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KD 3.4: Menafsirkan fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait kehidupan remaja SMA/MA/ SMK/MAK 
KD 4.4: Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait kehidupan remaja SMA/MA/ SMK/MAK 

A song consists of:
Title – Lyrics – Theme - Expression of particular feeling - Moral lessons

Examples of songs theme: 
Peace, Environmental care, Friendship, Family, Patriotism, Parental love, Love, Protest.

Examples of feeling within songs: 
Lonely, Hopeful, Remorse, Faithful, Brave, Optimist

Moral Lesson
-Moral lessons of a song contain the important messages from the lyrics’ writer (or the singer) to the people who listen to the songs
-A song may have more than one moral lessons
-The moral songs are interpreted based on the freedom of the listeners

Grammar Focus/Language features
Some songs show expression of feeling through the lyrics, here are some example:
Title/Singer: Eric Clapton 
Lyrics: I must be strong and carry on. Cause I know I don’t belong, here in heaven. 
Expression: expressing sadness
Jailbreak/ACDC: All in the name of Liberty, just set me free. It’s expressing freedom
Give a peace chance/John Lennon: All we are saying, is to give peace a chance. It is expressing hope
Source: PPT Chapter 12, Penerbit Erlangga 2014.

Usually in a song the writer of song uses figurative languages to convey various meanings and interpretations from the literal meaning.

Examples of Figurative Language In Popular Songs
Figurative languages are words and expressions used in poems and songs to convey various meanings and interpretations from the literal meaning. Figurative devices play major while writing. Appropriate use of figurative devices can enhance the work and create a deep level of meaning that a listener can enjoy while decoding. It is effective to communicate an idea that is not easy to understand because of its abstract nature or complexity. Songwriters use figurative language to stimulate emotion, help listeners to form mental images. One of the main reasons for using these devices is to make a connection with the listeners so that they can sink deep into the sea of the writer’s thoughts. For a detailed list refer to this article: // Here are a few examples of figurative languages in songs:
My heart will go on – Celine Dion
Every night in my dreams
I see you, I feel you…
Love can touch us one time
And last for a lifetime…
Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
The above lines use hyperbole in the line ‘near far, wherever you are…’. The songwriter exaggerates the way to illustrate the main character’s presence to the listeners. At the beginning of the song ‘Every night in my dream I see you I feel you’, the writer uses imagery to create a visual impact of the singer’s dream and her beloved. ‘Love’ is personified in the lines ‘love can touch us one time’.
 Move Like Jagger – Ben Minadeo
Just shoot for the stars if it feels right
And aim for my heart if you feel like it…
Kiss me ’til you’re drunk and I’ll show you all the moves like Jagger
I’ve got the moves like Jagger
In the above lines, the singer uses the simile in ‘I’ve got the moves like Jagger’. Here the singer is comparing his dancing skills with Mick Jagger’s because Mick Jagger is known for a unique dancing style. There is also consonance and assonance in ‘Ay Ay Ay Aaay’ and “Oh yeah oh”, with the sounds of /a/ and /y/. The hyperbole is used in the line, ‘Kiss me till your drunk’, which is an exaggeration. People get drunk from drinking too much alcohol.
Let It Go – Idina Menzel
The snow glows white on the mountain tonight
Not a footprint to be seen…
The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside
Couldn’t keep it in, heaven knows I’ve tried…
Let it go, let it go
Can’t hold it back anymore.
At the beginning of the song, the singer has used hyperbole. For example, ‘The snow glows white on the mountain tonight’. In reality, snow doesn’t glow. We can see the personification and simile in the following lines ‘The wind is howling like the swirling storm inside’. Here the wind is personified and it is compared by a wolf’s howl.
Skyscraper – Demi Lovato
Skies are crying, I am watching
Catching teardrops in my hands…
You can break everything I am
Like I’m made of glass
Like I’m made of paper
The entire song is an extended metaphor of struggle and overcoming. Here the singer has used oxymoron in the line ‘its long way down, but I am closer to the clouds up, here’. The writer has used two opposites ‘up and down’ in the same verse. In the lines, ‘Skies are crying’, skies are personified. In the verse ‘you can break everything I am, like I’m made of glass’, has a simile. Here the singer is comparing herself to glass and a piece of paper to show her vulnerability.
Big Girls Don’t Cry – Fergie
I hope you know, I hope you know
That this has nothing to do with you
It’s personal, myself and I
We got some straightening out to do
And I’m gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket
But I’ve got to get a move on with my life
It’s time to be a big girl now
And big girls don’t cry
Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry
In the above line, the singer compares her emotions and missing a person to a little child who lost his or her blanket. There is a consonance, the sound of /l/ in the 3rd line, ‘It’s personal, myself and I’. The repetitions like ‘hope you know and don’t cry’ add an emphasis to the singer’s emotions as she tries to convey the message to her love.
Fire Work  – Katy Perry
Do you ever feel like a plastic bag…
Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin
Like a house of cards..
Come on let your colors burst…
You’re original, cannot be replaced
If you only knew what the future holds
The song is filled with many figurative devices and known as one of the best to learn them. In the first line, ‘Do you ever feel like a plastic bag’, there is a simile. Here the singer compares a person to a plastic bag which used to store things or perhaps a garbage cover. Later in line, there is a metaphor, ‘Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin’. Here the singer is trying to compare the weak-minded persons to a thin paper or a tissue paper. There’s another simile, in line ‘just own the night, like the fourth of July’. In the line, “Come on let your colors burst”, the sound of /r/ is a consonance.
Chandelier –  Sia Furler
Phone’s blowin’ up, they’re ringin’ my doorbell…
And I’m holding on for dear life,
won’t look down won’t open my eyes
Keep my glass full until morning light,
’cause I’m just holding on for tonight
‘Phone is blowing up’ is hyperbole, as the doorbell sounds do not affect the phone. ‘But I’m holding on for dear life’, is also another hyperbole because she is not actually going to die from the doorbell sound. The sounds of /n/ in the first line and the sound of /l/ in the 4th line are consonance. The sound of /o/ in the first line is assonance.
Fly Me To The Moon – Frank Sinatra
Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like on
A-Jupiter and Mars…
You are all I long for, all I worship and adore
In the first three lines, the singer uses hyperbole. He exaggerates the facts and wishes to fly to the moon and play in the stars. He also believes there are seasons like spring on the planets Jupiter and Mars. Lines 3 and 4 are also imageries.
Grenade – Bruno Mars
Easy come, easy go, that’s just how you live, oh
Take, take, take it all, but you never give
Shoulda known you was trouble from the first kiss
Had your eyes wide open; why were they open? (Ooh)
Gave you all I had and you tossed it in the trash
You tossed it in the trash, you did
To give me all your love is all I ever ask
‘Cause what you don’t understand is
The 2nd and 4th lines have alliteration. The sounds of /t/ in ‘Take, take, take it all, but you never give’ and the sound of /w/ in ‘Had your eyes wide open; why were they open?’ Line 1, ‘Easy come, easy go’ is an idiom to tell about a person who doesn’t take the relationship seriously. In the 5th line, ‘Gave you all I had’ is hyperbole as no person can give ‘all’ their possessions to someone even if they are close.
i am a rock- Simon & Garfunkel
A winter’s day
In a deep and dark
It’s sleeping in my memory
I won’t disturb the slumber of feelings that have died…
I am a rock
I am an island…
And a rock feels no pain
And an island never cries.
The phrases ‘ I am a rock’, I am an island’ are metaphors and it used as a comparison for personalities. In the lines ‘ love is sleeping’,  feelings ‘ die’ and ‘ a rock feels no pain and the island never cries’ are used as personification. The imagery used in the following phrases, ‘freshly fallen silent shroud of snow’, ‘a fortress steep and mighty’ and ‘ past experiences spurred this commitment’. Also the repetition of /d/ sound is alliteration in ‘dark and deep December’. Anaphora is evident in ‘I am a rock, I am an island’. Here ‘I am’ is repeated to emphasize the speaker’s emotional experience and his solitude.


  1. Lani Putri P
    XII Social 3

    yes, i like to sing or listen to songs. Usually I listen to songs while doing assignments and sometimes sing while in the bathroom, listening to songs at certain times can make me calm or more excited.

  2. Anindya Hanisah
    XII Social 3

    I like both singing and listening to songs because singing and listening music are my hobby. I do these activities everyday. I sing and listen to songs depends on my mood, for example in the morning, I play an upbeat songs to increase my energy, but when night comes, I play more relaxing songs to help me study or sleep. Singing and listening to songs is a must for me to spend a day.

  3. question: do you like singing or just listening to songs? When and why do you do that?
    i'd like both of it, sometimes when i feel bored im listening to music and sometimes i sing that song, i do that just for clear up my bored feeling.

    Gendra Syuwan Ndaru
    12 IPS 3

  4. fikri m fauzy
    12 ips 3

    i like both,i often play guitar while listening music and singing.
    when i bored or feel tired of everything,i do anywhere.

  5. Putri Dhea Marlina
    XII Social 3

    Assalamualaikum ms,
    Yes I like to sing and listen to songs. I sing when I'm alone. I sing because sometimes I can hear one of the song's lyrics. And I also like listening to music because listening to music can make the mood calm again. I used to listen to music when I was in a bad mood.

  6. Ismail Adha K
    12 Social 3

    I like singing and listening to a song because singing a song according to my heart and sings together is more fun or alone, and I also like listening to songs because songs can calm my moods that are sometimes chaotic or the songs I hear can match the mood me so that songs can make me happy.

  7. Ridhotul Jannah
    XII Social 3

    I love both singing and listening songs 24/7
    When and why? Anytime i wanted cuz its no limit to do, and i use the songs for my lullaby. Why? I dunno i just feel like im safe with ‘em when this world is too crazy to lived and there’s no ones gonna help me, when my head is full of stuff they’re just come to whispering it.

  8. Name : Annisa Febriyanti Nirwan
    Class : XII IPS 3

    I like to do both, singing and listening to songs are what I usually do anytime and anywhere when I'm feeling bad. Sometimes music also I think can heal the wounds of our feelings by itself. Music seems to provide positive energy for us when we hear it.

  9. Kaila Khalisa Kamil
    12 IPS 3

    i like both of it. when i’m in the good mood i like to sing a song but if i’m in the bad mood i like to listening music. sometimes i like singing in the bathroom

  10. Nazmi Sidqiyah Kurniadi
    XII IPS 3

    Assalamu'alaikum. I like to listen to songs but not to sing, because I realize that my voice is not good. I like to listen to songs when my mom and my sister sing, because they make good sounds. When I do my schoolwork, I always listen to my music, as it makes me happier and in a good mood.

  11. i like both, when i am in a happy mood i like to sing a song but if i am in a bad mood i like to listen to music while playing online games.

    Yasha Muhti Narwa
    XII IPS 3

  12. yes, I like to sing and also like to listen to songs, I sing songs and listen when I'm bored / when I want to sleep I always put on music then why do I like to sing and like to listen because to get rid of boredom when alone at home or in the room.

    Ilham pramadana putra
    12 IPS 3

  13. R. Izmy Auliya Kusumah
    12 Ips 3

    Do you like singing or just listening to songs? When and why do you do that?

    I do both of them, i really like singing and listening to songs cs that is my hobby, sometimes i make my own music and write the lyrics when i was bored and when i was inspired. Because when i listening to the music that i love i can feel myself and just make me so peaceful and when im singing i can make my truly hapiness, even if some didn't like my voice but i love myself and i enjoy it.
    Thank you

  14. Dhea Audrey
    XII Social 3

    yes I like both, usually I listen to songs and sing so that the mood improves from before because from listening to songs I can enjoy them more, especially when I'm bored and from singing I can learn more about a song

  15. ofcourse yes, i like singing and listening to songs. Almost every time and everyday when I wanted to listen to it. I usually listen to it when I'm doing assignments, in the bathroom or when i'm feeling down. Because when I'm listening to the song, it can be mood booster for me.

    Aulia Nuralifha Sya’ban
    12 IPS 3

  16. Name : Hasna FR
    Class : 12 ips 3

    Assalamualaikum wr wb morning miss I like to do both, singing and listening to songs are what I usually do anytime and anywhere when I'm feeling bad. Sometimes music also I think can heal the wounds of our feelings by itself. Music seems to provide positive energy.

  17. M Rifal Agustian Effendi
    XII Social 3

    I prefer listening to songs rather than singing, usually I listen to songs before bed because it makes me calmer.

  18. Dheril rizki
    XII IPS 3

    Saya lebih menyukai mendengarkan lagu karena dengan mendengarkan lagu dapat menjadi media untuk melepaskan perasaan negatif dan,apalagi mendengarkan lagu yang difavoritkan

    12 SOCIAL 3

    i like both. when i am on a trip while driving i like to listen to music and sing sing along the road.

  20. Hazzel Anargya
    XII IPS 3

    i like both, when i’m in the good mood i like to sing a song but if i’m in the bad mood i like to listening music.

  21. Inda Dwi Melinda
    XII Science 4

    I like both of them because singing and listening to songs are my hobbies. Almost every day I want to sing and listen to songs. I mostly sing and listen to songs when I'm sad and when I'm in a bad mood because by singing and listening to songs I can be calmer and my mood will be good.

  22. Rifa Haenun Alya
    12 IPA 4

    I like listening to songs and singing. But I can't sing like the people out there. Singing and listening to songs that can calm the mind, make the atmosphere calm, and can restore my mood. I like listening to songs while studying and in a calm atmosphere.

  23. Name : Emilia
    Class : 12 IPA 4

    I like to sing and listen to songs, but i sing just for myself not for the crowd to hear or see. I do it when I have free time or I have nothing to do, because music can lift my mood when I'm not good.

  24. Elsa Amaliawati
    12 IPA 4

    I like both, usually I listen to songs while on assignment or on trips in the car, I like songs because songs can make my mood better, songs sometimes describe what I'm feeling.

  25. Gaitsha Listihawa
    12 IPS 3

    I like singing and listening to songs. Every time I wanted to, I always sang and didn't care that my voice wasn't good. I always appreciate my feelings through a music be it singing or listening to music.

  26. Name : Fridolin Jonatan Boimau
    Class : XII SCIENCE 4

    I just like listening to songs and I often listen to songs to make the mood better and listen to songs while relaxing.

  27. Siti Fatimah Isny
    12 IPA 4
    I like listening to songs when I study because it adds to my learning mood


  28. Carolin putri klana
    12 IPA 4

    like both of them, because music and singing makes my mood feel better. I'm listening music when i got bored and feel bad mood

  29. Intan syahrani
    12 ips 3

    i really like both of them because it can make my situation quite better than before.

  30. Muthia Mardiyati Salma
    12 IPA 4

    I like both singing or listening to songs, even though my voice is not good but I can enjoy it for myself not with other people. usually I listen to songs or sing whenever I want to do it, because listening to songs or singing can make me feel more enjoy and calm in carrying out activities

  31. Naufal Pradipta
    XII IPA 4

    I like both, when bored and bored listening to songs and singing them. I listen to songs almost every day to get rid of bored as well as turn mood.

  32. Deane Dwi Fajriani
    XII IPA 4

    I like to do both when I am stressed and bored because it can make my mind calmer and more relaxed

  33. Putri Sekar
    12 IPA 4

    I like both of them, I do them almost every day, when I get bored, or to accompany me to study, I sing or listen to songs to relieve the stress of studying, and to develop my hobbies

  34. Sri Sulastri
    XII IPA 4

    Do I like to sing or just listen to songs? Yes I like both. When and why did I do that? Usually I listen to songs or sing almost every day, and it suits my mood. because a song is a work in the form of a rhythm accompanied by words called lyrics, it is from these that I can express my mood. sometimes feeling happy, sad, down, etc. Especially in this changing era, many musicians create songs that are fun to listen to and represent my feelings.

  35. Nisrina Nurul Hidayati
    XII IPA 4

    i like to sing and listen to songs. every day I always sing and listen to songs on the sidelines of activities. because in my opinion, singing and listening to songs can make the mood better so that we are more enthusiastic about going through the day. besides listening to songs can also calm the mind and relieve stress.

  36. Humaira Nur Azmi
    12 IPA 4

    i like both and do it a lot, because listening to songs and singing can lift the mood. I do it when I'm in a bad mood and I sing along to songs when it's nice to hear and I listen to music when I'm having trouble sleeping.

  37. M. Luthfi Fauzan
    12 IPA 4
    Do you like singing or just listening to songs? When and why do you do that?

    I do like singing while listening to songs. I usually play songs and listen to it when i'm alone or with my close friend and family, or even while i'm doing my homework. It just because i like music so much even though i don't have any talent in music.

  38. Sri Dewi Maulana
    12 IPA 4

    I really like singing, even singing is one of my hobbies, but my singing ability is still not good.
    I'm just singing songs to entertain myself.
    Listening to songs is also my habit, when I'm feeling happy or even sad, because I think the song represents someone's feelings and can also entertain ourselves, according to what we are feeling.

  39. Risyda Amalia F
    12 IPA 4

    i like both, when i am happy sometimes i sing and when i am bored or doing work i listen to music. i listen to music to make my mood better

  40. I like both singing and listening to songs because it make me feel good and relax, both are medium to express how I feel with using someone else's poetry.

    Kirana, 12 IPA 4.

  41. Name: salwa amin
    Class: 12 ips 3

    I like singing and listening songs although my voice isnt good but it helps my mood when the bad days comes, singing also helps release the tention when i felt my anxiety kicks in. I ussually play on spotify when i feel bad so that i can jam in and dance on some music and forget all the problems that i have in life

  42. Amelia Syifa Rahayu
    XII IPA 4

    do you like singing or just listening to songs? When and why do you do that?

    yes i like to do both, i like to listen to music and i like to sing. I usually listen to music when I'm feeling bored, or when I'm doing assignments, and when I want to just do it. I usually like to sing along to the lyrics of the music I'm listening to, or when I feel bored, and when I'm in a bad or good mood. I feel that by singing and listening to music, I feel better, I feel that I get a boost of energy that makes me happy.

  43. Tegar Natakusumah
    12 IPS 4
    Saya suka keduanya ,karena bila mendengar kan musik bisa membuat suasana lebih nyaman dan menyanyi untuk menghibur diri sendiri

  44. Rizky adi
    XII IPS4
    yes I like it, because when I listen to or am playing music it feels very good

  45. Aria Farish Ranggani
    XII IPS 4
    I like both singing and listening to songs, because they can eliminate negative feelings and can express the feelings that are being felt.

  46. Septiani rahmawati
    12 ips 4

    Saya sangat suka bernyanyi dan saya suka mendengarkan lafu lagu, kapan pun dan dimana pun saya selalu memutar lagu lagu, dan selalu bernyanyi, dan macam macan lagu yag saya sering putar.

    1. Ibu maaf yang ini salah, yang benernya ada di bawah

  47. Sarah Siti Aliya
    12 IPS 4

    I love to sing very much, and I love listening to songs too, but not too often. I sing when I want to, when I'm sad or happy I always sing. The reason I love to sing is because singing makes me feel so much better, or it makes me feel good.

  48. Tasya Nurkhalisya S
    12 IPS 4

    I really like singing and listening to songs, because singing and listening to songs is my hobby, I do it every day.

  49. Ghina Nur Farhah
    12 IPS 4

    Yes, I like both, because singing and listening to songs can improve my mood. I also often listen to music to improve my study mood and accompany me when I have school assignments

  50. Kazia Valentina Agustya
    12 Ips 4

    Yes I like both, usually I listen to songs and sing to make the mood better than before because from listening to songs I can enjoy them more, and if I get bored then I listen to songs usually my mood is so there.

  51. Saidah Ahmad
    XII IPS 4

    I like the two of them between listening to a song and singing a song, and I like listening to a song because it makes the mood improve and calmer. And I sang a song when on the favorite part of the song I listened to

  52. Annisa Rahmawati S
    XII-IPS 4

    I only listen to songs, sometimes I sing along, I listen to songs when I feel bored and when I do assignments. I did it because I listened to a song that made the atmosphere in me go up.

  53. Salwa Tsabitah
    12 IPS 4

    I often do both, whether it's singing or listening to songs. I do this when I'm silent without doing anything as a form of mood building because either singing or listening to music both can calm my heart and make the heart happy

  54. Aditya Sunny
    XII IPS 4

    do you like singing or just listening to songs? When and why do you do that?

    I prefer listening to music than singing, because listening to songs
    can lift our own mood. I do it when I am in a bad mood and I am also one of those people who like to listen to music or can be called a music lover.

  55. Zahra Marlita
    12 SOCIAL 4

    I like to sing and also listen to music in my spare time. because listening to music can make the mind calm and can also add to a good mood

  56. Arianti Kusnadi
    12 IPS 4
    I like to listen to songs and sing, when I listen and sing when my heart is not okay, because just listening to it makes my heart calm, and as if it has neglected my mood, the song also provides happiness and entertainment for me, when singing it feels like my heart is relieved, because it has given me a mood that was originally not good to be better after singing and listening to songs, and also songs can express someone's heart with songs and singing can also produce a work that can cheer up the mood or those around you. .

  57. Septiani rahmawati
    12 ips 4

    I really like singing and I like listening to songs, whenever and wherever I always play songs, and always sing, and the kinds of tiger songs that I play a lot

  58. Paisal Muhamad Farhan
    XII IPS 4

    I like both, when I'm bored accompanying studying, I sing or listen to songs to relieve stress while studying.

  59. Bismillah, Assalaamu'alaykuum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatušŸ˜Š

    To me, this is a very difficult question, because I'm happy to do both. Yes, at least this is one of my passions. I sing as a form of vocal training and to refresh my mind when I'm dizzy, especially the Sundanese song.
    • With 'ngahaleuang' or listening to Sundanese songs, as well as trying to soothe my discomfort, I felt more energized and as if my energy were being replenished.

    Thank youšŸ™

    XII IPS 4

  60. šŸ“ššŸ‡Ŗ šŸ‡³ šŸ‡¬ šŸ‡± šŸ‡® šŸ‡ø šŸ‡­ šŸ“š

    Name: M. Mahdor Al Idrus
    Class: XII. Social Sciences 4

    Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu

    This is my question: do you like singing or just listening to songs? When and why do you do that?

    •I just usually just listen to songs. Because if I sing, it will make people uncomfortable listening to it, I don't have the talent to sing.
    •I listen to music when I'm tired, sad, or happy. For the music look at my situation. So it's uncertain.
    •Why do I do that because, with music I can improve my mood and mind, to be calmer, happier. Every music that is heard can reflect my situation like that.

    That's all. Thank you,
    Sorry if there are mistakes and mistakes, MissšŸ™
    Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu

  61. M Ghasan Arva Azaria
    XII IPS 4

    I don't really like singing, but I like to listen to music before bed so I can sleep faster

  62. Saefullah Yusuf
    XII IPS 4

    I like both, usually I listen to songs while on assignment or on trips in the car, I like songs because songs can make my mood better, songs sometimes describe what I'm feeling.

  63. Saya suka menyanyi dan mendengarkan lagu karena hobi menyanyi dan mendengarkan musik. Saya melakukan aktivitas ini setiap hari. Saya bernyanyi dan mendengarkan lagu tergantung mood saya, misalnya di pagi hari, saya memainkan lagu-lagu upbeat untuk menambah energi saya, tetapi ketika malam tiba, saya memainkan lagu-lagu yang lebih santai untuk membantu saya belajar atau tidur. Menyanyi dan mendengarkan lagu adalah suatu keharusan bagi saya untuk menghabiskan hari.

    afwa adhima

  64. M Abdurohman Asayuti
    XII IPA 3

    I like to sing and listen to songs, the time I usually use to sing and listen to songs is during my spare time, but sometimes even when I'm busy I like to take the time to listen to songs

  65. Aprilia Kusna
    XII IPA 3

    i like singing and listening to songs, but my voice is not very melodious. By listening to music I can calm my mind. I usually listen to music when I'm bored.

  66. Rismar Amarrulloh
    XII IPA 3

    Saya sih lebih suka mendengarkan lagu dibandingkan dengan bernyanyi, karna mendengarkan lagu membuat suasana tenang,ramai,biasanya saya mendengarkan baik di ruangan maupun di dlm mobil yg membuat perjalanan tidak membosankan.

  67. Kanabilah Dahiyah
    XII IPA 3

    I like singing and listening to songs. Usually I will start singing when I listen to songs that I like. when my mood is not good I will listen to songs that can make me more excited, or sometimes when I do my usual assignments while listening to favorite songs so that doing the job becomes more fun, and without realizing it maybe I start singing.

  68. Moh Rassel Pramadhansyah
    XII IPA 3

    I like both, I listen to music depending on how I feel ,, so I usually listen to music when I'm sad because I like sad songs and I also listen to music when I'm bored as well as sing to express the emotions I'm feeling

  69. Selva Rafania Haifa
    XII IPA 3

    Yes, I like listening to songs and it has even become my hobby which is done every day between the time because songs make me happy with music, especially my favorite songs. maybe to sing is not as good as a singer but singing is fun and makes my day happy.

    XII IPA 3

    Do you like to sing or just listen to songs? When and why did you do that?

    Yes, I do both, I like to sing even though some people don't like my voice but I love myself and I enjoy my voice that no one can hear and I really like listening to music, Because when I listen to music I like I get feel myself and make me so peaceful and when i sing i can make me really happy, i usually listen to music when i am doing assignments and when i am in a bad mood.
    I feel that by singing and listening to music, I feel better, I feel that I get a boost of energy that makes saga feel the atmosphere of meaning.
    Thank you

  71. Name: Cantik Almira
    Class: XII Science 3

    Yes, of course, I like both. But I don't do it very often. Usually I do that when I feel bored and when doing schoolwork. I do it because listening to songs or singing when I'm bored can change my mood. Likewise, when I do assignments it can add to my enthusiasm. Maybe that's all, thank you.

  72. Yes, i like both of them, i listening music When on the trip, before bed, when clean the house, Because of the music was very helpful evokes spirit, excite mood and made the bed to be more well

    Mariam Rahmatillah Amanah
    XII IPA 3

  73. Hilman budiman
    XII IPA 3
    I like singing and listening to songs. Whenever I wanted to, I always sang and didn't care that my voice wasn't good. I always appreciate my feelings through music whether it's singing or listening to music, every time I sing my feelings are always happy, singing is the outpouring of my feelings.

  74. Kamila Zahra
    XII IPA 3

    I like both, especially in listening to songs. I'll do that while I'm working on something that requires concentration. I will concentrate more when listening to songs especially with classical instruments. And I believe music or song can be therapeutic in making our brains and minds more focused.

  75. Nama:Raenaia Kesya Maharani
    Kelas: XII IPA 3

    saya suka keduanya, terlebih dalam mendengarkan musik. Terkadang musik dapat menyampaikan perasaaan yang sedang saya rasakan seperti perasaaan senang sedih atau kecewa. Dan bisa melampiaskan nya lewat bernyanyi, walau pun suara saya tidak begitu enak di dengar namun membuat saya merasa lega.

    Class : XII IPA 3

    i like both. when I am sad, stressed or in a bad mood, I will listen to music or sing it to calm my heart and it makes me relax and instantly I feel better and when I am happy I also listen and sing songs to express how good I am me at that time. I also often listen and sing songs when I feel bored, do something, and sometimes before going to sleep, it makes me more energized and calm. I think songs and music are very useful for me even for some people because I feel when we are in certain circumstances we sometimes express it through the song or the music itself and the song or music is very inherent in our daily lives.

  77. Eka Dita A
    XII IPA 3

    I really like singing and listening to music, because that may be a little bit big my potential is in the field of music, I listen to music almost all the time because music is my life, when my heart is sad music can heal that sadness.

  78. Name: Raenaia Kesya Maharani
    Class: XII IPA 3

    I like, especially in listening to music. Sometimes music can convey the feelings I am feeling like happy sadness or disappointment. And being able to vent it through singing, even though my voice is not very pleasant to hear, it makes me feel relieved.

  79. Hani Datus Salisu
    XII IPA 3
    yes, i like to sing or listen to songs. Usually I listen to songs while doing assignments and sometimes sing while in the bathroom, listening to songs at certain times can make me calm or more excited.

  80. Uswatun Hasanah
    Xll IPA 3

    Yes, i like to sing,when i'm in the good mood i like to sing a song but if i'm in the bad mood. Listening to music i can clam my mind,sometimes i like singing in the bathroom.

  81. I like listening to songs, and I also like to sing songs that I think are nice songs to hear. I usually listen to songs when I feel bored or when I'm working on something, because listening to songs that we like will raise our spirits. I sing the song at the same time as listening to the song because I think it's fun.

    Hilmy Dwi Haryoto
    XII IPA 3

  82. Moch Dimas Fauzi NB
    12 IPA 3
    • Do you like singing or just listening to songs? When and why do you do that?
    yes, I like both, because of that I often listen to songs later while singing. hmm yesterday with friends, we sang a song accompanied by a guitar.

  83. Alyah Roes Srikandi
    XII science 3

    I like listening to songs, sometimes singing too but my voice is not pleasant to hear so I only sing a few verses to the music. I listen to songs almost every day, whether it's before bedtime, while doing assignments, or during free time. I also listen to songs because it has become a habit that I do every day. As for certain music, it can be used as a lullaby at night. I have no excuse when singing other than the music I hear that has been played on social media so often that the lyrics are always spinning in my head.

  84. Noke anda safitri
    12 ipa 3
    i like, especially listening to music that fits my feelings and i like to sing obscure but it makes me happy

  85. do you like singing or just listening to songs? When and why do you do that?
    I like both, sometimes I listen when I'm doing something and when I'm bored, because Listening to music can help improve my mood.

    Pavito Harjita W
    XII IPA 3

  86. Name:Rayya Massa Irvana
    Class:XII IPS 1

    I like any music genre, the most important thing is that music is easy to hear and also the lyrics contain positive words that can motivate me to become a better human being

  87. Riziq Hari Ferlito
    XII IPS 1

    What kind of music do you like best? Why?

    RAP, Because in RAP, u must think not about making a simple lyric, but u must make great lyric with a deep meaning...
    Rap = Ryhme and Poutry, so we need to colaborate our word or sentences to make a good lyric with a deep meaning..

  88. Name : Yasmin Namira Andani (32)
    Class : 12 Social 1

    Honestly, I like all of music theme, such as love, parent, lonely, patriotism, friendship, etc. because I listen to music according to my mood or my feeling. If I feel lonely, I will listen to music with loneliness theme, or if I'm in love I will listen to music with love theme. But overall, if I feel bored at home or when traveling I listen to music with an upbeat or cheerful music, that's the theme of music that I like the most. It can make my mood change to good mood.

  89. I like music because music is always together when I'm happy, sad or feel bored. music can also make my mood come back again. To be honest, I like music with pop genre, because it's modern and easy to listening. but I think I like music with the RNB genre too because it's a mix of jazz and pop

    1. Name : Debi Febiana Putri
      Class : 12 IPS 1

      I like music because music is always together when I'm happy, sad or feeling bored. music can also make my mood come back again. To be honest, I like music with pop genre, because it's modern and easy to listening. but I think I like music with the RNB genre because it's a mix of jazz and pop

  90. Nama : Fransiska Dwi A
    Kelas : XII Social 1

    I think i like all genres of music especially jazz and pop. I really like music because i think the lyrics of the music is really motivate and sometimes the lyrics is same with my feeling. I can express my feeling when i hear the music. And i think we can learn about the meaning in the lyrics too.

  91. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  92. To be honest i don't really like listening to music and i don't really know what type of music i listening to. But if the song is about religion or it's an old school song i will love to listening to it

  93. name: aura khanza
    class: xii ips 1

    i really like folk music, because in my opinion the folk genre contains the meaning of being independent and free in expressing music, usually folk music is accompanied by acoustic instruments, such as acoustic guitar and that makes me more comfortable when listening to music.

  94. Evi Afriyani

    • What kind of music do you like best? Why?

    • I personally like a lot of genre. But one of my favorite is RnB. I really like the vibes and groove. RnB music is relaxing me, because of the beat and the voice of the singer. My favorite RnB singer is Snoh Aalegra, NIKI, Jeff Bernat and many more. Their songs always filled my spotify playlist.

    1. And also RnB songs is kinda romantic to me, the lyrics and the vibes match well. That's why i like RnB songs.

  95. Name : Syakira Maharani
    Class : XII Social 1

    What kind of music do you like the most? Why?

    I like Pop music, because the music is easy to hear, this music is suitable for all people, the lyrics are simple but contain a lot of meaning. besides that pop music lyrics always describe my mood.

  96. Name : siti aliya n (27)
    Class : 12 social 1

    I like all of music theme, but I like seriosa so much because seriosa needed difficult technical to sing a song. For me seriosa is a unique. But overall I listen a music according to my mood.

  97. name : m daffa alghifari
    class: xii social 1

    honestly,i like any genres.expecially pop and blues because thats genres easy to listen and make me calm and relax.

  98. Name:Fernanda Dwifa Farqah
    Class: 12-Social 1

    Part of my daily life is listening to music and I feel calm when listening to music, including my hobby of listening to music, the types of genres I like are jazz, pop, dangdut. Because somehow I enjoy this music genre

  99. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  100. Name : Inayah Nur Rahimah
    Class : XII IPS 1

    I really like music because it makes me feel good. I like pop music because it's relaxing, easy listening, approachable musical style that is easy to sing-along.

  101. Name : penti septiani
    Class : 12 IPS 1

    what kind of music do you like? Why? the type of music that I like the most is melow music. Why? because it can relieve stress, lighten the burden, become more relaxed, the music is soft, and evokes the deepest emotions, melow music usually has good lyrics and can also be a better mood, sometimes the baper comes out, then it can set bad moods, has an effect on mood and also sometimes encourages emotions instead of sadness.

  102. Name: Ulfiani Putri Ghali
    Class: XII IPS 1

    I like pop music, which is melancholy and upbeat, because it makes feeling bad for the better.Pop music is also easy for me to understand.

  103. m reza saputra
    12 ips 1

    I like pop music, because I think pop music can be listened to at any time and pop music will not be out of date because everyone will love it

  104. Name : Syifa Nuriah
    Class: 12 IPS 1

    I really like listening to music, because music can calm me down when I'm relaxed. I listen to music when I'm in a bad mood, also when I'm bored. But overall, I prefer calm and happy music like pop music because it makes my mood better.

  105. I like pop music, because i think pop music easy listening, can makes feeling better, and we can listening anytime.

  106. Name : Keisha Aulia Rizky
    Class: 12 Social 1

    I like any genre, like pop, jazz, hip-hop, lofi, RNB, etc. Because music is a part of me, when I'm doing something I often listen to music. Sometimes the music I'm playing matches my mood at the time.

  107. sarah aufa, 12 ipa 6

    I prefer to listen to jazz music, because the music always sounds winning but cheerful to hear

  108. Nazwa Dwi Aulia
    XII IPA 6

    The type of music I like is the pop type, because listening to pop music makes my heart calm and my feelings improve.

  109. Ananda Aisya Herawati
    XII IPA 6

    the type of music I like the most is pop. Why? because the type of music suits me, no matter what mood it is suitable to listen to and music is an encouragement to me, music plays an important role in my life.

  110. • What kind of music do you like best? Why? •

    It's actually not just one kind of music I really like. But if sorted at the very top, then that kind of music is electronic dance music. I always listen that to accompany my daily activities because the beats of the tone is various but stay in tune to keep my spirits up.

    Adrian Fauzan Rahman
    -XII IPA 6-

  111. Fatimah Aulia Rahmah
    XII IPA 6

    actually i like of all kinds of music and also like popular music. But in the most importantly, i like music that has meaning, music that brings calm, and inspires when listening to it.

  112. Reyhan Carlos Simbolon
    XII IPA 6

    My kind of music that I like the most is called doomer, slowed-down remixes that contain lower pitch, record crackles, and high reverb, really make me can feel the meaning of the music deeper.

  113. Ulfa Dwie Sofiaty
    XII IPA 6

    Here is my question: What kind of music do you like best? Why?

    Answer : This type of pop song is mainly about love and feelings, because it can represent what we are feeling and give the listener a sense of the content of the lyrics

  114. Dachevi Al Buhori
    XII IPA 6
    I prefer listening to songs because listening to songs can be calm, a medium for releasing negative feelings and, especially listening to songs that we like or want

  115. Name: Mochammad Nurfilah
    Class: 12 science 6

    My favorite music is Lo-fi or music low fidelity because the song is very slow and always make me enjoy if i listening lofi song.i always listening this song every night when i want to go to sleep and every rain

  116. Kaila Diva Jemsi
    12 MIA 7

    The type of music I like best or my favorite is heavy metal and rock. Because this type of music has a screaming sound that I can imitate because I can express myself through that type of music.

  117. I like pop genre because when i listening to it i feel happiness and i feel all my stressfullness is gone and i also like blue genre because it's so relaxing and eargasm.

    Lia Aliyah Wafiroh
    12 IPA 7

  118. I like pop and edm music because the pop genre is very easy to hear, while the edm genre makes the atmosphere cheerful and makes the body want to dance.

    Andina Syita N.
    XII Science 7

  119. I prefer pop music because it is more interesting and there are many types of music such as romantic, passionate, sad and others. Sometimes when heard, it can match the condition that is being felt.

    Putri Azura Khuzaimah
    XII IPA 7

  120. I like pop music because besides being pleasant to hear, pop music is music that fits well with currently modern life. Apart from being modern, pop music is also in great demand by the public because it is easy to hear and easy to memorize.

    Alya Zahra Salsabila
    Xll science 7

  121. I like pop and rnb music because it can make me feel calm and happy. Sometimes I also sing when I hear that music.

    Firyal Nabila Z
    12 IPA 7

  122. Name: Siti Nurhasanah
    Class : 12 Science 7

    Actually I don't really like music but the kind of music I like is pop. Sometimes I like to listen to music when I want to listen to it or because I feel scared.

  123. Elin Aulia Nahda
    XII IPA 7

    i like all kinds of music. But what I like the most is the type of pop music genre, I like music that has a meaning that matches my feeling at that time, and also music that brings calm, and inspires when listening to it.

  124. the type of music I like the most is classical music. because classical music always represents my feelings, and always calms the listeners. Classical music is also very good when used for studying, because it makes the atmosphere more focused

    Salsabila Lastri Yunita
    12 IPA 7

  125. Name : Alexander Agung
    Class : XII Science 7

    I like the kind of soft rock and pop rock songs, the reason is these songs in my opinion are very good and make me relax .. I usually listen to these songs from YouTube when I am doing activities or when I am feeling tired.

  126. I like music that is in the R&B and Pop genres, because I think the two genres of music are suitable for my ears to listen to and I can sing as well and can calm myself.

    Rinda Sri Rahmawati
    XII IPA 7

  127. Bagus Pratama K. H
    XII IPA 7

    I like a lot of genre music,i like pop, jazz, and rock too, because music have a lot of genre and i almost like all of it, i like music because music make life happy, before i sleep i almost listening a song.

  128. Nisha Nurllatifah
    XII IPA 7

    I really like pop music,because it is nice to listen to and makes the heart calmer. I like some other types of music if they represent my feelings.

  129. Muhamad Jihad Fahriza
    XII IPA 6

    i like music, almost all kinds of genre i like. sometimes I also sing alone in the bathroom or bedroom.

  130. the type of music that I like is a country genre song because country songs have a lot of beautiful messages that we can get, so the famous country songs are so emotional.

    Fadhil Dzikri Aqila
    12 IPA 7

  131. Mochammad Ferdi Pratama
    XII IPA 7

    I like singing and listening to songs. I always sang and didn't care that my voice wasn't good. I always appreciate my feelings through music be it singing or listening to music.

  132. Muhamad Fahrizal al ghifari
    XII - IPA7

    I like singing and listening to songs .i always sang if i said but my voice wasnn't good.But music make my feeling good and nice

  133. Fachrie pratama mulyana
    XII IPA 7

    before that I thank you for making this article, and to be honest I like music even though I can't sing it. I usually play classical music in the 60s, for example, like Nat King Cole with the song Autumn Leaves or Everly Brother with the title song devoted to you. because the song that year was full of peace and the song could be said to be eternal

  134. I like both singing and listening to songs because it makes me feel relaxed and comfortable, both are media to express my feelings

    Yessa Ruby Sallima
    12 IPA 7

  135. Idham Andika Aprizia
    XII IPA 7

    I like both, singing and listening to songs, because from the song we are able to do everything, such as expressing feelings, making it happy or sad, relaxing, understanding the contents of the lyrics until we know what the meaning of the song can be about, life, family, love depends on the genre of the song itself

  136. Dizna Audia R
    12 IPS 2

    To be honest I really like and enjoy pop songs because the songs are soft and not passionate and sometimes the contents of that song can represent feelings.

  137. Dinda siti yasmin
    12 IPS 2

    kind of pop music, because of what, the accompaniment of this music doesn't damage his eardrums so it sounds good

  138. Sri ayu Nur'angraeni
    XII IPS 2

    I like pop because it can get rid of stress and ease the burden and the music can be heard what we are feeling. Usually the lyrics are good.

    XII IPS 2

    Honestly, I can't choose what kind if music that I like the most. Cus I listen to various genre everyday, depends on my mood. Sometimes, when I feel down I used to listen an upbeat music, such as Electric Digital Music. For now, I love to listen folk music, especially Nadin Amizah's first album titled 'Selamat Ulang Tahun.' Realize or not, i'm growing up listen that song, almost everyday I used to listen over it. Music is my beloved bestie, whenever and wherever always beside me and calm me down when I can't handle my feelings and don't know what to do. From dusk till dawn, I spend my whole day listening to music.

  140. Sabila Fajriani
    XII IPS 2

    I like pop music, because I feel that it fits with one of these types of songs and also the music can sometimes be memorized easily so I can sing it with feeling according to what song I'm hearing

  141. Munita selvina putri sanjaya
    XII IPS 2

    I like popular music such as hip hop, RnB, jazz, and pop. because every music has its own nuances, like hip hop has a strong nuance, jazz has a calm nuance. I really like this type of music because it suits my taste. As long as it's nice to listen to, the music can also give me its own nuances. listening to music can be just for healing. besides listening to this type of music, it can relieve stress

  142. Name : Adrian Malik Ramdhani
    Class : XII IPS 2
    Absent : 03

    The type of music I like is jazz. One of the singers is Ardhito Pramono. I like the song because the music he is playing is a kind of jazz that is not too loud to hear but smoother and can make the mind calm for a moment.

  143. Rio.H
    XII IPS 2

    kind of pop music because the music is nice to hear

  144. Hani Yesicha T
    XII IPS 2

    Good morning miss .

    I like pop music, because many like it, and the lyrics are ordinary but rich in meaning. And pop music all people know, pop music is also easy to mix with other genres

  145. Muhamad Akbar ramadhan
    12 IPS 2

    kind of pop music because the music is nice to hear


  146. I love easy listening, pop, country, classic and jazz. i lowkey love hiphop music. listening to music makes me enjoy. sometimes feelings that are not revealed, can be expressed or represented by the music itself. while i am doing my tasks, i listen to music. When I'm sad or happy, I listen to music. well, maybe music has become a part of my life.

    Julia Maya Tsaqila
    XII IPA 7

  147. I love music, yap and my favorite singer is Bruno Mars his music genre is R&B funk pop soul reggae Hip hop rock and i will tell you my fav song is (thats what i like, 24k, and treasure ) if i sad i always listening music in Joox or Spotify to make me fell better.

    Name:Rahma Sintia
    Class: 12ips 2

  148. I like pop music because it sounds really fun and the lyrics always represent the feelings of the person listening

    XII IPS 2

  149. Wafa PN
    XII IPS 2

    I recently liked the song Mirrors - Justin Timberlake, because it has a deep meaning for me and the song often appears on my fyp tiktok, almost every day I hear the song.

  150. I really love and like music cause music can describe my feeling even sad or happy, my favorite music is a little braver and fly, the kind of music i like is R&B, Pop and jazz. Music make me feel better and enjoy.

    Melody Yoanna Irawan
    XII IPS 2

  151. Indra K.S
    XII IPA 7

    i like pop jazz because its good to hear and relaxing my mind and i love the instrument

  152. do you like singing or just listening to songs? When and why did you do that?
    I like both, because sometimes I listen to that music when I'm bored or when I'm doing homework, because listening to music can help me raise my spirits so that my mood gets better again

    sheila Amelia Putri
    XII IPA 3

  153. I like the pop music genre because it's easy listening and makes me enjoy it, I also like hip-hop music like blackpink songs because it's fun

    Wyanda Aurellia R
    XII IPA 6

    XII IPA 6

    I like the pop music genre, because it's easy to understand and makes us enjoy it, it's easy to memorize too, like the songs Westf Life can make us enjoy when listening to them

  155. I love pop music, because many like it, and the lyrics are ordinary but rich in meaning. And pop music everyone knows, pop music is also easy to mix with other genres and can be reassuring when there are problems
    Moch Irfan muhaemin
    XII IPS 5

  156. sindy destiani pratami
    12 Social 5
    No 32

    -When you feel bored or sad, what kind of song do you usually sing or listen to? Why?-

    When I feel sad, I always listen and sing songs from Kunto Aji on his Mantra-Mantra album. Because, the lyrics are very deep for me and can at least treat my sadness. In my opinion, listening to and singing the song can make me have friends who understand my condition at that time, the album of spells is like a compulsory playlist that I listen to when I'm sad.
    Besides that, I often listen to the playlists of Nadin Amizah and Pamungkas, again I say. listening to their songs feels like it makes me feel good because someone really understands the taste that I'm experiencing. The lyrics of the song are like stanzas that I can't get from other people, he gives soothing and pleasant sentences while whispering "it's not only you who feel it, there's me"

  157. Widya Putri Maharani
    XII IPS 5

    When I feel bored or sad, I often listen and sing a slow song like a mood, because it can make me feel calmer and more relaxed

  158. Alisa Zulpa Nabila
    XII IPS 5

    What's waiting for
    The reason: I've been in love with the same person for three years, whether he knows or not that I love him but I can only wait for the courage to reveal it.

    This song is perfect for me

  159. Name: SHIVA NUR ARINI
    Class: XII IPS 5

    When I'm sad, the songs I usually sing or listen to are songs Aku Tenang -Fourtwnty because the song touched me so I cried and after crying I would calm down. When I feel bored, the songs I usually sing or listen to are Korean songs Yours -Raiden, Chanyeol, LEE HI, Changmo and SEDANSOGU -Suho because the song makes me feel happy and excited.

  160. The Question:

    "When you feel bored or sad, what kind of song do you usually sing or listen to? Why?"


    When I am bored, I choose to listen to songs, the songs I play usually make me excited especially when I am working on assignments. However, if I am sad I will play sad songs that make me silent and come back to remember the good memories of the past. The song I often sing while riding a motorcycle is called "Don't look back in anger" from Oasis

    Name: Akhsan Firly Saetriyan
    Class: XII IPS 5

  161. M. Abdee Teguh Putra

    The songs I listen to every day are all songs from Japanese bands, namely one ok rock. Why? Because the song genre of the band is very diverse, and the vocalist of the band has a golden voice, and when I am bored or sad, I listen to the song One Ok Rock, the tittle is change and stand out fit in. because the song has a lyrical meaning very deep and suitable for young people, and the rhythm of the song makes me more excited.

  162. Name :Indri Nurhikmah
    Class:XII-IPS 5

    When I am sad or bored I choose to listen to songs with uplifting music like the song 'some' by bolbblagan4. Not only that, I also often listen to other songs whose strains are uplifting even though the meaning of the songs is not the same.
    But, when I'm sad or bored I rarely listen to music because when in such circumstances I prefer to go outside the house to breathe fresh air and calm myself by looking at the scenery outside the house. And I prefer to spend free time or when I'm bored with small children.

  163. tarishah aulia
    xii ips 5

    When I'm bored or sad, the song I listen to is random but the most favorite is Paris in the rain from Lauv because the song is very nice to hear and makes it calm

  164. Sabina Maharani Putri Pratama
    XII Social 5

    When I feel sad, the song I usually listen to lately is Kamu dan Kenangan from Maudy Ayunda. Why ? Because behind the song has a deep meaning about a story or a journey of love that is so great to the end of life, there is also a verse in the song that expresses the regret of someone who can no longer express love for loved ones.

    XII IPS 5

    When I feel sad or bored I usually listen to a pop genre song called rewrite the stars because I think the song really understands what I'm feeling and it also makes me wake up and get up again.

  166. Safitri Nur Perdana
    12 ips 5

    When I'm bored, I always listen to one direction songs because it can get rid of my boredom, and when I'm sad I always listen to a song called 'Ayah', because it can make me a lot better.

    Class: XII IPS 5

    When i'm sad, the songs i usually sing or listen to are songs One Only - Pamungkas, because the song touched me so i cried and after crying i would calm down. When i feel bored, the song your - Lany, Lauv, The 1975, and Bruno Mars because the song makes me feel happy and excited.

  168. Ida Khumaidah
    XII IPS 5

    When I'm bored or sad I usually listen to songs like, Thinking out Loud by Ed Sheeran, Fly Me to the Moon by The Macarons Project, & The Only One by Corbyn Besson. Because they are meaningful, like me listening to the song because of someone's recommendation. These songs are recommended at different times and stories. As I listened to the songs I remembered every moment and was able to make me flashback, smile happily, and then spirit again.

  169. Ramadhansyah
    12 ips 5

    Lewis capaldi - hold me while you wait Even though the meaning doesn't match my reality, this song is nice to hear when I'm sad

  170. When I am bored or sad, I choose to listen to the songs on Tiktok. Why? Because I don't know why the songs on Tiktok bring my mood back to life.

    Moch Rofi Deriansyah
    XII IPS 5

  171. Nabila Nur Anisa
    XII IPA 1
    Songs that I usually listen to when I'm bored or sad are usually BTS songs, the reason is because even though the song uses Korean but still makes the spirit come back, other songs like Ariana Grande song because the sound makes the heart not sad again

  172. Dhea sartika
    XII IPA 1

    Bad liar, because the song has a meaning that fits my current situation.

  173. Nur Hafifah H.S
    XII IPA 1

    When you are sad or bored hearing the song All I Want by Kodaline and other Indonesian sad songs, the reason is because we listen to the song so that we forget our sadness, we also forget about that boredom.

  174. Dadang Nuriman
    Class 12 sains 1

    When i'm bored or sad,i usually listen to song like,"Berita kepada kawan " from Ebit G.Ade .because the song ia delicious and many dongs from Ebit G.Ade are touching heart

  175. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  176. Husnul Rachel Sakha
    12 IPA 1

    Feel so bored is when i am not doing anything and also don't know what to do, not busy, and listening to music is the solution in times like this.
    Especially when you are sad, songs are like strength and comfort, when you have no friends to talk to.
    Songs that are always sung or listened to are the favorite songs of favorite singers, because it will really enjoy listening to and while singing.
    I like cheerful types of music like hip-hop, or edm, because that kind of music makes me excited, But when you're sad, ballads are the most recommended.

  177. Syifa faujiah Z
    XII IPA 1

    When I feel down or bosa I will listen or sing mellow pop music like "a milion dreams" because of the song as an incentive to keep on striving to achieve dreams.

  178. Muhammad Renda jamaludin
    XII IPA 1
    I really like the title song called wonderful tonigh because this song is very easy to hear and classic so it's beautiful to listen to when you want to sleep

  179. Moch azmi musyaffa adam
    XII IPA 1

    question: When you feel bored or sad, what kind of song do you usually sing or listen to? Why?

    Answers : The song I sing and listen to when I'm bored is justin Bieber's intention because the song is calm and full of enthusiasm so that if someone hears it, their energy will recover

  180. Muhammad Difa Dwi Purnama
    XII IPA 1

    The song that I usually sing when I feel bored is the song that Felix covers, because the sound is very melodious and pleasant to hear. One of them is a terpukau song

  181. Putri wita
    12 ipa 1
    when I am sad I hear the song "too sad to say" because the song represents my feelings when I am sad, the lyrics of the song seem to describe why I am sad and the song is quiet so it makes me calm when listening to it

  182. The song that I often listen to is a song called “Bukan cinta biasa" because the meaning behind the song describes my feelings and is also nice to listen to when I'm upset.

    Anisa sopiana
    Xll ipa 1

  183. Faizal Septyan Ramadhan

    When I get bored, I usually listen to songs that come from Indonesia and abroad, if those from Indonesia I like to listen to songs from Ari Lasso and songs from abroad are coldplay because both of them create songs that are mostly the same as mood

  184. Ratu n fuziani a
    12 ipa 1
    I usually listen to or sing songs from Korean boy groups. NCT. Bcs it is very nice to listen to or sing when you are feeling sad or bored. At the same time to add to the vote.

  185. Try Santi Novita
    XII IPA 1

    When you are sad, upset or tired of hearing English songs and other Indonesian sad songs, the reason is because we listen to these songs so they represent the heart and relieve stress and boredom

  186. Alya rachma

    Here is my question: When you feel bored or sad, what kind of song do you usually sing or listen to? Why?

    "Buka Semangat Baru" - Lala Karmela, Ello, Ipank, Barry and "Aku Pasti Bisa" - Citra Scholastika.

    Because I think this song can improve our mood so that we are more enthusiastic about the day, it's good that we don't need to think about problems and sadness in the past, it's better if we move forward. While we can go through everything and we believe for sure we can. Don't be discouraged and we have to believe that we can.

  187. aulia fauziah
    12 ipa 1

    When I feel bored or sad, the song I usually listen to is "Terlalu Cinta" by Rossa because it describes feelings, as well as a nice song to listen to and the lyrics of the song are poetic.

  188. Draupadi Vigyani Aladawy
    XII-IPA 1

    When I'm bored or sad, I prefer to listen to songs that bring the impression of calm, peace, or that can evoke a spirit that makes me feel good again, one of which is A little braver-New empire and god's menu-stray kids. Because when I hear that song my mood gets better.

  189. haykel ramadhan junior
    12 ipa 1

    if I feel bored or sad, I often listen to my Spotify playlist, because the songs in the playlist make me calm and not feel bored or sad anymore. One of them is a song called the simple things - Michael Carreon.

  190. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  191. Ammar irja tabah saputra
    12 IPA 1

    In the national compulsory song I like the song "ibu pertiwi " and also "gugur bunga " because I can really absorb the song and I can feel emotional in the song, in Indonesian songs I like "seperti rahim ibu ", "Dan" because of the song it describes our beloved country today, and also gives my insights about breakups. if the international songs I like "Thunderstruck" and "Take On Me" because I can be more excited, then the tone is calm

  192. Muhamad Eri Agustian
    XII IPS 5

    When I feel sad or bored I usually listen to songs from the band Noah because I think those songs are very nice to hear, and make me excited again

  193. Nama : Moch Rafli Taurimunagara
    Kelas : XII IPA 1
    No. Absen : 16

    assalamualaikum, when I am sad, I like to listen to or sing a song called "beautiful in time" which is sung by Gissel, because when I hear that song my sadness diminishes and makes me think positively about the future and believe that there will be beauty when the time comes. , but I also often recite prayers because it makes my heart calm

  194. Sania Siti Sarah
    12 IPA 1

    When I'm sad, I usually listen to the songs Sorrowful Reunion by Reality Club and Rehat by Kunto Aji. Both songs can usually represent my feelings when I'm sad, and for Rehat by Kunto Aji, the song seems to remind me to get back up.

  195. Adisa Siti N
    XII IPS 2

    The type of music I like is pop music because I think pop music usually tells about the heart's content

  196. Citra Pratiwi
    XII IPA 1

    If I'm sad, I like to listen to Fourtwnty's song. Because the music is very touching and makes me calmer. One of the songs that I like and often hear is the song "Hitam Putih".


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  Meeting 2 By Ms. Nuraeni Language features of application letter: Usually we find passive voice, present perfect, past perfect and present tense in application letter. a.   Passive voice: S + to be + V3 My curriculum vitae is attached The application letter has been sent on September 23, 2020 I can be contacted at 08624753802 or my email address b.   Present Perfect Tense: S + have/has + V3 I have graduated from University of Padjajaran in 2019 She has worked at the company for 5 years c.   Past perfect tense: S + had + V3 I had experienced in handling many customers affair when I worked at restaurant as guest relation officer. I hope you had written your curriculum vitae d.   Present Tense: S + V1 I work as secretary at one of the reputable companies in my town now. I am hard worker, good looking, and smart.   Read the following application letter and find out the language features used i...


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