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Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2021

Short Stories #2: Get to Know the Genre

 On the Short Stories #1, you have learned about the theory of short story related to the social function, language feature, and structure. Now, let's learn about the genre of short stories. Genre  /ˈZHänrə/ a category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter. According to merriam webster, genre is a category of artistic, musical, or literary composition characterized by a particular style, form, or content. In Bahasa, genre maksudnya adalah ragam, pembagian suatu bentuk seni, dsb.  I find the genre of various short stories and or novel which are found from 1.  Animal Stories Animal stories present fictional stories where the characters are animals, legendary creatures, plants, and others. Some people call this kind of story a fable. 2.  Witty Tales Wit is the ability to use words or ideas in an amusing, clever, and imaginative way. Witty ta...

Brochure, Leaflet, Banner and Pamphlet #3

At this meeting, we have an agenda where you have to make one of the media; Brochure, Leaflet, or Banner. to promote a product, service, or event either using printed or digital media.  Remember! It should be your own original work. Today's Goals: 1) Make a concept of advertising product, service, or event 2) Make a design using brochure, leaflet, or banner Activity #1: Make a Concept The products that you can promote: Handicraft/ your handmade product Dress Culinary food/drink etc. The services that you can promote: Typing service Printing service Accounting service Photography, etc. The events that you can held and promote: Music Concert, Art Exhibition School Events Seminar, Webinar Sport competition, etc. Direction: a. Write the concept on your notebook b. Choose one product/service/event you want to promote c. Think about: What is the name of your product, service, or event? How much is the price? Where is the location? When is the time you open for service?, and so on. d....

Short Stories #1

  Hi Students, How are you Guys? Have you ever read short story(ies)? The Short Story A story is the telling of an event, either true or fictional, in such a way that the listener experiences or learns something*. Short stories are shorter than novels because they usually only tell about one incident. Like novels, short stories entertain or amuse the reader. The modern short stories have appeared since the early 19 th  century.** * ** To get the example, you may click and read; So how is the structure? 1. Orientation (it introduces the main characters and the setting, both the time and the place). 2. Complication ( This part introduces a problem the main characters face) 3. Resolution (The main characters find a solution for their problem) 4. Coda (This part gives evaluation and points out moral of the story). How about the elements?  There are five key elements that go into every...

Brochure, Leaflet, Banner and Pamphlet #2

 After you learn the material from the previous meeting, now please read and answer the questions on exercise 3 and 4 below.  Exercise 3: Similarities and differences. Write the answer on the comment of this blog. Compare and find: 1) What are the similarities between two pictures above? 2) What are the differences? Compare and find: 3) What are the similarities between three pictures above? 4) What are the differences among those pictures? Exercise 4: After you observe the pictures, answer the following questions (on the comment): 1) What do you know about these media: brochure, leaflet, banner and pamphlet? 2) What is the function of those media? 3) What those media usually promoted? 4) What kind of information must be written on those media? 5) Where are the place to publish those media? 6) Who is/are the target from those media? How to answer: -Write your students' number, your name, and class. -Exercise 3: Answer of 1,2,3,4 -Exercise 4: Answer of 1,2,3...

The Poem of XI IPS 2: The Future is Ours

This is literary work of XI IPS 2, as a masterpiece of our class The Future is Ours  (Mr) -Traveling the path to the future is not easy -like walking on a path full of challenges (09) faced all ordeals (10) When I looked up at the sky, I realized that there were many dreams there (01) Step by step I graduated with new hopes (31) No result betrays the process (17) only we can determine what the future will look like (28) gave his best to get through the obstacles (14) My ambition is getting hotter (16) There is no need to fear failure because it is part of the process to success. (15) - When the universe dilutes your dreams, bow down giving a signal to God.            Pack all your anxiety, may roar roars celebrate you. (27) joy and sorrow accompany my footsteps, knitting hope on the horizon (21) don't be afraid of what will happen (26) Don't give up looking at your bright future (22) Strive and pray that a beautiful future may come to us (23) Try witho...

Brochure, Leaflet, Banner and Pamphlet #1

  Brochure, Leaflet, Banner, and Pamphlet Have you ever seen these pictures either in print or digital? What is the definition of brochure / leaflet / banner / pamphlet ? 1. Brochure A brochure is an the informative paper document, usually used for advertising or promoting something, and paper that is folded into 3 (or more) where the front and back are filled with the content. Brochures are promotional documents, primarily used to introduce a company, organization, products or services and inform prospective customers or members of the public of the benefits. 2. Leaflet A Leaflet is a single page, printed on one or both sides in which delivered particular information or campaign about something. considered to have a better design as compared to a flyer. The standard size of a leaflet is that of an A6 sheet. In terms of cost too, it is a bit more expensive. They are mostly printed in colors. 3. Banner A banner can be a flag or other piece of cloth bearing a symbol, logo, slogan o...

Kegiatan Hari Kedua di Bulan Februari

1. Cek WA sejak pagi sebagai bentuk layanan komunikasi kepada orang tua, siswa, rekan, dan lainnya 2. Masuk kelas Grup WA X IPS 3 sebagai wali kelas 3. Membuka arsip file dokumen terkait kepegawaian dan melengkapi data tahunan 4. Pergi ke sekolah untuk penyelesaian data tahunan dan penanda-tanganan kontrak

Penggunaan Should, Have to, Must untuk Informasi terkait Keharusan

Informasi Terkait Keharusan, Larangan, dan Himbauan ( Materi Pertama Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 8 (Kurikulum Darurat) Kompetensi Dasar: 3.1 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keharusan, larangan, dan himbauan , sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan must, should)) 4.1 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keharusan, larangan, dan himbauan , dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks Tujuan Pembelajaran: Setelah mengikuti pembelajaran, siswa diharapkan untuk mampu menerapkan dan menyusun teks informasi terkait keharusan, larangan, dan himbauan. Ringkasan Materi: Penggunaan Should, Must, Have to Perhatikan contoh kalimat berikut ini: 1. We  should eat nutritional...

Postingan Pertama di Bulan Februari 2021

 Hari ini aku mendapat notifikasi untuk segera memperbarui data tahunan sebagai guru di SMA. Isinya seperti berikut ini. Assalamualaikum Ibu/bapa penerima NCR dimohon segera mengumpulkan  1. Foto Copy Ijazah terakhir Cap Basah (bagi lebih dari S1 maka S1 nya pun terlampir ) 2. SK pembagian tugas mengajar guru dan tata usaha tahun 2020/2021 3. Foto copy SK pengangkatan Awal 4. Kontrak kerja oleh kepala sekolah 5. Absensi pegawai non PNS  6. Foto copy kartu BPJS Seluruh berkas harap dimasukan ke dalam map snel hekter plastik warna merah. Berkas tersebut harap dikumpulkan paling lambat Rabu,03 Februari 2021 jam 11.00 Haturrr nuhuuun🙏