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 Materi Kelas 12 Bahasa Inggris Peminatan

(KD Kurikulum Darurat)


Hi, students. How's your life?

We are going to review the review text materials. After you learn for a few weeks, you are going to get an explanation about the definition, social function, structure, and language features of the review text. Thanks to you that have submitted the review text made by yourself. 

So, what is a Review Text?

According to, Review text is an evaluation of a publication, such as a movie, book, video game, musical composition; a piece of hardware like a car, home appliance, or computer; or an event or performance, such as a live music concert, a play, musical theatre show or dance show.

In Bahasa, Teks Reviu adalah sebuah evaluasi dari publikasi seperti film, buku, video game, komposisi musik, dan lain sebagainya. Jenis teks ini bertujuan untuk meninjau atau menilai suatu karya, baik film, buku dan sebagainya.

How about the social function?

By reviewing certain publications or products, you can know about the positive and negative about that or you also can be motivated to watch that movie, to read the book, to use the product, and so on.

What are the structures of this text?

  • Orientation : Background information of the text.
  • Evaluations : Concluding statement : judgement, opinion, or recommendation. It can consist ot more than one.
  • Interpretative Recount : Summary of an art works including character and plot.
  • Evaluative Summation : The last opinion consisting the appraisal or the punch line of the art works being criticized.
How about the language features?
-Generally, a review text use Present tense to describe about the whole evaluation.
-Using long and complex clauses. The sentences to review a movie, book, product or other usually in the form of compound or even complex. That's because the review text is not as simple as a sentence.

How to write a review text of a movie?

Posted by New York Film Academy, there are nine tips you can do to succeed in writing a movie review.
1. Watch the film at least once.
2. Express your opinions and support your criticism.
3. Consider your audience.
4. Know the Actors’ portfolios.
5. Call out directors, cinematographers, special effects.
6. Study the professionals.
7. Reread, rewrite and edit.
8. Find your voice.
9. No spoilers!



  1. Oh my God im so happy learn this material

  2. Thank you Mr, this article makes me better understand about the definition, function, structure, language features of the Review Text Material, as well as some tips that make myself more directed in compiling a review text.

    •Adrian Fauzan Rahman
    XII IPA 6

  3. Thank you Mr, after reading this I have a better understanding of the review text. you explain very well and easy to understand, thank you.

    Ananda Aisya
    12 IPA 6

  4. thank you sir, from this article i can learn more about the definition, function, structure, language features of the Review Text Materials and makes me better understand about this topic 🙏🏻

    Sarah Aufa, 12 IPA 6

  5. after re-open this material, i can read this material again, so I quite understand about this material, Thanks Sir

    - Ulfa Dwie Sofiaty
    XII IPA 6


  6. thank you mr, with this article I can know what is review text, and what is its function, structure, and language. This is very useful for me.

    Nazwa Dwi Aulia
    12 IPA 6

  7. Thank you mr, after read this article i know about definition, function, structure, language features of the review text, and now im understand

    Risya Rizkia Zahrani
    XII IPA 6

  8. Thank you mr, after I read this article I better understand what is the review text, the explanation in this article is very easy to understand and with thid article I can know what us riview text.

    Nawal Salsabila Rustandi
    XII IPA 6

  9. thank you mr, after reading this article I became more aware of the review text

    - Lira Fahira M
    XII IPA 6

  10. This is a great article, providing information on what the review text is and some of the features of the review text. This article adds me more knowledge about review text. Thanks for the information.

    Fatimah Aulia Rahmah
    XII IPA 6

  11. Thank you Mr, after reading this article i know about definition, function, structure,languagefeatures.
    And now insya Allah im understand mr

    -Zavier Syamad
    XII IPA 6

  12. after learning this lesson I really understand and understand. Thank you

    Astri Lafenia
    12 IPA 6

  13. Thank you for the article, Mr. this article is easy to understand

  14. Thank you for the article, Mr. this article is easy to understand. I understand about the purpose of the text review

    Fitri Amalia
    12 IPA 6


  15. Thanks Mr this is really good article for studying about review text. This article is easy to understand and very good to the students

    Mochammad Nurfilah
    12 IPA 6

  16. Thank you Mr,this article make me more understanding about review text gains more knowledge. thank you very much

    Calvin Juan
    12 IPA 6


  17. Thank you Mr, after reading this I have a better understanding of the review text. you explain very well, thank you !

    Hani Yesicha T
    XII IPS 2

  18. thanks a lot sir, thanks to this article I know more and more things about text review. starting from the understanding of definition text review, social function, structure, and language features. And this article is easy to understand and very good for students.

    XII IPS 2

  19. thank you sir, after reading this article i know more and understanding ofthe review text.

    Yunita Herliyani
    XII IPS 2

  20. thank you sir, after I read this I better understand what a review text is and how to create and determine a good and correct review text.

    Adrian Malik Ramdhani
    XII IPS 2

  21. Dizna Audia Rachman
    12 IPS 2

    after reading this article,
    I know better what the review text is. here I understand what reveiw text is, what structure should I use in compiling reveiw text, how is the social function in this text, about how the language is used in the review text and what is no less important is how to write reveiw tejs with good.

  22. Thank you, sir. I have read very clear and complete information, I have become more understanding about the review text, thank you

    Wafa PN
    12 IPS 2


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