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Short Stories #1

 Hi Students,

How are you Guys?

Have you ever read short story(ies)?

The Short Story

A story is the telling of an event, either true or fictional, in such a way that the listener experiences or learns something*.

Short stories are shorter than novels because they usually only tell about one incident. Like novels, short stories entertain or amuse the reader. The modern short stories have appeared since the early 19th century.**



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So how is the structure?

1. Orientation (it introduces the main characters and the setting, both the time and the place).

2. Complication ( This part introduces a problem the main characters face)

3. Resolution (The main characters find a solution for their problem)

4. Coda (This part gives evaluation and points out moral of the story).

How about the elements? 

There are five key elements that go into every great short story: character, setting, conflict, plot and theme.


This element refers to the place and time of the story. When evaluating the setting, look for where the action takes place. In addition, the historical period may be important. 


In every story, there has to be a problem. The main character has to be challenged in some way or the story will go nowhere. There are four basic conflicts to look for that may face the main character:

Man versus man

Man versus nature

Man versus himself

Man versus society



The development of the characters is important to the short story. The characters are the heart of the story. The two primary characters are called the protagonist and the antagonist. 

The protagonist is the main character. It is not safe to call him the hero because the main character is not always heroic. He/she is the person with which the story is most concerned. 


The plot is the arrangement of the events in the story.  The plot should follow some logical sequence of events. There are five elements to look in the plot.

The Exposition-The initial events, the introduction of characters, and beginning of the story.

The Rising Action- The beginning of the conflict. Complications arise.

The Climax-This is the highest point of interest in the story.  It is the turning point that aims toward the conclusion of the story. 

The Falling Action- The events that occur which begin to resolve the conflict.

The resolution. The final plot of the end of story.


This is the controlling idea or the insight that the author wants the reader to understand at the end of the story.  The theme is often the author’s thoughts or view of a subject.

Point of view

This element of the story is how the story is told .  It also determines who will be the narrator of the story

First Person-One of the characters tells the story and interacts in the story as well.

Third Person-the author can narrate the story using a “god-like” position in which he can see into the minds of the characters.


To get the example, you may click and read;


  1. So short stories is a story that presents either fiction or real, short stories are usually also composed of 5-5000 words,

    Widy Fahmil Hafidz

  2. Short story, brief fictional prose narrative that is shorter than a novel and that usually deals with only a few characters.

    Rifqal Fadhil Akbar

  3. The conclusion that I can draw from this article is that a short story is a story that is shorter than a novel and tells an event. Even in the short story there are structures and elements to build the story.

    Angel Diana Winarno (04)
    XI IPA 6

  4. Munawwar Kholil Wahyudi 23 XI IPA 6
    So a short story is a literary work that tells an event that can be fact or fiction which consists of 4 structures, namely orientation, complications, resolution, and code. Similar to a novel, but shorter because they usually tell only one incident.

  5. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  6. Muhammad fadli syaharudin (20)
    XI IPA 6

    Short story is a story that shorter than novel because they usually only tell about one incident. The short story A story is the telling of an event, either true or fictional, in such a way that the listener experiences or learns something

  7. Aulia Tri Sarah Zahara (07)
    the conclusion
    short story is shorter than novel, it entertains us and contains fictif. short story has five elements which are character, setting, conflict, plot and theme.

  8. A short story is a fictional or real story that is shorter than a novel, usually consisting of 5-5000 words that tells about several characters in the story.

    Aura Juliana putri
    XI IPA 6

  9. Short stories tell only about one incident. There are 4 structures in the short story, namely Orientation, Complication, Resolution, and Coda. A short story also includes the five key elements of a good short story: character, setting, conflict, plot, and theme.

    Avni Siti Nur Fadillah (09)
    XI IPA 6

  10. Natanael Yohanes Gunawan 26

    Short story is one type of prose is that the story is not real and fabricated. And short story have four structure and some element.

  11. Muhammad Lutfi Nugraha
    XI-IPA 6
    Short story is a short story telling about an event and usually short story only tell about one incident.


  12. Good morning, my name is Chandra Rahayu from XI Sciense 6.
    I can concluse that short stories are shorter then novels because the short story ussualy just have a accident. In a structural of short story consist of orientation, complication, resolution and coda.
    And in short story there are some important element consist of character, setting, conflict, plot and theme.

  13. Short story is a story that usually telling one incident, the purpose is to amuse the reader. The modern short stories have appeared since the early 19th century.
    The structure order is orientation-complication-resolution-coda and the element of short story is setting,conflict,character,plot,theme and point of view

    Yonatan Yusak Lestari (36)

  14. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  15. The conclusion of the article is that the short story is similar to Movel but the story is shorter. the short story must be made according to the structure so that the short story is good

    Nama : Muhammad Azka Ghali Aulia
    Kelas : XI IPA 6
    Nomor Absen : 19

  16. Short stories are almost the same as novels but there are also differences. In short stories the plot is simpler while the plot of the novel is more complex. In short stories there may only be a few characters while in novels there tends to be more. In short stories also the conflict may be only a little.

    Nama:Arsy Al Haque
    Kelas:XI Ipa 6
    No Absen:06

  17. Natasya Indah Permata(27)
    XI IPA 6
    The Short Story is the telling of an event, either true or fictional, in such a way that the listener experiences or learns something*.
    So how is the structure?
    Orientation .
    Coda .
    This element refers to the place and time of the story.
    In every story, there has to be a problem.
    The plot is the arrangement of the events in the story.
    Point of view
    First Person-One of the characters tells the story and interacts in the story as well.


  18. The conclusion of the article is that the short story is similar to novel but the story is shorter. the short story must be made according to the structure so that the short story is good

    Nama : Muhammad Azka Ghali Aulia
    Kelas : XI IPA 6
    Nomor Absen : 19

  19. so short story is a story with the text tend to be shorter and straight to the mind compared to other works of fiction,like novell.

    Nama :Martin Kaperius T
    Kelas :XI IPA 6
    No :17


  20. Short stories are shorter than novels because they usually only tell about one incident. Like novels, short stories entertain or amuse the reader.

    Alya Qurrotul'aini (01)
    XI IPA 6

  21. Short stories are shorter than novels because they usually tell only about one incident. Like a novel, short stories entertain or entertain readers. In the short story there are 4 structures and 5 elements to build the story.

    Amelia safitri
    XI IPA 6

  22. The conclusion that I can get from this article is that a short story is a story that more shorter than a novel and tells an event , and that can be a fictional or a real story ,Even it is a short story there are structures and elements to build all of the the story

    Ichsan Fakhri Fadlurahman 13

  23. Rifa Mardhiyyah (29)
    short stories are a form of fictional narrative prose. rely on literary techniques and tend to be solid and direct to their goals compared to other, longer works of fiction

  24. Short story usually tell only one incident. So, you could say the story is shorter than the novel. Short story also have 4 structures, namely:
    1. Orientation
    2. Complication
    3. Resolution
    4. Coda
    In addition, short story have 5 main elements:
    Character, setting, conflict, plot and theme.

    Nabila Aulia Kultsum (24)
    XI IPA 6


  25. I can concluse that short stories are shorter then novels because the short story ussualy just have a accident. In a structural of short story consist of orientation, complication, resolution and coda.
    And in short story there are some important element consist of character, setting, conflict, plot and theme.

    Muhammad Arkan Dhiya Ulhaq (15) XI IPA 6

  26. Short stories are shorter than novels because they usually only tell about one incident. Like novels, short stories entertain or amuse the reader. The structures are orientation, complication, resolution, coda.

    Sheila Futriani XI IPA 6 (32)

  27. Debria de Labiba (11)
    XI IPA 6

    Short stories are shorter than novels, like novels, short stories entertain or amuse the reader. short stories has 4 structures which are orientation, complication, resolution, and coda.

  28. Short story

    A short story is the imbibe of such a thing or event in a shorter form than the novel because it relates only one problem. Its structure:
    • orientation
    • complications • resolution
    • coda

    Then elements of:
    •background •conflict

    Amalia Nur Azizah (2)

  29. A short story is a story that tells one event or insident, either true or fictional. The structures are orientation, complication, resolution, and coda. A short story have 5 main elements are character, setting, conflict, plot and theme.

    Nadia Mulia Febria Muhtar (25)
    XI IPA 6

  30. Short story is a shorter version of novel and straight to the point compated to other stories

    M. Nabiel A (22)


  31. Short storiesare shorter than novels because they usually only tell about one incident. Like novels and staright to the point' compated to other stories

    XI IPA 1
    Prasetya Pratama Putra (27)

  32. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  33. The conclusion that I can take from this article is that short stories have the same purpose as novels, namely to entertain the readers, it's just that short stories only tell 1 incident and have a more concise story. A short story also has the structure and elements to build a story.

    Muhammad Naufal Rasyidin (21)
    XI Natural Science 1

  34. The Short Story
    A story is the telling of an event, either true or fictional, in such a way that the listener experiences or learns something.

    The structure?
    1. Orientation
    2. Complication
    3. Resolution
    4. Coda

    There are five key elements that go into every great short story:

    Name : Nadia esa (24)
    Class : XI IPA 1

  35. Short stories are short literary works that are fictional in nature and tell the problems that arise briefly.

    Imron Rosadi (13)
    XI IPA 1

  36. Short stories are stories that tell an event and short stories only tell about one incident so short stories are shorter than novels.

    Fajar fathur rahman (09)
    XI IPA 1

  37. A story is the telling of an event, either true or fictional, in such a way that the listener experiences or learns something. The short story structure are orientation, complication, resolution and coda. A short story also has the five key elements that are character, setting, conflict, plot, and theme.

    Name : Nazwa Dwi Anindhita (25)
    Class : XI Science 1

  38. short story is a literary work that tells an event that can be fact or fiction which consists of 4 structures, namely orientation, complications, resolution, and code. Similar to a novel, but shorter because they usually tell only one incident.

    Name: Nadhif Azmi P(23)
    Class: XI IPA 1


  39. Short story is a story that tells one event or insident. Like novels and staright to the point' compated to other stories.

    Name : Dava Ferosdika P (06)
    Class : XI IPA 1

  40. From the article above I conclude that the short stories entertain or amuse the reader. But, short stories are shorter than novels because they usually only tell about one incident. The structure of short story is orientation, complication, resolution, and coda. Meanwhile, there are five key elements that go into every great short story: character, setting, conflict, plot and theme.

    Amanda Utami (02)
    XI IPA 1

  41. a short story is a story that is presented in a shorter manner and the story is only a basic story

    Putri Zahra Dewi Puspita
    11 ipa 1

  42. Wening Triana Pinutri (36)
    XI IPA 1
    Short story is a story that usually telling one incident, that can be fictif or real. Short story is shorter than novel. Short story has 4 structure and 5 elements, which are structure ( orentation, complication, resolution, coda) and elements ( setting, conflict, character, plot, point view)


  43. the structure in the short story is:
    1. abstract
    2. orientation
    3. complications
    4. evaluation
    5. resolution
    6. code

    Nisrina Kamila Nursya'bani (26)
    XI IPA 1

  44. Ayu Febriani
    XI IPA 1
    A story is the telling of an event, both fictional and real. A short story is shorter than a novel. usually only tells about one incident.
    examples of short stories from novels, which entertain the readers.

    The structure is there:
    1. Orientation
    2. Complication
    3. Resolution
    4. Coda

    There are key elements in every short story, namely:
    1. character
    2. the background
    3. conflict
    4. plot
    5. Themes

  45. M Faizal Febrian (17)
    XI IPA 1
    A Short story is story that tells one incident that is shorten than a novel and usually deals with only few characters.And the story can be true or just a fictional

  46. short stories : an invented prose narrative shorter than a novel usually dealing with a few characters and aiming at unity of effect and often concentrating on the creation of mood rather than plot.

    the structure :
    1. orientation
    2. complication
    3. resolution
    4. coda

    the elements :
    a. setting (place & time of the story)
    b. conflict (problem)
    c. characters
    d. plot (the arrangement of the events in the story)
    e. theme (the controlling idea)

    Fanisa Nur Ramadani
    XI Science 1


  47. Assalammualaikum
    Mecca Madaniah (18)
    XI IPA 1

    Short story is a telling of an event, either true or fictional, listener experiences or learns something. Short story shorter than novels because usually only tell about one incident. Function short story is entertain or amuse the reader. Structure short story is are orientation, complication, Resolution and coda. There are five key elemen,t this is setting, conflict, character, plot, theme and point of view. Short story usually use entertain in the show story telling.

  48. Short story is a literary work that focuses on one character in one situation at a time, a short story of less than ten thousand words. The form of writing is short, dense, and shorter than a novel. It has five key elements, namely: character, setting, conflict, plot, and theme . then the short story has a very simple characterization, short and not deep. Leave a deep impression on the reader's feelings . The structure is there ; Orientation , complication , resolution , coda.

    XI IPA 1

  49. The cloncusion id that the short story is one of the stories where the contents of the story are not real events and are only Made up.Jn the short story the structure is as follows
    And as for the elements container in the short story,including,characters,settings,conflicts plot and time

    Avenda Rasya
    XI IPA 1

  50. Short stories tell only about one incident. There are 4 structures in the short story, namely Orientation, Complication, Resolution, and Coda. A short story also includes the five key elements of a good short story: character, setting, conflict, plot, and theme.

    Irsyad 16
    XI IPA 1

  51. The conclusion that I can take is that short stories are a type of prose whose story content is real or not real events and is only made up, short story writing uses a narrative, dense language style and straight to the core of the story.

    The structure in the short story is :
    1. abstract
    2. orientation
    3. complications
    4. evaluation
    5. resolution
    6. coda

    Syira Choerunnisya (35)
    XI IPA 1

  52. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  53. The Short Story

    A story is the telling of an event, either true or fictional, in such a way that the listener experiences or learns something.

    * Structure
    1. Orientation
    2. Complication
    3. Resolutstion
    4. Coda

    * There are key elements in every short story, namely:
    1. Character
    2. Setting
    3. Conflict
    4. Plot
    5. Themes

    Risma Aditya Meilani (31)
    XI IPA 1

  54. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  55. The conclusion
    Short stories are stories that tell the story of an entertaining event. Short stories have four structures and five elements.

    Name: Ingeu Siti Aisyah (15)
    Class: XI IPA 1

  56. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  57. The conclusion of the article is that the short story is similar to Movel but the story is shorter. the short story must be made according to the structure so that the short story is good.

    Gema Tri Maulana Sopandi 12 XI IPA 1

  58. A short story is a story of an event, either true or fictional. Short stories are shorter than novels because they usually only tell about one incident. Like novels, short stories entertain or amuse the reader. The structure in the short story is Orientation, Complication, Resolution, and Coda. Short story elements are Setting, Conflict, Character, Plot, and Them.

    XI IPA 1

  59. To conclude,short stories have the same purpose as novels, namely to entertain the readers,but Short stories are shorter than novels because they usually only tell about one incident. The short story structure are orientation, complication, resolution and coda. A short story also has the five key elements that are character, setting, conflict, plot, and theme.

    Name :Mohammad Adit Awaludin (19)
    Class : XI Natural Science 1

  60. short story is an invented prose narrative shorter than a novel usually dealing with a few characters and aiming at unity of effect and often concentrating on the creation of mood rather than plot.
    • structure of short story
    1. Orientation
    2. Complication
    3. Resolution
    4. Coda
    • There are five key elements that go into every great short story: character, setting, conflict, plot and theme.

    Siti Amelia Hazimah (32)
    XI IPA 1

  61. A short story is a story that tells an event that is shorter than a novel and usually only covers a few characters, and the story can be true or just fictional. Modern short stories have appeared since the early 19th century
    Name: Sulthon
    Class: XI IPA 1

  62. A short story is a story that tells an event that is shorter than a novel and usually only covers a few characters, and the story can be true or just fictional. Modern short stories have appeared since the early 19th century
    Name: Sulthon
    Class: XI IPA 1

  63. Short stories have deep roots and the power of short fiction has been recognized in modern society for hundreds of years. The short story is usually concerned with a single effect conveyed in only one or a few significant episodes or scenes

    Reygindo Prangin Angin (29)
    XI IPA 1

  64. The Short Story
    A short story is telling an event so that the listener can pick up or learn something. Short stories have four structures and five elements.
    (•) Four structures are contained in the short story: orientation, complication, resolution, and coda.
    (•) The five key elements of a good short story: character, setting, conflict, plot, and theme.

    Nabila Dwi Maulani (22)
    XI IPA 1

  65. Assalamualaikum Mr
    Name: Ferdyan Akbar Gunadi
    Class: XI IPA1

    The Short Story
    A story is the telling of an event, either true or fictional, in such a way that the listener experiences or learns something

  66. name: devin k
    class: xi ipa 1

    A story is the telling of an event, either true or fictional, in such a way that the listener experiences or learns something
    Short stories are shorter than novels because they usually only tell about one incident. Like novels, short stories entertain or amuse the reader. The modern short stories have appeared since the early 19th century

  67. Farhan M Achdiat
    XI IPS 2

    A short story is a story that is shorter than a novel, because it usually only tells about one incident. short stories entertain readers. Modern short stories have appeared since the early 19th century.

  68. Name : Aldi Adriansyah R
    Class : XI Social 2

    A short story is a story that is fully developed but is shorter than a novel story and is longer than a fable story. It has simple problems and is not as complex as the problems in the novel so that this story can be read in just a few minutes

    Structure short story is Orientation, Compilation, Resolution, and Coda

    Elements short story is Setting, Conflict, Character, Plot, Theme, and Point Of View (POV)

  69. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  70. Name: Mesa Anastasa
    Class: 11 ips 2

    Short stories are a type of prose where the contents of the story are not real events and are just made up. The number of words in the short story is not more than 10,000 words. Short story writing uses a narrative, concise and direct language style to the core of the story.

  71. Nama : Risma Siti Zakiah Zulfa
    Kelas : XI IPS 2

    In conclusion, a short story is a fictional or real story written by telling a short story, with four structures, namely orientation, complications, resolution and coda and there are also elements, namely conflict, character, planning, themes and points of view.

  72. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  73. Short story tell only about one incident. Like novels, short stories entertain or amuse the reader. Short story also have 4 structures, orientation, complication, resolution, and coda. Short story have 5 main elements
    character, setting, conflict, plot and theme.

    Laura Sabila (15)
    XI IPS 2

  74. Name: Ria Nur Aletha (26)
    Class: 11 social 2
    A story is the telling of an event, whether real or fictional. Short stories are shorter than novels because they usually only tell about one incident.
    Has structure
    2. Complications
    3. Resolution
    4. Coda

  75. Name: Abigail Febriannie
    Class: XI-IPS 2

    The definition of short stories is a type of literary work in the form of prose that is packaged briefly, and tells a fictional story centered on one character along with the conflict and its resolution. 
    The structure is: 

    There are five key elements: character,setting,conflict,plot,and theme

  76. Name : Moch Azkia I (19)
    Class : XI Social 2

    Short stories are stories that tell real or fictional events. Short stories use several elements (orientation, compilation, etc.)

  77. Name : Khalida Fasha R P
    Class : XI IPS 2

    Short stories are literary works that depict real events or short fiction. Short stories are made so that readers get entertainment, can motivate readers and get messages.

    Short stories have 4 structures, namely orientation (introduction), complications (problems), resolution (solutions), and coda (moral points). In addition, short stories have 5 elements, namely character, setting, conflict, plot, and theme.


  78. sebagai:
    Nenci Qori Ainaya (23) XI IPS 2
    The short story is a story that is not real and this short story also tells only one incident, the content is also straight to the point.


  79. Name : Hilwa Abiyyah Khansa
    Class : XI IPS 2
    Short stories are usually shorter than novels, because they tell only one incident. Short stories contain stories about events, both real and fictional. There are 4 short story structures, namely: orientation, complications, resolution, coda. Short stories also have 5 elements, namely: setting, conflict, character, plot, theme

  80. Luthfi Akbar Rasyidin
    15 - XI IPS 1

    so, the short story is a story is the telling of an event, either true or fictional, in such a way that the listener experiences or learns something. short stories are shorter than novel. the structure of short story are orientation, complication, resolution and coda. next the elements. namely character, setting, conflict, plot and theme. thank you.

  81. Short stories are fictional or real stories that are shorter than novels, and usually also consist of 5-5000 words that tell about some of the characters in the story.

    Arsenia Dwi Putri Sagala
    XI IPS 1

  82. a short story is a story that resembles a novel but is a short and compact version, the story is also made to attract readers' interest in reading.

    zalfa nadira putri
    XI IPS I (34).


  83. Name: Erika alya wulandari
    Class : XI-IPS-1

    The conclusion that I can draw from this article is that short stories are one type of process that tells a story that tells a real event.

  84. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  85. Short stories are shorter than novels because they only tell one incident. Modern short stories have appeared since the early 19th century. There are also structures and elements so that the short story is neatly and perfectly composed so as to form the desired short story.

    Raden Karina Eriyanti
    XI IPS 1 (26).


    Short story is the telling of an event which usually in the story there is conflict between characters.

    Short story structure:
    1. Orientation
    2. Complications
    3. Resolution
    4. Coda

  87. so short stories is a story that present is real,because they usually tell only about one incident.

    Maya Nurhaliza(18)
    XI IPS 1

  88. A short story is a story that tells an event and tells only an incident a short story is also shorter than the novel

    Yolanda july anggraeni
    XI IPS 1

  89. short story is the story that tell of an event, either true or fiction. short story are shorter than novel because it only tell one incident. Short story also have a structure, and it's structure are : orientation, complication, resolution, coda

    Nadhif Aldenaf
    XI-IPS 1

  90. Lusi Rahmawati (14)
    XI IPS 1
    Short story is a fictional or true story, short story is shorter than the novel, short story also relates one incident. And it has orientation structures, complications, resolutions, and coda

  91. Cerpen atau cerita pendek yang menyerupai novel namun lebih pendek cerita nya, cerpen hanya menceritakan sebuah kecadian yang nyata maupun fiksi

    Daffa Islam Ramadhan
    XI IPS 1 (05)

  92. Name:Nulyastin fanani
    Class: XI IPS 1

    A story is telling a true or fictitious event a short story is shorter than the novel, a short story has several structures
    1. Orientation
    2. Complication
    3. Resolution
    4. Koda
    and master had five elements in each short story of organizational, character, conflict,plot, and theme.

  93. Name:Nulyastin fanani
    Class: XI IPS 1

    A story is telling a true or fictitious event a short story is shorter than the novel, a short story has several structures
    1. Orientation
    2. Complication
    3. Resolution
    4. Koda
    and master had five elements in each short story of organizational, character, conflict,plot, and theme.

  94. Name : Shafa Nur Ramadani
    Class: XI IPS 1 (30)

    short stories are a type of prose where the contents of the story are not real events and are only made up. The number of words in the short story is not more than 10,000 words. Short story writing uses a narrative, concise and direct language style to the core of the story.

  95. the short story have five elements , there are character , setting , conflict , plot and theme . and have the structure too , the stucture is orientation complication , resolation , and , soda .

    Raden Rima Sinta Noor Indah
    XI IPS 1

  96. Short stories are short stories that tell an event and usually short stories only tell about one event or incident that occurred.

    Muhammad Reza Pahlevy
    XI IPS 1


  97. Short stories (short stories) are a type of prose where the contents of the story are not real events and are only made up. The number of words in the short story is not more than 10,000 words. Short story writing uses a narrative, concise and direct language style to the core of the story.

    Raihan Putra Nurmansyah
    XI IPS 2

    XI IPS 1

    A story is the telling of an event, either true or fictional, in such a way that the listener experiences or learns something. Short stories are shorter than novels because they usually only tell about one incident.

    1. Orientation
    2. Complication
    3. Resolutstion
    4. Coda

    There are five key elements that go into every great short story: character, setting, conflict, plot and theme.


  99. Short stories are usually short stories unlike novels and have only one conflict.
    Short story structure:
    1. Orientation
    2. Complications
    3. Resolution
    4. Coda

    Kintani Dwi Lestari
    XI IPS 1

  100. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    XI IPS 1

    A story is the telling of an event, either true or fictional, in such a way that the listener experiences or learns something. Short stories are shorter than novels because they usually only tell about one incident.

    1. Orientation
    2. Complication
    3. Resolution
    4. Coda

    There are five key elements that go into every great short story: character, setting, conflict, plot and theme.

  102. Dira Cikal Rahnawati (08)
    XI IPS 1

    short story is a story the telling of an event, either true or fictional, in such a way that the listener experiences or learns something.

    The structure of short story are :
    1. Orientation
    2. Complication
    3. Resolution
    4. Coda

    There are five key elements that go into every great short story : 1. Setting
    2. Conflict
    3. Character
    4. Plot
    5. Theme


  103. Name : Ririn Salsabila
    Class : XI IPS 1

    The conclusion of the article is that the short story is similar to the novel, but the story is shorter. The short story must be made in accordance with the structure so that the short story is good and can be understood.

  104. Aldi Mulyadi 01 XI-IPS 1

    The short story

    A short story is the telling of an event,either true/fictional.Short stories are shorter than novels because they usually only tell about one incident.


    6.Point Of View.

  105. A story is telling a true or fictitious event a short story is shorter than the novel, a short story has several structures:
    and master had five elements in each short story of organizational, character, conflict,plot, and theme.

    Name : Moch Bintang Putra K
    Class : XI Social 1

  106. Name:Dika Aulia Rahman.
    Class:XI-IPS 1
    Summary Short story :

    A short story is the telling of an event.Short stories are shorter than novels because they usually only tell about one incident.


    6.Point Of View.

  107. Short stories are the telling of real or fictional events. Short stories are usually easier to understand and very quick to read than novels. Short stories have a structure of orientation, complication, resolution and coda. I also really like short stories because there are many lessons to be learned.

    •Gita Akmelia B
    •XI SOCIAL 2


  108. A short story is a piece of prose fiction that typically can be read in one sitting and focuses on a self-contained incident or series of linked incidents, with the intent of evoking a single effect or mood.

    ( XI IPS 1 )

  109. short story usually only tell about one incident, therefore short story are shorter than novels. To make a perfect short story there are 4 structures :
    1. Orientation
    2. Complication
    3. Resolution
    4. Coda
    and there are also 5 elements that must be present in the short story namely : character, setting, conflict, plot and theme.

    Salwa Safira XI IPS 1 (29)

  110. Short story are interesting story from events that can entertain and provide messages to readers. Short story have a structure of orientation, complications, resolution, and coda. In addition, the short story also has 5 elements namely character, setting, conflict, plot, and theme. In my opinion, short story are easier to understand because the stories are not too long and there are not too many conflicts in them.

    Mala Pranggiati (16)
    XI IPS 2

  111. So short story is a story that tells an event in a shorter form than a novel with 4 structures, namely: Orientation, Complication, Resolution, and Coda. And also has 5 elements namely: character, setting, conflict, plot, and theme.

    Silva Lestari
    XI IPA 6

  112. a short story is a story that has a conflict in its usually simple story. the structure of the short story includes; orientation, complication, resolution, and coda. short stories also have key elements in the story includes; setting, conflict, character, plot, theme and point of view.

    Syahla Soraya Asri Pulungan (34)
    XI IPA 6

  113. Short stories are stories that can contain fact or fiction. Short stories usually only focus on one problem so there are not too many characters. The structure is the same as the novel, which consists of orientation, complications, resolution, and coda.

    Irma Nur Alisa (14)
    XI IPA 6

  114. Short story is an invented prose narrative shorter than a novel usually dealing with a few characters and aiming at unity of effect and often concentrating on the creation of mood rather than plot.
    The structure of short story are : orientation, complication, resolution, and coda. The elements on short story includes: setting, conflict, character, plot, theme, and point of view.
    Nazwa Bariqoh Saniyah (28)
    XI IPA 6

  115. Anisa Febriana (05)
    XI IPA 6

    a short story is a fictional literary work, usually no more than 10,000 words. And short stories are not the same as novels, short stories have only one problem while novels are the opposite. The structure of the short story includes orientation (character introduction), complications (problems arise and raises them), resolution (problem solving), and coda (lessons learned from the story).

  116. HUMAIRA
    XI IPS 2

    From this article I learned a lot about short stories
    Short stories are short works of fiction, usually written in prose. The content of short stories is usually solid and goes straight to the core of the story and in short stories it also has 4 elements, namely orientation, complication, resolution, and coda.


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