. Natanael Yohanes Gunawan
    XI IPA 6

    Poem is one of the works of a person who is created and has meaning.

    I think poem is important in expressing the feelings of a person who may be in a happy, sad, angry state or something.

  21. Muhammad Lutfi Nugraha
    XI-IPA 6
    The poem is a kind of literary work to showed a sense of someone.

    Yes i think that's important, because poem could unleash stress through a literary work.

  22. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  23. Assalamualaikum wr.wb Mr

    Poem is a piece of writing in which the words are chosen for their beauty and sound and are carefully arranged, often in short lines which rhyme.

    I think Poem is so important because it helps us understand and appreciate the world around us.

  24. Assalamualaikum wr.wb Mr

    Poem is a piece of writing in which the words are chosen for their beauty and sound and are carefully arranged, often in short lines which rhyme.

    I think Poem is so important because it helps us understand and appreciate the world around us.

    Muhammad Angga Permana Putera
    XI IPA 6

  25. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  26. Sheila Futriani
    XI IPA 6

    Poetry is a literary work to express feelings or contain messages in the form of writing.

    Poetry is important in my opinion because sometimes I pour out my feelings through a poem.

  27. Arsy Al Haque(06)

    I think poetry is a word that has a beautiful or important meaning.

    I think poetry is important because making or reading poetry is the same as releasing or channeling some of the emotions or situations that we experience today.

  28. Hello, morning Sir.

    All I know, Poem is a literary work which read using our feelings, Poems cannot be read haphazardly, there must be intonation, tone, rhythm and others. so that the writer's feelings can be felt by others.

    I think poem is important because there is no literary work that cannot be considered insignificant.

    Irma Nur Alisa
    XI IPA 6

  29. 1. In my opinion poem is a collection of beautiful words, which share a broad range of sound and meaning in common.

    2. Poem is important to me, knowing someone's feelings from an article is very interesting.

    Amalia Nur Azizah
    11 Ipa 6

  30. Rifa Mardhiyyah
    XI IPA 6

    Poem in my opinion is a literary work that has rhythm, language that is beautiful and full of meaning

    poem is important because it can train the imagination, convey meaning and shape personality

  31. Poem is a form of literary work that is bound by rhythm, rhyme and composers of verses and lines whose language looks beautiful and full of meaning

    Poetry is the use of words and language to evoke a writer's feelings and thoughts, while a poem is the arrangement of these words

    Alya Qurrotul'aini 01
    XI IPA 6

  32. Nabila Aulia Kultsum
    XI IPA 6
    1. In my opinion, poem can be made according to our mood. In addition, poem can also be used as a medium to describe something.
    2. I think poem is important, because with poem, we can pour out our hearts by composing beautiful and meaningful words.

  33. 1. Poem is is a rhyme in an English word which have conformity.
    2. I think poem is not important because I cant express my feelings with writing

    Martin K.T
    XI IPA 6

  34. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  35. Silva Lestari
    XI IPA 6
    1. Poem is a type of Malay poetry that emphasizes the harmony of the sounds of the language
    2. Poem is very important and useful for getting to know an art because it can develop the ability to think and process feelings

  36. Poem is a text that usually read beautifully and contains about positive things

    In my opinion learning about poem is not to important ,bcs poem is just read a text that maybe much of people can do it ,,, but poem just accompanied with tone

    M fadli s
    XI IPA 6

  37. Name : Debria de Labiba
    Class : XI-IPA 6

    1. Poetry is a literary work that has been known for a long time. Poetry results from the feelings and expressions of a poet with a language that is bound to rhythm, rhyme, composing lyrics and stanzas, and full of meaning.
    2. Yes, I do. Because with poetry we can express our feelings, reveal the things that are on our minds, with beautiful words and sometimes hidden broad meanings that other people don't know. With poetry we can also write or voice things that cannot be expressed directly. And we will feel satisfied when our poetry is enjoyed by others.

  38. Yonatan Yusak Lestari

    Poem is a literary work that expresses a message through writing with rhythm.

    Poem is very important in this era because Poem can be a source for motivation.

  39. poem is literature from the expression of one's feeling.

    in my opinion poem is important because it can channel one's talents in a rhythmic writing.

    Anisa Febriana 05
    XI IPA 6

  40. In my opinion Poem is literary work that conveys message through writing.
    I think Poem is important because with poem we can deepen the science of language.

    Muhammad Arkan Dhiya Ulhaq (15)
    XI IPA 6

  41. Poem is almost the same as poetry, it's just that the form of presentation is in regular and bound lines. Rhymes emphasize the harmony of the sounds of the language and the equivalence of the sounds

    Siti Amelia Hazimah (32)
    XI IPA 1

    1. mr maaf yg ini salah pertanyaan no 2 nya blm diisi 🙏

  42. Name: Fajar fathur rahman
    Class: XI IPA 1

    1. In my opinion, poem is a series of beautiful words arranged into meaningful sentences

    2. I think whether poem is important or not depends on the person because everyone's use of poem is different, some are meant to express something or just to complete a task.

  43. Assalamualaikum
    Im my opinion, Poem is one way of expressing all forms of expression in a aesthetic way, its selection of words is so great that it's wonderful to read.

    Name : Nadia esa
    Class : XI IPA 1

  44. Name: Risma Aditya Meilani
    Class: XI IPA 1
    Absent: 31

    1. Poem is a written art. Poem is a person's literary work in conveying messages through diction and written patterns.

    2. I think poem is important because poem can represent someone's feelings.

  45. Assalammualaikum,
    Name:Mecca Madaniah (18)
    Class:XI IPA 1

    1. To my knowledge, the poem is a piece of writing in which the words are chosen for theirs beauty and sounds carefully arranged often in short lines which rhyme. Has to give pleasure, entertaining,relaxation,and beautiful language.Poem is usually in the song.

    2. I think the poem is important because with the poem we can beautiful language, can paint a picture in our minds, make me feel a certain way, spoken aloud to an audience, kreation, entertain, make me pleasure.

  46. Assalamualaikum Mr
    Name : Ayu Febriani (04)
    Class : XI IPA 2

    1. Poem is a literary work which contains an expression with a feeling and contains rhythm, and rhyme .

    2. Poem is very important because we can express a thought which contains a feeling of a poet

  47. Name: Ingeu Siti Aisyah
    Class: XI IPA 1

    1. Poem is a work made by expressing the feelings of the person who made the poem, written in beautiful words.
    2. I think poem is very important, because with poem we can express our feelings through writing.

  48. 1. Poem is a form of literary work that is bound by rhythm, rhyme, verse compilers, and lines whose language looks beautiful and full of meaning.

    2. Because poetry can build reading, writing and listening skills, then we can get vocabulary that we don't know yet, and encourage us to think creatively.

    Fanisa Nur Ramadani

  49. Assalamualaikum,
    Name : Nabila Dwi Maulani (22)
    Class : XI IPA 1

    1. In my opinion poem is writing or a collection of words that express emotion by considering a beauty.

    2. I think poetry is important, because it can help us when it is difficult to express something, it can help develop thinking and writing skills and process feelings.

  50. 1. In my opinion poetry is a literary work of conveying messages through the diction and written patterns of the poet.

    2. I think It is important, since poetry can convey feelings we may feel, writing poems can also enhance creativity and enhance a new vocabulary.

    Name : Nazwa Dwi Anindhita
    Class : XI IPA 1

  51. poetry is a person's literary work to express the feelings that are on his mind. The characteristic features in poetry are usually poetry, rhythm and figurative language

    In my opinion, poetry is important because each person has different ways of expressing the expressions, emotions and feelings he feels. Through the medium of poetry, a person can pour out all his heart and mind through his own handwriting, evoke feelings, and use language or words that are beautiful

    Avenda Rasya H. F
    XI IPA 1
    absent: (03)

  52. Name : Adisty Fitria Az-Zahra
    Class : XI IPA 1

    1)In my opinion, poetry is someone's literary work that conveys a message or is a written work belonging to someone's literary work which is the result of someone's expression, which can come from the mind, using language that is tied to rhythm, rhymes, and lines and stanzas.

    2)It is important because i think poetry may be a figure of speech that conveys beautiful words and broaden the imagination of expressing them well that encouranges me to feel free to express myself by writing that cannot be directly expressed

  53. 1. A poem is a piece of writing in which the words are chosen for their beauty and sound and are carefully arranged , often in short lines which rhyme.
    2. I think poetry is important, because we can show feelings that cannot be expressed directly. And also makes us relieved

    Amanda Utami
    XI Science 1


  54. 1. Poem is one type of literary work that is familiar to society besides short stories and novels. This poem is composed with passion because even though it only consists of a number of words per line, the meaning contained in it is quite rich.
    2. Yes, because Poem can provide space for teachers to produce literary lovers as well as sharp critics, provide a balance between teaching writing, grammar, and analytical strategies, to help students see that literature is fun

    Name: Putri Zahra Dewu Puspita
    Kelas:11 IPA 1

  55. Name : Fadilah Anggelia Shafira
    Class: XI SCIENCE 1

    1. Poem is someone's literary work which is made based on our own thoughts or expressions of one's own feelings and is made in beautiful language.
    2. I think poem is important because with poem we can express our own feelings that are difficult to express directly.

  56. 1. In my opinion, poetry is a literary work in the form of an expression of the writer's heart in which there is rhythm, lyrics, rhyme, and rhythm on each line. Packaged in imaginative language and composed of solid and meaningful words.

    2. yes important, because poetry is not only to be taught as a work of art, but poetry is also important for teaching writing and reading.

    Name : Syira Choerunnisya
    Class : XI IPA 1

  57. In my opinion, poetry is a literary work that conveys messages through written diction and patterns

    I think that is important, because poetry can convey feelings that we might feel

    Mohammad Adit Awaludin (19)
    XI Natural Science 1

  58. 1. I think Poetry is a literary form that uses an aesthetic and often rhythmic quality of language

    2. I think poetry is important especially when we explain feelings that are difficult to express directly, only through thoughts and words we can express them, namely in a poetry

    Siti Amelia Hazimah (32)
    XI Science 1

  59. 1. In my opinion, Poetry is a form of literary work that is surrounded by rhythm, rhyme and composers of verses and lines whose language looks beautiful and full of meaning
    2.In my opinion Poetry is important because it can provide a healthy outlet for emotional discharge. Reading poetry aloud in front of the class can foster self-confidence and empathy, while also emphasizing public speaking and listening skills.

    Imron Rosadi (13)

  60. In my opinion, Poem is a feeling expressed in words. For me poem isn't important because i don't like to express my feelings in the words.

    Wening Triana Pinutri
    XI-IPA 1

  61. 1. What I know about poem is that the literary part of the phrases are arranged in an array so they are coherent and have a rhythm

    2. In my opinion, it is important, because poem is a way for someone to convey their opinion in the form of a literary work

    Muhammad Naufal rasyidin
    XI Natural Science 1

  62. 1. poem is a message from someone to confess his feelings in the form of diction or written pattern.

    2. i think it’s important ,whit that we have more ways to express feelings

    zalfa nadira ,XI IPS I

  63. 1. A poem is a piece of writing in which the words are chosen for their beauty and sound and are carefully arranged, often in short lines which rhyme.

    2. Poem is so important because it helps us understand and appreciate the world around us. Poem's strength lies in its ability to shed a “sideways” light on the world, so the truth sneaks up on you. Poem teaches us how to live. it bares open the vulnerabilities of human beings so we can all relate to each other a little better.

    Chinta Salsabila M
    XI IPS 1

  64. 1.In my opinion, Poetry is a way of expressing all forms of expression.
    2.I think poetry is very important because with poetry we can speak the language beautifully, spoken aloud to the audience, create creations, entertain, and make me happy.

    Arsenia Dwi Putri Sagala

  65. 1.Poetry is a form of literature bound by rhythm, rhythm, and temple compilers and lines whose language looks beautiful and full of meaning.
    2.Because poetry can convey the feelings we feel, writing poetry also enhances creativity.

    Yolanda july anggraeni
    XI IPS 1

  66. 1.Poetry is a written art. Poetry is a person's literary work in conveying messages through diction and written patterns. A poet is a person who makes or creates poetry. In this art form, a poet uses language to add an aesthetic quality to semantic meaning

    2.No, because poetry is not used in everyday life. other than that I also can't poetry and don't really like it.

    Shafa Nur Ramadani
    XI IPS 1

  67. Kintani Dwi Lestari
    XI IPS 1

    1. Poem is a series of words that can represent a feeling or emotion or it can also tell an event.

    2. I think poem is important, because if we want to convey feelings or emotions we can convey them through poem.

  68. 1. I think poetry is a collection of words based on expressions of a person's feelings.

    2. I think poetry is important because it can express one's feelings, but it also develops one's talent.

    Name : Lusi Rahmawati
    Class : XI IPS 1

  69. poetry is writing with the chosen words and words in our minds, chosen due to beauty in poetry, and poetry to convey ideas or emotions of ourselves in beautiful language

    In my opinion poetry is important, because poetry is a way for us to express our feelings to someone, a family, relative, friend or lover

    NulYastin Fanani
    XI social 1

  70. Name: Raden Karina Eriyanti
    Class: XI IPS 1

    1. Poetry is a writing in which words are chosen for their beauty and sound and are carefully composed. Poetry can paint a picture that is in our minds. Poetry is initially read, or spoken aloud, to the audience.

    2. In my opinion, Poetry can be used as a form of releasing emotions in someone. Reading poetry aloud in front of the class can foster self-confidence, and can also practice public speaking skills.

  71. Name : Utari Wulan Permata
    Class : XI IPS 1

    1. Poetry is a written art. Poetry is the literary work of one's conveying or expressing one's feelings, one's message through written words and patterns.

    2. In my opinion poetry is important, since we can express or express our feelings in the form of a writing. And in time it will be our talent for poetry.

  72. Nadhif Aldenaf
    XI-IPS 1

    1. What I know about poem
    Poem is the work of literature and someone's work in conveying the message and writed with diction

    2. I think poem is not to important but there is a benefit from poem like you will know more about your language, and from it you can mastering your own language

  73. assalamualaikum

    Luthfi Akbar Rasyidin

    1. poem is a literary work that contains whatever we are thinking about, poem also contains figure of speech or transposition of words. poem is made in writing which is then read aloud.

    2. in my opinion, some people can't read poem very well. because, poem itself has a reading technique that is different from other texts. reading poem aloud can also help us to be more confident.

    that's all, thank you


  74. Assalamualaikum
    Salwa Safira
    XI IPS 1

    1.A poem is a piece of writing in which the words are chosen for their beauty and sound and are carefully arranged, often in short lines which rhyme. Synonyms: verse, song, lyric, rhyme More Synonyms of poem.

    2.yes,poem is important because it helps us understand and appreciate the world around us.

  75. Name : Dira Cikal Rahnawati
    Class : XI Social 1

    1.Poem is a written art in which it has a certain structure. Poem usually has a function to provide messages with different themes. Poem is also commonly read using tone and appreciation.

    2.I think poem isn't very important bcs poem poem isn't something that is very important or influential in our lives, but poem has certain meanings and benefits, especially for people who really like it, for example, such as artists or poets.


  76. Name: Sobir Nasrul Basit
    Class: XI IPS 2


    In my opinion, poetry is sending words that have been arranged into pre-arranged sentences. Poetry is also a way of expressing expressions, the choice of words is very good so it is easy to read.

    I think whether poetry is important or not depends on the person because everyone's use of poetry is different.

  77. Name: mesa Anastasa
    Class: XI-IPS II

    1. My opinion poem piece of writing in which the words are chosen for their beauty and sound and are carefully arranged, often in short lines which rhyme, which have function of a poem is to convey an idea or emotion in beautiful language.

    2. Because poem expresses what we are feeling

  78. 1. Poem is the arrangement of words that contain meaning and musical elements. It is a piece of writing that expresses the writer’s thought and feelings in order to set a mood; it can be happy or sad, simple or complex. In just a few words, a poem can say a lot. It can inspire and awe and can be a welcome escape into something that is totally wonderful.

    2. I think poem is important because poem can express the heart's content with short beautiful sentences but has a deep meaning.

    Laura Sabila
    XI Social 2

  79. Name : Hilwa Abiyyah Khansa
    Class: XI IPS 2

    1.Poem is a form of literary work from the results of the expressions and feelings of a poet with a language that is bound to rhythm, dimension, rhyme, arrangement of lyrics and stanzas, and full of meaning.

    2.yes, very important because it teaches us to write and read

  80. Name : Aldi Adriansyah R
    Class : XI Social 2

    1. In my opinion, Poem is a literary work that results from the expression and feelings of a person with speech that is loud and can be heard by others
    2. Yes. Poem is important because with poetry we can convey what we feel through sentences and words

  81. Name : Risma Siti Zakiah Zulfa
    Class : XI IPS 2

    1. in my opinion, poem is an article made to convey or describe something from the author to the reader using beautiful words.

    2. I think poem is important because in poem there is a series of words which when read by someone must really live it and when read, must use an expression that matches the poem, therefore I think poem is important because there is knowledge that we get when reading it.

  82. Khalida Fasha R P
    XI IPS 2

    1. Poem is a literary work in which it is about expressing the feelings of a poet by using language that has and contains rhythm.

    2. I think poem is important, because with poetry we can describe what we feel and can also develop our writing skills, emotions, and our ideas.

  83. Nenci Qori Ainaya
    XI IPS 2

    1. I think that poetry is a literary work consisting of four lines and each word has a meaning.

    2. Yes, because in this poetry we can pour what is on our mind into a very beautiful sentence.

  84. Name : Mala Pranggiati
    Class : XI IPS 2

    1. In my opinion, poem is a literary work to express one's heart by using beautiful language.

    2. Yes, because poem can be a medium for expressing the heart's content, besides that by reading other people's poetry we can feel comforted and know the meaning of the poem.

  85. 1. In my opinion, poem is written work made by a poet to convey a message using language that is easy to understand.

    2. I think poem is important because some people will express feelings through poem, and poem can help us express ourselves in poem form.

    Name : Ria Nur Aletha
    Clas : XI Ips 2

  86. 1. poem is a literary work resulting from the expression and feelings of a person with language that is bound to rhythm, dimensions, lyric arrangement, and verse. The contents of the poem are full of meaning and the language used is quite beautiful.

    2.Yes, because it's important to teach as a work of art, but it's also important for writing and reading. besides Adding vocabulary, Giving lots of ideas, Adding new experiences, Relieving stress or anxiety, and Creating a sense of comfort and calm.

    Farhan M Achdiat
    XI-IPS 2


    1. My opinion, poem is a literary work that comes from the expression or outpouring of a poet's heart. This literary work is made based on the expression of the poet's feelings.

    2. Quite important, because to describe our feelings.

  88. Name: Abigail Febriannie
    Class: XI-IPS 2

    1. In my opinion poem is a written work of literature or art, in which feelings are conveyed in beautiful language

    2. Yes, for me poem is important because through poetry we can write down everything in our heart and become a work that is beautiful and useful for readers or listeners. Besides that, it is not just expressing feelings but also contains meaning in it.

  89. Name: Indriyani a'ma yasyipa
    Class: XI IPS 2
    1.Poem is a variety of literature whose language is bound by rhythm, dimension, rhyme, and line and verse arrangement. Poem is also known as the art of writing whose content is an expression of thoughts, feelings, contains messages and beautiful language.
    2.yes, because Poem can provide students with a healthy way to vent their emotions by reciting them aloud.

  90. Name : Rosi Sulistiawati
    Class : XI IPS 2

    Thank you very much for this very useful article. I learn more from this article about poem.

    1. Certain words are arranged to form beautiful word strings with value and tied to rhyme, to express the Poet's feelings.

    2. Yes, because poem is something to convey the feelings of the Poet. Also for entertaining and learning.

  91. Name: Regina Mutiara R
    Class: XI IPS 2
    1.Poem is a variety of literature whose language is bound by rhythm, dimension, rhyme, and line and verse arrangement. Poem is also known as the art of writing whose content is an expression of thoughts, feelings, contains messages and beautiful language.
    2.yes, because Poem can provide students with a healthy way to vent their emotions by reciting them aloud.

  92. Name: Gita Akmelia B
    class: XI IPS 2

    Thank you Mr for wrote this article, it means a lot to me because my knowledge has increased and I like poetry more now.

    ● Poem is a line of words that is arranged beautifully and clearly. The array of poem contains every beautiful feeling the writer wants to convey. Poem also holds the writer's deep meaning and emotion. Poem has a function to express feelings and present them in a written form that contains many figurative words. It makes poem easy to liked and hear even to everyone

    ● Why poem is so important, because with poem everyone can express their feelings without speaking or if they don't have time to say it. Poem creates a classic and harmonious atmosphere for the audience. That way, poem deserves to be considered something important in the hearts of literary lovers.

  93. Name: Gita Akmelia B
    class: XI IPS 2

    Thank you Mr for wrote this article, it means a lot to me because my knowledge has increased and I like poetry more now.

    ● Poem is a line of words that is arranged beautifully and clearly. The array of poem contains every beautiful feeling the writer wants to convey. Poem also holds the writer's deep meaning and emotion. Poem has a function to express feelings and present them in a written form that contains many figurative words. It makes poem easy to liked and hear even to everyone

    ● Why poem is so important, because with poem everyone can express their feelings without speaking or if they don't have time to say it. Poem creates a classic and harmonious atmosphere for the audience. That way, poem deserves to be considered something important in the hearts of literary lovers.

  94. 1. Poetry is a literary variety that is bound by its elements, such as rhythm, mantra, rhyme, line and verse. Poetry can also be said to be an expression of emotions, imagination, ideas, thoughts, rhythm, tone, word order, figurative words, sensory impressions, and feelings.

    2. Why poetry is very important, because poetry can express the contents of the heart.

    Name:Naila Albir H.S
    Class:XI IPS 2

  95. 1.A poem is a piece of writing in which the words are chosen for their beauty and sound and are carefully arranged, often in short lines which rhyme.'s so important because it helps us understand and appreciate the world around us.

    Name : Nadia esa
    Class : XI IPA 1

  96. Poem in my opinion is a literary work that conveys messages through written diction and patterns

    I think that is important, because poem can convey feelings that we might feel

    Mohammad Adit Awaludin (19)
    XI Natural Sciences 1

  97. 1. Poem is an expression through words in which there is a rhythm, lyrics, rhyme, and rhythm on each line which is full of meaning.
    2. Very important because it can direct or educate the maker to create new ideas in making the work

    Imron Rosadi

  98. 1. Poem is an individual's creative written response to an experience. The experience may be physical, intellectual, or emotional. The poem may be one's personal response to something

    2. Poem is important because it can add to the psychic experience for the reader.

    Risa Rindu Ananda
    XI IPA1

  99. 1. Poetry is a person's literary work in conveying messages through writing.

    2. important because it can add vocabulary, give lots of ideas, give a sense of comfort and calm

    Reygindo Prangin Angin
    XI IPA 1

  100. 1. Poem is a series of words that can represent a feeling or emotion or it can also tell an event.

    2. I think poem is important, because if we want to convey feelings or emotions we can convey them through poem.

    Gema Tri Maulana Sopandi
    XI IPA 1

  101. 1. Poem is an individual's creative written response to an experience. The experience may be physical, intellectual, or emotional. The poem may be one's personal response to something

    2. Poem is important because it can add to the psychic experience for the reader.

  102. 1. Poem is an individual's creative written response to an experience. The experience may be physical, intellectual, or emotional. The poem may be one's personal response to something

    2. Poem is important because it can add to the psychic experience for the reader.

    Chandra putra Pamungkas
    XI IPA 1

  103. Name : Ririn Salsabila
    Class : Xl IPS 1

    1. Poem is a form of literary work based on the expression and feelings of a poet with language related to rhythm, dimension, rhyme, composition of lyrics and stanzas, and full of meaning.

    2. Poem is one of the most popular forms of literary work because it is presented in beautiful language and is imaginative in nature. The meaning of poetry is very important for readers.

  104. devin k(07)
    xi ipa 1

    1. poem is combination words containing deep meaning will not be written

    2. poem is important because not everyone can compose words

  105. Irsyad (16)
    XI IPA 1
    1.Poem is wording that expresses feelings into writing
    2. Poem is importen because it can convey someone's expression

  106. M Faizal Febrian (17) XI IPA 1
    1.Poem is wording that expresses feelings into writing

    2. Yes, because Poem can provide space for teachers to produce literary lovers as well as sharp critics, provide a balance between teaching writing, grammar, and analytical strategies, to help students see that literature is fun

  107. 1. Poem is a series of words that can represent a feeling or emotion or it can also tell an event.
    2. I think poem is important, because if we want to convey feelings or emotions we can convey them through poem.

    Nadhif Azmi Pratikno(23)
    XI IPA 1

  108. Assalammualaikum,
    1. To my knowledge, the poem is a piece of writing in which the words are chosen for theirs beauty and sounds carefully arranged often in short lines which rhyme. Has to give pleasure, entertaining,relaxation,and beautiful language.Poem is usually in the song.

    2. I think the poem is important because with the poem we can beautiful language, can paint a picture in our minds, make me feel a certain way, spoken aloud to an audience, kreation, entertain, make me pleasure.

    Name:Zahwa Putri Andini
    XI IPS 2 (32)

  109. Assalammualaikum

    1.Poetry is a written word because of its beauty and voice and is carefully arranged
    Another definition of the oxford dictionary is a writing that takes part from the nature of speech and song.
    The main function of poetry is to convey ideas or emotions in beautiful language.
    the characteristics of poetry?
    · Rhymes
    · Rhythm
    Figurative language
    · Shape
    · Mood

    2.Poetry is a word that convey through our emotions or our hearts

    XI IPS 2

    1. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
      1.A poem is a collection of spoken or written words that expresses ideas or emotions in a powerfully vivid and imaginative style.

      2.Its so important because poem can help us to describe our mood or feeling about something.

      Name:Moch Bintang Putra K
      Class:XI Social 1


    1. Poem is a literary work that results from a person's expressions and feelings using beautiful and meaningful figurative sentences.

    2. Yes, because with pusisi we can produce a work through our own feelings.


    1. Poetry is a literary work that results from a person's expressions and feelings using beautiful and meaningful figurative sentences.

    2. Yes, because with poem we can produce a work through our own feelings.

  112. Name: Salwa Safira
    Class :XI IPS 1
    1.A poem is a piece of writing in which the words are chosen for their beauty and sound and are carefully arranged, often in short lines which rhyme. my opinion,im understanding about poem,poem is important because the social functions is to convey an idea or emotion in beautiful languange

  113. Name: Arsenia Dwi Putri Sagala
    Class: XI Social 1

    1. Poetry is a literary work that results from a person's expressions and feelings, the contents of the poetry are full of meaning and the language used is quite beautiful.
    2. You can express your creativity and imagination in any form, from pictures, videos, music, even writing.

  114. Name: Yolanda july anggraeni
    Class: XI Social 1

    1. Poetry is a literary work that results from the expressions and feelings of a person with language bound to the rhythm, dimensions, lyrics, and verses.
    2. I think it is important because poetry can convey feelings we may feel and can enhance writing creativity

  115. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
    1.Poem is a collection of spoken or written word that expresses ideas or emotions in a powerfully vivid and imaginative style.

    2.Its so important because poem can help us to describe or mood of feeling about something.

    Name:Sheva Maulana Hakim
    Class:XI Social 1

  116. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
    1.Poem is a collection of spoken or written word that expresses ideas or emotions in a powerfully vivid and imaginative style.

    2.Its so important because poem can help us to describe or mood of feeling about something.

    Name:Sheva Maulana Hakim
    Class:XI Social 1

  117. NAME:Raden Rima Sinta N I

    1.Poem is a literary work resulting from the expression and feelings of a person with language that is bound to rhythm, dimensions, lyric arrangement, and stanza. The contents of the poetry are full of meaning and the language used is quite beautiful.

    2.Yes, because with poem we can produce works

  118. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

    1. poem is a collection of spoken or written words that expresses ideas or emotions in a powerfully vivid and imaginative style.

    2. I can understand that poem is a piece of writing created to express some emotion and convey it to the reader.

    zalfa nadira putri
    XI IPS I

  119. Name : Luthfi Akbar Rasyidin
    Class : XI SOCIAL 1

    1. Poem is a piece of writing in which the words are choses for their beauty and sound and arw carefully arranged, often in short lines which rhyme.

    2. i think it is important, because poem can make me think for make a beautiful word. thanks

  120. 1. Poem is a composition of words that rhyme and have meaning or convey advice.
    2. Yes, because poetry can help us describe a feeling

    Name : Kintani Dwi
    class: XI Social 1

  121. Nadhif Aldenaf
    XI-IPS 1

    1. Poem is a piece of writing in which the words are chosen for their beauty and sound and are carefully arranged, often in short lines which rhyme.

    2. what I can understand is. poem is not only used for conveying idea to a beautiful language but also can give a pleasure for entertainment and pleasure of value

  122. Name: shafa nur ramadani
    Class: XI SOCIAL 1

    1. A poem is a piece of writing in which the words are chosen for their beauty and sound and are carefully arranged, often in short lines which rhyme.

    2. I think poetry is important, because sometimes if we want to express something in an unusual way we can use poetry.

  123. Assalamualaikum

    1.poem is a piece of writing in which the words are chosen for their beauty and sound and are carefully arranged, often in short lines which rhyme.

    2. understand what is meant by poetry, understand social functions and language style and can distinguish between poem and poetry.

    Dira Cikal R
    XI IPS 1

  124. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

    1.A poem is a collection of spoken or written words that expresses ideas or emotions in a powerfully vivid and imaginative style.

    2.Its so important because poem can help us to describe our mood or feeling about something.

    Muhammad Reza P
    XI IPS 1

  125. Assalamualaikum wr.wb
    Name:muhamadfuji xi ips 1

    1.poem is a writing where words are arranged and have a meaning and have beauty imagination to build emotions

    2.i think poetry is important because we can pour out our hearts using poetry and can help us in composing beautiful sentences

  126. 1. Poem is one type of literary work that is familiar to society besides short stories and novels. This poem is composed with passion because even though it only consists of a number of words per line, the meaning contained in it is quite rich.

    2. understand what is meant by poetry, understand social functions and language style and can distinguish between poem and poetry.

    Alvin Hasan Haqiki
    X IPS 3

  127. 1. Poem is one type of literary work that is familiar to society besides short stories and novels. This poem is composed with passion because even though it only consists of a number of words per line, the meaning contained in it is quite rich.

    2. understand what is meant by poetry, understand social functions and language style and can distinguish between poem and poetry.

    Alvin Hasan Haqiki
    X IPS 3

  128. 1. A poem is a piece of writing in which the words are chosen for their beauty and sound and are carefully arranged, often in short lines which rhyme.

    2. in my opinion,im understanding about poem,poem is important because the social functions is to convey an idea or emotion in beautiful languange.

    Muhammad Angga Permana Putera
    XI IPA 6

  129. Assalamualaikum
    poem is a beautiful art, it reads by someone who has great and deep voice.

    Can increase vocabulary knowledge, improve speaking skills, increase insight and creativity.

    Ririn Salsabila
    Xl IPS 1

  130. I think poetry is a word that has a beautiful or important meaning.

    I think poetry is important because making or reading poetry is the same as releasing or channeling some of the emotions or situations that we experience today.

    XI IPS 2

    XI IPS 2

    My answer:
    1.Poem is a literary work that uses connotations in its written expression and its reading must be in accordance with the meaning of the poem.

    2.Poem is important to me because writing poetry can bring back my mood and express my emotions.

  132. I didn't know Barrack Obama is such an interesting person

    Excel Nalendra
    X IPS 3

  133. 1. Poem in my opinion is a description of a person's emotions which are transformed into literary works so that they can be read or heard by others.

    2. Poem is very important because it can be used as entertainment. besides poem can also liberate emotions.

    Yushiana end a ng
    X IPS 3

  134. 1. poetry is a literary work which is an expression of a poet's heart written with diction and pattern

    2. I think poetry is important, because sometimes if we want to express something in an unusual way we can use poetry, besides that, poetry is also important because it can develop writing skills.

    Alvin Hasan Haqiki
    X IPS 3

  135. 1.Poetry is a written word because of its beauty and voice and is carefully arranged
    Another definition of the oxford dictionary is a writing that takes part from the nature of speech and song.
    The main function of poetry is to convey ideas or emotions in beautiful language.
    the characteristics of poetry?
    · Rhymes
    · Rhythm
    Figurative language
    · Shape
    · Mood

    2.Poetry is a word that convey through our emotions or our hearts

    Yushiana endang
    Absent 36
    X IPS 3


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