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Materi Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Application Letter 4

What is CV?

According to Merriam Webster dictionary, Curriculum Vitae [noun] , or CV, is a short account of one's career and qualifications prepared typically by an applicant for a position. In Bahasa, curriculum vitae is daftar riwayat hidup yang menunjukan kualifikasi seseorang dalam menempuh jenjang karir. It is is a written overview of someone's life's work including academic formation, publications, qualifications. Another word of CV is a résumé


What is it used for and Why we should make CV?

It is usually used to apply for a job, career, and also to apply for postgraduate eduation include scholarship. In the 2010s it became popular for applicants to provide an electronic text of their CV to employers using email, an online employment website or using a job-oriented social-networking-service website, such as LinkedIn. What is Linkedln? You can search and explore by yourself, I guess.

It helps the potential employer, quickly determine that they are qualified for a job and other need. A well-crafted resume or CV should immediately demonstrate an applicant's suitability for a job interview.

How to make CV?

In the United Kingdom, most Commonwealth countries, and Ireland, a CV is short (usually a maximum of two sides of A4 paper), and therefore contains only a summary, in other word, it’s resume.

In the United States, a CV is a comprehensive document used in academic circles and medical careers that elaborate on education, publications, and other achievements. A CV contains greater detail than a résumé.

A resume or CV usually consisted of your photo and personal profile, contact, educational background, skills or competencies, work experience, and organizational experience-if needed. If the place that you apply have certain format or template, please follow the data requirements. Look at the following picture as an example of template. 


1. Photo profile

Make sure that you have good photo profile where you are seemed confident, trustworthy, and good looking.

2. Personal profile

It should be a brief introduction to yourself that picture your identity, motivation and characters.

3. Contact

Contact means how someone can connect with you. Make sure you have a clear address, phone number, email, social media, and or blog/website. Remember: do not give an unclear or difficult address, do not change your phone number, and remember your email address should be active.

4. Educational background

Be confident of your educational background, you have learned many things from your school and university so you can graduate from your alma mater.

5. Skills or competencies

Show your ability and talent in which you are competent on doing something. For the current era, 4Cs of 21st century skills are very important. Let’s say, you have good ability in communication, collaboration, creative thinking, and critical thinking and solving problems. You can also show your skills in doing like typing master 10 fingers, using computer well, good in online working, and so on and so forth.

6. Organizational experience and achievement

Your experience in doing many things during the time such as joined students’ council (OSIS), extracurricular, Olympiad-contest-competitions also can be inserted. It is a must, showing your best experiences in team work.


On the next post, I have plan to share to you about; How to make CV in Canva?, and How to make CV in Microsoft Word?



"Resume vs. Curriculum Vitae: What's the Difference? | Internship and Career Center".


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