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Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait benda dengan pewatas-keterangan berupa sifat, jenis, dan fakta keadaan/kejadian, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan prepositional phrase, adjective clause: finite dan non-finite) 

Pada dasarnya yang dimaksud dengan preposition phrase adalah suatu susunan kata yang diawali oleh preposition dan dikuti oleh object of preposition. 
Preposition: in, on, at, from, under, of, for, with.
Phrase is a group of words that doesn't have the subject and verb combination.


Please read those materials
Take some notes
Make some sentences (5) using prepositional phrase –in-on-at

An adjective clause (also called relative clause) is a dependent clause that modifies a noun or pronoun. It tells which one or what kind. Adjective clauses almost always come right after the nouns they modify.
In short, adjective clause is...
1. A dependent clause
2. A clause that give additional information
3. As like an adjective, it gives a subject/noun more information

For example, 
A boy who was smiling is my brother
Persib, whose supporters are mostly West Java Citizen
The Jury whom I respect

Relative pronoun usually use to link the subject with an adjective clause

For more understanding the materials,
Additional source:

Please write your comment here as your attendance.


  1. oke ,thank you so much Mr

    Zalfa Nadira XII IPS I /34.

  2. Thank you mr
    Raden Rima XII IPS 1 (27)

  3. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  4. Such a good and easy to understand material. From here I know that adjective clause is a dependent clause that modifies a noun or pronoun. It tells which one or what kind. And preposition phrase adalah suatu susunan kata yang diawali oleh preposition dan dikuti oleh object of preposition.
    Thank you Sir for the material
    Nadhif Aldenaf 12 IPS 1

  5. thank you Mr, i will do my task right now

    Dira Cikal (08)
    XII IPS 1

  6. Thank your for the lessons sir,i'll learning more about that.

    Moch Bintang Putra K XII IPS 1 (19)

  7. Thank youu mr
    Arsenia Dwi Putri Sagala XII IPS 1 (03)

  8. Name : Dwi Andini
    Classic : XII SOCIAL 1

    Thank you for the material Sir!


  9. Chinta Salsabila Maharanie
    XII IPS 1 (04)

    So, it can be concluded that an adjective clause always explains a noun. This adjective clause cannot stand alone and must be accompanied by the main sentence.

    thank you

    1. thank you mr i'm understand right, and i will do my task👍🏻

  10. thank you for your explanation sir.
    Kintani Dwi XII IPS 1 (13)

  11. Oke mr, thank you
    Shafa Nur Ramadani XII IPS 1 (30)

  12. Thank you Mr
    Salwa Safira XII IPS 1 (29)

  13. From that blog I was able to understand the material. Thank you mr

    Lusi Rahmawati (14)
    XII IPS 1

  14. Luthfi Akbar R
    15 - XII IPS 1

    after i read this, i became more aware of the material given. i also know what the difference of every word used.

  15. Thank you mr, for the lesson l’ll learn

    Yolanda July Anggraeni (33)
    XII IPS 1

  16. Thank you mr

    Fadlan Fadilah (11)
    XII IPS 1

  17. Thanks a lot for your material Sir...
    The material is easy understand for me...
    From here I Will do my assignment easily...

    -Aldi Mulyadi (01) XII IPS 1

  18. oke Mr, thank you so much. insyaAllah i understand the material

    Raden Karina Eriyanti (26)
    XII IPS 1

  19. Thank you Mr.
    From this blog I can understand the material.

    Utari Wulan Permata (32)
    XII IPS 1


  20. oke ,thank you so much Mr

    Ririn Salsabila (28) XII IPS 1

  21. thank you sir for the material, the material is easy to understand. I can conclude that an adjective clause is a dependent clause that modifies a noun or pronoun. and prepositional phrases word order that begins with a preposition and is followed by an object.
    NulYastin Fanani XII- IPS 1 (25)

  22. Ok, thank you mr
    Sheva Maulana Hakim XII IPS 1 (31)

  23. Thank you for the material sir
    Muhamad gersa gutara putra (20)

  24. It's so usefull, thank you so much Mr🙏

    Name : Nadia Esa (24)
    Class : XII IPA 1

  25. Oke mr, thank you so much for the material
    Irsyad m fadillah (16)


  26. Name : Ayu Febriani (04)
    Class : XII IPA 1

    Thank you Mr, now Ayu understands the difference between a prepositional phrase and an adjective clause

  27. The material is easy to understand,and thank you so much for the material mr
    M Faizal Febrian (17)
    XII IPA 1

  28. Thank you mr, very helpful to understand this material
    Fajar fathur(09) XII IPA1


  29. Thank you Mr, i'm understand the material.

    Name : Risma Aditya Meilani (31)
    Class : XII IPA 1

  30. Thank you sir , I hope this material can help me

    Name : Prasetya Pratama Putra (27)
    Class : XII IPA 1

  31. Thank you Mr, the material presented is easy to understand, this is also very helpful. I hope the knowledge is useful.

    Ingeu Siti Aisyah (15)
    XII IPA 1

  32. Name:Avenda Rasya
    Class:XII IPA 1

    thank you mr. on the material now I know that

    Now I know that the difference between prepositional phrases, phrases,. Adjective clause.
    And it turns out that a prepositional phrase is an arrangement of words that begins with a preposition and is followed by the object of the preposition.
    Prepositions: in, at, in, from, under, from, for, s
    Phrases are words that do not have a subject and verb combination.
    And also
    Adjective clause
    i.e. modifying a noun or pronoun.

  33. Thanks for the material mr.

    Gema Tri Maulana Sopandi 12
    XII IPA 1

  34. thankyou for the lesson Mr, from here I can find out what prepositional phrases and adjective clauses are, and know how to use prepositional phrases and adjective clauses properly and correctly.

    Muhammad Naufal Rasyidin (21)
    XII Natural Science 1

  35. Thank you Mr,,, for giving the matter about Prepositon phrase and adjective Clause. Now so know that , preposition phrase is a phrase beginning with preposition and followed by object of preposition. Then adjective clause to describe nouns (nouns) as well as pronoun (pronoun) in a sentence. It's easy to understand and understand.

    Adisty Fitria Az-Zahra (01)
    XII IPA 1

  36. the material is short, dense but clear and i also easy to understand. thank you mr

    name : Fanisa Nur Ramadani
    class : XII IPA 1
    number : 10

  37. Name: Mecca Madaniah
    Class: XII IPA 1
    1.Prepositional phrase is words the first preposition and the follow object of preposition. Preposition of time there are At, In and On.

    2. Adjective Clause
    A dependent caluse, clause give the information, as a like an adjective it gives a subject/ noun more information. There are who, which,whom, whose, that is.

  38. Thank you mr, this material understand

    Devin Khansa(07)
    XII IPA 1

  39. thank you mr, now i know what is prepositional phrase and adjective clause

    Risa Rindu A (30)
    12 IPA1

  40. Thank you mr, for the lesson l’ll learn

    Nadhif Azmi Pratikno(23)
    XII IPA1

  41. Thank you Mr, the material is quite easy to understand.

    Fadilah Anggelia Shafira (08)
    XII IPA 1

  42. thank you sir for the material hopefully this material can be useful for many people.

    Imron Rosadi (13)
    XII IPA 1

  43. Thank you for the material mr, the material is easy for me to understand.

    Mohammad Adit Awaludin (19)
    XII IPA 1

  44. thank you mr the material is easy to understand, so now I understand this material

    Syira Choerunnisya (35)
    XII IPA 1

  45. Thank you Mr that's very helpful

    Inez Salma A (14)
    XII IPA 1

  46. After reading this I came to know and understand about adjective clauses and prepositional phrases. and after that I know what is included in the preposition.

    Nisrina Kamila N (26)
    XII IPA 1

  47. Siti Amelia H
    XII IPA 1

    Thank you sir, now I know the meaning of prepositional phrases and adjective clauses, how to use them and examples

  48. Wn adjective clause or relative clause is a type of dependent clause that works to describe a noun in a sentence. In a sentence, adjective clauses are provide additional information about the noun, and generally start with a relative pronoun, but it can be omitted.

    Amanda Utami
    XII IPA 1

    1. I’m sorry is ‘an’ mr, not ‘wn’, and thank youu for the material its help me so well.

  49. thankyou mr for give a material about prepositional phrase and adjective clause. i can know what's about prepostional phrase ? and what's about adjective clause..

    Wening Triana (36)
    XII MIA 1


  50. Thank you sir for the material, now I understand this must be very helpful

    Reygindo Prangin Angin (29)
    XII IPA 1

  51. Thank you sir, the material presented is easy to understand and the conclusion of this material is :
    * Prepositional phrase is the arrangement of words that begins with a preposition is then followed by the object of the preposition and functions as an adverb that explains the verb, shows who does something, and explains the noun.
    * Adjective clause is a usually occurs after a modified noun or pronoun and this clause is dependent and provides additional information.

    Nabila Dwi Maulani (22)
    XII IPA 1

  52. Thank your so much sir
    Natasya Indah Permata (27)

  53. Thank you so much Mr, very useful to know...
    Sheila Futriani (32)

  54. Nadia Mulia Febria Muhtar
    12 Science 6

    Thank you sir, now I know the meaning of prepositional phrases and adjective clauses, how to use them and examples

  55. thank you mr for the material, now I understand about prepositional phrase and adjective clause

    Nazwa Bariqoh Saniyah (28)
    12 IPA 6

  56. Thank you so much for the material Sir!
    Syahla Soraya Asri Pulungan (34)
    XII IPA 6

  57. Angel Diana Winarno (04)
    XII IPA 6

    Thank you very much sir, because of this article, I understand this material better

  58. Thanks for the material sir. I've come to under stand that prepositional phrase is a group of words consisting of a preposition, its object, and any words that modify the object.

    Munawwar Kholil Wahyudi (23)
    XII IPA 6

  59. Thanks for the material sir, it's a good article.

    Chandra Rahayu (10). XII SCIENCE 6

  60. Thank you very much Sir, from now on I won't be confused anymore to use 'in', 'on' and 'at'.

    Irma Nur Alisa (14)
    XII IPA 6

  61. What a useful and easy material to understand. Thank you mr

    Nabiel Aditya XII IPA 6 (22)

  62. Thank you mr the material is easy to understand.

    Muhammad Angga Permana Putera (18)
    XII IPA 6

  63. This material article is very good, it helps me understand the material in detail and also quickly, Thank you Mr

    Rifa Mardhiyyah
    XII IPA 6

  64. Muhammad Azka Ghali Aulia (19)
    12 Science 6

    Thank you sir, now I know the meaning of prepositional phrases and adjective clauses, how to use them and examples

  65. Thanks for this material, and i think it's a good blog cause i can more easy to undesrtand it.

    Yonatan Yusak Lestari (36)

  66. Thank you mr, I find out what actually prepositional phrase and adjective clause are. Using “who, whose, whom” the material is easy to understand. It helps well especially beginners.

    Aulia Tri Sarah Zahara
    XII IPA 6


  67. thank you very much for the material mr

    Alya Qurrotul'aini (01)
    XII IPA 6

  68. Thank you very much sir, now I can understand the material

    Debria de Labiba (11)
    XII IPA 6

  69. Thank you Mr for the materials now im understand about the structure of prepositional phrase and adjective clause and the different of At, in, on

    Rifqal Fadhil Akbar (30)
    XII IPA 6

  70. Thank you sir for the material now I understand what is Preposional Phrase and what is Adjactive clause. And now I know to how use Preposional Phrase and Adjactive clause to give information with use -in-on-at-etc. I hope I can use this to I give some information to help someone. Thank you Mr

    Natanael Yohanes Gunawan 26 XII IPA 6

  71. Thank you sir for the material, so I know about adjective clauses and also prepositional phrases

    Arsy Al Haque (06)
    XII IPA 6

  72. thank you mr for the material.

    Aura Juliana putri
    XII IPA 6

  73. This article is very helpful sir, thank you so much^^

    Silva Lestari
    XII IPA 6

  74. Thanks for the material mr !!

    Muhammad fadli syaharudin
    XII IPA 6

  75. Thank you sir for the material, after reading this I know more about adjective clauses and prepositional phrases.

    Avni Siti Nur Fadillah (09)
    XII IPA 6

  76. Thank you sir, after reading this I understand the use and difference of prepositional phrases and adjective clauses.

    Nabila Aulia Kultsum (24)
    XII IPA 6

  77. Thank you Mr,I can understand this material

    Martin Kaperius T(17)
    XII IPA 6

  78. Thank you sir, this blog helped me understand adjective clause material in detail and quickly. Hopefully the knowledge is useful.

    Amelia Safitri (03)
    XII IPA6

  79. thank you sir, with this explanation I understand much more about this material and can use it when needed.

    Amalia Nur Azizah (2)
    12 IPA 6

  80. Thank you sir for the material

    Muhammad Arkan Dhiya Ulhaq (15)
    XII IPA 6

  81. thank you sir now i know what is meant by prepositional phrase and adjective clause

    Anisa Febriana XII IPA 6

  82. Thank you mr for the material, i can be more understand after read this.

    Muhammad Lutfi Nugraha
    XII-IPA 6


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