Recount - Biography Text
Tujuan Pembelajaran: Setelah mengikuti pembelajaran, siswa diharapkan mampu membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks recout lisan dan tulis dalam bentuk biografi tokoh terkenal; dan mampu menangkap makna serta menyusun teks recount lisan dan tulis, dalam bentuk biografi terkait tokoh terkenal sesuai konteks.
Learning goals:
- Students will be able to differentiate a social function, the structure of the text, and the language features of several texts.
- Students will be able to understand meaning get a new understanding of famous people's life.
- Students will be able to arrange a recount biography text about their precious people
A recount is a text which retells event or experiences in the past, meanwhile, a biography is a detailed description of a person's life includes the basic facts like education, work, relationships, and death. By learning the recount biography text, we can know about someone's actions and previous values that make him/her famous.
A recount text usually has the below structure:
- Orientation : It gives the readers the background information needed to understand the text, such as who was involved, where it happened, and when it happened.
- Events : A series of events, ordered in a chronological sequence.
- Re-orientation :A personal comment about the event or what happened in the end.
Language feature used in a recount text:
– Using the simple past tense, past continuous tense, past perfect tense, and past perfect continuous tense.
– Using the verbs in the past tense / perfect past participle.
– Focus on the specific participant, e.g. I (the writer)
– Using the conjunctions, such as: then, before, after, etc.
Example of biography text.
Barack Obama is the 44 President of the United States of America. He is also the winner of the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize. He made history in 2008 when he won the U.S. presidential election. He is the first African American to be President. Obama's charisma, intelligence, and powerful speeches have made him extremely popular with many Americans. He has been very successful with his message for change.
Obama was born in Hawaii in 1961 to a black Kenyan father and white American mother. His parents divorced and his mother married an Indonesian man. Barack's family moved to Indonesia in 1967. He attended schools in Jakarta until he was ten years old, when he returned to Hawaii. Obama majored in political science and international relations at Columbia University in New York.
After four years in New York, Obama moved to Chicago. There, he worked as the director of a community project from 1985 to 1988. He entered Harvard Law School and became the first black president of the Harvard Law Review. Obama taught law at the University of Chicago Law School for twelve years. He became an Illinois Senator in 1996.
In 2004, Obama was elected as a U.S. Senator. He supported legislation on conservation, energy, immigration and honest leadership. Obama is currently battling with serious issues such as the economy. He beat Mitt Romney to win a second term in office, despite a poor economy and high unemployment. He thanked voters by promising to spend his second term honoring their support, saying: "There's a lot more work to do."
Sources: and assorted biographies.
Now, my students please follow the instruction for today's learning.
Activitiy 1
Pada buku tulismu, buatlah empat bagian berisi;
1). Definisi, apa yang kamu ketahui tentang biografi?, 2). Ciri-ciri dari teks biografi, 3). Daftar tokoh yang kamu ketahui, 4). Tuliskan satu kalimat mengenai biografi tokoh terkenal yang kamu ketahui.
Activity 2
Activity 2: Tuliskanlah sebanyak mungkin nama-nama tokoh terkenal yang kamu ketahui. Lalu pilihlah salah satu tokoh tersebut, temukanlah biografinya, baca, dan ringkaslah. Tuliskan biografi singkatnya di buku tulismu.
Activity 3. Give your comment. What can you learn from this material?
Dhiyaa NW (11)
BalasHapusX IPS 3
I came to know what a text biography is and about Barack Obama's biography.
Irgan Sugriansyah (17)
BalasHapusX IPS 3
I came to know the biography of a former president of America, Barrack Obama
Chantika APF (09)
BalasHapusX IPS 3
learning the recount biography text, we can know about someone's actions and previous values that make him/her famous.
And for example that is Barack Obama biography the 44 President of the United States of America.
Annisa Tsuraya Haifa (04)
BalasHapusX IPS 3
I came to find out what barack Obama's biographies, biographical structures, and biographies are.
Sania Elfarini Rahmalia
BalasHapusX IPS 3 (29)
What I can learn is that I know what a biographical text is along with an example of a biographical text, I also know the biography of an American president, Barack Obama.
Najwa Zultan
BalasHapusX IPS 3
In studying this material I can find out about biography text, how it relates to a text recount. Language feature for writing biography text, and then, structure for making biography text.
BalasHapusSyabilla Alfatiya (33)
This article is good and useful as well, the information is very complete. I came to know what is biography text, structure, languange feature, etc. And the text biography Barac Obama, i came to know about her backround, and his life journey.
I came to know the biography text, I can know about someone's experience, action.
BalasHapusI came to find biographic structures.
M Dika Salman Fikry
BalasHapusX IPS 3
By studying this material I know what a text biography is, the structure of the biography, and the language features of the biography.
Name: Gusdi Rianto N
BalasHapusClass: X IPS 3
I can learn a biography text starting from its structure and characteristics, and also I can learn from someone's life in a biography text such as the example above, the life of Barack Obama.
NAME :Felinda
BalasHapusClass : X IPS 2
learn about recount text biographies.
and I understand a little about compiling oral and written Recount Text and there
BalasHapusClass: X IPS 2
Absent: 21
in this blog I can learn / see about biographical texts, how to change them with telling texts. Features language for biographical texts, then structure for making biographical texts.
Name: Nalairta Naurah
BalasHapusAbsent: 23
Class: X - IPS 2
I came to know the biography of Barack Obama, I also came to understand the shape of the biographical text as well as the structure of the text and the language in the biographical text
Najwa Aulia Suwandini (22)
BalasHapusX IPS 2
In this material, we can find out about the biographical text, how it relates to the recount text. such as social functions, text structure, and linguistic elements of several oral and written recout texts in the form of biographies of famous figures.
M.Aghisna Alghifari Sudrajat (16)
BalasHapusX IPS 2
Thank you, because I can learn more about the biographical text and Obama's way of life
Name :Indam Syaharani P (14)
BalasHapusClass : X IPS 2
I came to know what recount text, biographical text, recount text structure, recount text language and also about Barack Obama's biography.
name: akasyah amalia putri
BalasHapusabsent: 02
class: x ips 2
know more clearly about the biographical text
Name: Widya Amelia Rahma (32)
BalasHapusClass: X Ips 2
In this lesson, Widya learned about biographical texts, starting from the structure and features of language. Widya also read about Barack Obama's biography.
BalasHapusI came learn a text biography.
And i know what is a text biography, structure, and characteristics . And also about Barack Obama's Biography
BalasHapusName:Ananda M Farel F
Class: X IPS 2
Absent: 06
When i read this material, now i learn alot about biographical texts, like language Features, structure text and more.
Name: Maharani Fairuz
BalasHapusClass: X IPS 2
Absent: 18
I know about Barack Obama from the biographical text and know the structure of the biographical text
Alda sri aprijah
BalasHapusX ips 2
I came to know about Recount Text and Biographical Text, then about Definition, Characteristics of biographical texts and biographies Barack obama president american
Alda sri aprijah (04)
BalasHapusX ips 2
I came to know about Recount Text and Biographical Text, then about Definition, Characteristics of biographical texts and biographies Barack obama president american
Name : m falah putra dewi
BalasHapusClass : X-IPS 2
Absent number: 17
In this blog I can get to know more about the biographical text, as well as a biography about Barack Obama
BalasHapusName: Rahma Camelia (26)
Class: X-IPS 2
After studying it, I know what a biographical text, recount text, and its structure.
Name: Nyimas Siti N
BalasHapusClass: X IPS 2
I've learn a text biography.
And i know what is a text biography, structure, and characteristics . And also about Barack Obama's Biography
Name: Diva Aulia Bintang
BalasHapusClass: X IPS 2
After studying biographical texts, I came to know what a biographical text is, the structure, the language features of the text and Barack Obama's biography
Name : Eva fauziah
BalasHapusClass : x ips 4
Absen : (10)
I can learn a biography text starting from its structure and characteristics, and also I can learn from someone's life in a biography text such as the example above, the life of Barack Obama.
Name:Feby Febrianti
BalasHapusClass: X IPS 4
I can learn a biography text starting from its structure and characteristics, and also I can learn from someone's life in a biography text such as the example above, the life of Barack Obama.
BalasHapusKELAS : X-IPS 4
No Absen : 14
After reading this material I know what a biographical text is, its text structure, and its linguistic characteristics. Besides that I can find out the biography of the 44th US President
Name: Syeira Salsabila Sepgireinata
BalasHapusClass: X IPS 4
What I can learn from this material is that I know what a biographical text is, its relation to recount text, the structure of the biographical text, the language features it uses and examples of biographical texts.
I also learned about Barack Obama's biography.
Name : Anisa Fuji Rahayu
BalasHapusClass : X IPS 4
learn about biographical texts, and I understand what is the meaning of a bography, its structure, and a biography of the Barack Obama
BalasHapusX IPS 4
dari materi ini saya pdalah mengetahui apa itu teks biografi, kaitannya dengan teks recount, struktur teks biografi, ciri-ciri bahasa yang digunakan dan contoh teks biografi .
Sy jg jadi tau tentang biografi Barack Obama
Ijin tulis ulang karena ada salah penulisan
Hapusdari materi ini saya dapat mengetahui apa itu teks biografi, kaitanny dengan teks recount, struktur biografi, ciri-ciri bahasa yang digunakan dan contoh teks biografi.
Sy jg jadi tau tentang biografi Barack Obama
Name:Argyo Maynath
BalasHapusClass:X IPS 4
From this material I can find out what a biographical text is, its relation to recount text, biographical structure, characteristics of the language used and examples of biographical texts
I also came to know about Barack Obama's biography
Name : Salma Rahimatunnisa
BalasHapusClass : X IPS 3
I learned that Barrack Obama had lived in Indonesia, and made him a role model for me in the future
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusName:Kayla Putri
BalasHapusClass:XIPS 2
i know what is biography text ,structure from biography,Language features in biography text ,and i can take good information to apply to my life from that character
Name : Eva fauziah
BalasHapusClass : X IPS 4
This article is good and useful as well, the information is very complete. I came to know what is biography text, structure, languange feature, etc. And the text biography Barac Obama, i came to know about her backround, and his life journey.
Name : Dava Adira
BalasHapusclass : X IPS 4
I came to know the biography of Barack Obama, I also came to understand the shape of the biographical text as well as the structure of the text and the language in the biographical text
BalasHapusName : Siti Zahra Nurfitri Mulyadi
Class : X IPS 4
after I studied the biographical text, I came to know what a biographical text is, the structure of the biography and the language features of the biographical text and also know the biography of Barack Obama.
Name: Ratna Fanny Devi
BalasHapusClass: X IPS 4
After I read this blog, I know what the biographical text. I know the constituent structure and the language feature of the biographical text. And there is also a sample biographical text about Barack Obama, and I definitely understand.
What I can learn is that I know what a biographical text is along with an example of a biographical text, I also know the biography of an American president, Barack Obama.
BalasHapusYushiana end a ng
Calista Rizky Pratiwi (08)
BalasHapusX IPS 3
After I read this article, I came to know about the structure and languange feature of recount biography text, that include the example of Barack Obama biography text.
I came to know what recount text, biographical text, recount text structure, recount text language and also about Barack Obama's biography.
In recount biography, i was able to learn more about and know more about any of the positive behavior or things that motivated us, that include the example of Barack Obama biography text.
BalasHapusM Deryl Maulana Rustandy